All Chapters of AFFAIR WITH MR ROLLAND: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
138 Chapters
Twenty one
However, as soon as she opened the door, she saw someone that she didn't expect to see. “Why are you back so early?” Jasmine asked, walking in. Maria was seated on the two-seater couch watching TV, she frowned right when she saw Jasmine walk in. Then she raised her leg on the couch before placing her hand on it. “I left early since someone was taking all the attention,” Maria answered without sharing Jasmine a glance. Jasmine smiled and gently went to sit beside her. “Are you talking about me?” She asked, looking at her friend who still didn't share her a glance. Maria didn't respond to her, she kept her focus on the TV, which made Jasmine smile. Seeing that Maria wouldn't pay attention to her, she decided to go to her room and sleep as she was tired. Jasmine had just stood up when she heard Maria’s voice, “Doesn't this make you a slut? Having all these men at your beck and call, and then wearing a tiny dress to get their attention?” Maria looked at her.The words Maria said ma
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Twenty Two
Amira picked up her phone, which was on the left side of the table, and then dialed a number. It was Jasmine’s number. The phone rang and she picked up almost immediately.“Yes?” Jasmine’s voice sounded at the other end. “Hi, Jasmine. Am I bothering you?” Amira’s voice sounded gentle. “No,” Jasmine simply replied, although she was confused as to why Amira called her. Jasmine sat up, wondering if Donovan had told her to call. Although she knew the chance of this was very slim. “The boss has been stressing me out with yelling and yelling, can I come to your place to relieve my stress? I have no friends to go to.” Amira's voice sounded pathetic, which made Jasmine pity her. Jasmine kept quiet for a while before considering. “Alright, but I have a roommate? Would you be comfortable?” She asked to be sure, especially now that she and Maria were not on good terms. “Yes, there is no need. I'll buy something edible!” Amira uttered excitedly before ending the call. Meanwhile; Jasmine
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“You never told me you do women too,” Maria uttered, she had seen the way Amira behaved, and she knew instantly that she was a lesbian. Hearing this, Jasmine turned to Maria. She raised her brows confused wondering what was talking about. “What are you saying?” Jasmine asked, her eyes fixated on her. She watched Maria go back into her room without responding to her. Jasmine thought it was weird, but again, she knew Maria was in her jealousy phase. Getting into her room, she picked a nice gown and then a bag to match. With this, she called a taxi to carry her to her destination. In the car, she couldn't help but think about Donovan. She wondered how he was doing. How could he just kiss her and disappear like that? Once he was nice to her and another time he was a monster. Jasmine wondered if he was bipolar, no one should behave like that. Soon, the car halted at her destination. She paid the cabman before going down and then looked at the building in front of her. It had been a whi
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Donovan entered his car without saying a word to Doctor Miles about Jasmine. Hearing those things about her made his heart twitch several times, he didn't know she had such a responsibility. Is this the reason she became a dancer? Donovan thought, looking into his space. Then he started rubbing his heart because it was beating swiftly. He looked out his window again and at the same time his phone beeped, he looked at it and saw Andre’s name. “Dude, did you change the lock to your house?” Andre’s voice sounded angry. Donovan rolled his eyes. “How do you keep forgetting the passcode when you're always in my house,” He asked. “What?” “Dude, it's five four—four five, not the other way around.” Donovan sighed. Andre can be so forgetful at times. There were a few minutes of silence before Andre laughed victoriously over the phone. “Ah, I keep mixing the numbers.” Donovan rolled his eyes again and ended the call. Soon, the car reached home and Donovan got out before the driver
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Eventually, Jasmine got off the bed since the alarm wouldn't stop ringing. She sat up with a sigh and then threw her pillow toward the alarm. She was determined the night before and set up the alarm. Likewise, she made up her mind to get to the office before Donovan and complete all the work meant for the secretary. This way, Donovan would be impressed with her. She found her way off the bed and went to the bathroom. After her bath, she went back into her room and wore a white shirt and black skirt. Satisfied with her cooperative look, she picked up her bag. It was five am by the time she finished. She once heard from one of her co-workers that Donovan arrives at the office around six-thirty am, when opening time is eight am. Sighing with determination, she walked out of the house. Her taxi was already waiting for her outdoors. Hence she entered it, and it started moving. Her heart kept beating fast at the thought of meeting Donovan again. She didn't know what he would say, perhap
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Meanwhile, Jasmine was thinking of something else. Donovan wants to thank me. Did he like the files so much or appreciate that she was back? Jasmine’s cheeks turned red from the thought, but Amira thought that Jasmine was blushing because she had touched her cheeks. She smiled, thinking of many things as she walked to her post. On the other hand, Jasmine prepared herself to go and see Donovan. She wondered what he would say to her, although Amira had said he wanted to appreciate her, she knew well that Donovan wasn't the kind of man to appreciate that kind of trivial work. She walked into his office and he raised his head as soon as the door opened. His eyes widened as she approached him, he was shocked that it was her. It was Jasmine he had seen before, he wasn't hallucinating. “Why are you here?” He asked, looking at her. It was as if a miracle had befallen, Donovan didn't understand the reason she was in the office after he fired her. “To work,” Jasmine answered as she got in f
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Twenty seven
Jasmine ran over to him and squatted in front of him. She placed both her hands on his lap, causing Donovan to vibrate all over. He raised his head slightly and his eyes hit her cleavage, this time he was able to see the color of her bra and her plump boobs which sat in them comfortably. He squirmed inwardly, about to burst from the pleasure that hit him all over. He was unable to look away, as much as he wanted to. He glued his face to her cleavage and gently licked his lower lips unconsciously. His surroundings became her only, he could only see her. He could only see her cleavage, her skin, and the rise and fall of her chest. Meanwhile, she stretched her hand to his chest and gently slid it through to relax his mind. Donovan couldn't help it, his breath seized, and he gently vibrated. Jasmine raised her head, wondering what was wrong with him, and at the same time, she met with his eyes. There was a moment of silence, each lost in the other’s eyes. Donovan, fighting to refrain
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Twenty Eight
When he saw her, he couldn't believe his eyes. She looked... She looked extremely gorgeous. Her curled hair fits her very much, she looked like a model. The dress was her perfect size, it hugged her body and brought out her extraordinary shape. Her waist was thin and her hips wide, she had the shape any model would kill for. He stared at her until she reached his presence and unconsciously, he stood from the driver’s seat. Since he was taller than her, he towered over her, his presence shadowing her little body. “ look good.” He whispered loud enough for her ears only. Jasmine flushed, her cheeks turning red from the compliment. “Get in.” Donovan stretched his hand to the passenger seat and she went to the other side and entered the car. With this, the car was ignited by Donovan and he sped off. Soon, they reached the hall for the event. Jasmine was shocked to see how big the event center was. There was a red carpet at the entrance with reporters taking pictures of the el
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His heart clenched when he saw Teddy stretch his hand on the table. It was as if he was caressing Jasmine's arm as her arms were also on the table. “Are you okay, Mr Donovan?” Asked the president. Donovan turned his head back to the middle-aged man. “Are you listening?” Mr president asked, looking at him with worry. Donovan nodded his head and concentrated on the president and what he was saying. Although his heart kept tugging, he endured the feeling. After some moments, the president finished talking about his proposal which sat quite well with Donovan. He told the president they would talk again, and this time it wasn't going to be at a party. The president was ecstatic about their next meeting. Indeed, Donovan wasn't just an ordinary Businessman, he was extraordinary, and his ways of execution were quite phenomenal. Donovan was quick to go back to the table, at this time Teddy and Jasmine were talking. This made Donovan madder, he wanted to rip Teddy’s head off his neck. “Com
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“Can you spare me your jealousy trait today? I am tired!” With this, Jasmine turned to go to her room, but Maria's next words stopped her. “So you agree that you are a world-class slut?” Maria placed her hands on both sides of her waist. Jasmine scoffed dryly and turned to Maria. She had enough of her jealousy and insulting words every time. “Maria, you slept with your homeroom teacher in high school. You were expelled from college for sleeping with too many males, and they started fighting each other, which caused problems in school. And you think you have the right to call me a slut?” Jasmine raised her brows. She knew a lot about Maria but kept it to herself until now. Maria opened her mouth, she was shocked by what Jasmine had said. She never expected her to say it to her face like that. “The next time you call me a slut, I'll be printing all I said out and taking it to your parents. At least one of us had freedom from this lifestyle, but you chose to do it because you're a
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