All Chapters of Love that Kills: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
85 Chapters
"It's the Black Moon Pack," Hunter hissed as we watched the bulky men jump out of the cars that blocked our front and back.I swallowed hard. "What do they want?"Hunter chuckled dryly. "You, I guess."Then another man got out of the car—the scarred man I saw in Ash's office. He stepped forward and spread his arms wide. "There's no need for any of you to die today. All we want is the girl. Give her to us, and you may leave," he said as a dark grin curved his mouth.Hunter leaped out of the car and closed the door behind him. "You must be out of your mind, Beta Dex. Attacking Lord Malacious's fiancée? Drive away before you sign a death sentence on your entire pack."Dex stepped forward, as did the four men who flanked him. "I heard that Lord Malachious was thrown out of the King's castle like a piece of trash! He is weak, and he's going to pay for what he's done to me and my Alpha!"Hunter smirked coldly. "You shouldn't listen to the rumors. I can assure you that Lord Malachious is abs
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"Nala!" A roaring, hoarse voice stabbed me with its power. The voice belonged to a man—a man I knew. Other sounds followed, but they were too distorted. A wheeze, a rasp, and then a loud wailing sound. They assaulted my ears when all I wanted was to sleep. I felt too tired. Unable to open my eyes and immobilized by the pain, I shut down the noises in my head. I wanted to drift into nothing."You need to drink!" The thundering sound jerked my entire body. I didn't like that order, but someone parted my lips, and then I felt thick, oddly sweet drops falling down my throat. A weak moan left me as the liquid heated my insides. More of it fell down my throat, and the fever spread to my limbs. "That's it, drink, Nala." The voice became softer, coaxing. "You will live," the voice told me. "I will not let you die."I might have smiled upon hearing those words. I swallowed another portion of sweet and thick liquid. It tasted smoky, decadent… It tasted wicked, but it also tasted like life. I dr
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Side effects
I shot the door behind me and finally got Ash's and Calvel's full attention. They both cursed as their heads snapped toward me. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Do you mind explaining to me what the hell you meant?" I strained angrily.Calvel sighed and spread his arms wide. "I gave you my blood to heal you. And, yes, I knew that you might have been too far gone and that you would wake up being… different afterward."I sucked in a shaky breath, my eyes widening. "Different… as in turned into a vampire?""Yes, that's what would have happened," Ash stated curtly."But nothing like that happened, and Nala is completely fine," Calvel argued, sending Ash a cold glare."Don't say it as if it wasn't a big deal," Ash hissed before turning to me. "The reason why I'm so mad about it has nothing to do with the fact that Calvel gave you his blood." He sent Calvel a brief but icy glower. "He could have accidentally turned you into a lowborn. Which means that you would suffer from permanent bloodt
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It took me an hour to calm my heart and convince myself that my dream had nothing to do with reality or the way I felt. Nonetheless, I was afraid to even close my eyes for the rest of the night. I had no idea how I could ever face Calvel again after that dream. His voice and his scent were the same as in reality, but they affected me in a way I would never, in a million years, expect them to.I ended up taking a nice, hour-long, cold shower, trying to scrub off the feeling of wanting Calvel's cock inside me. Not to mention that I was overwhelmed by this ridiculous belief that I had cheated on Ash. God! Everything about that dream freaked me out, and I was desperate to talk with someone about it. I needed to hear that I hadn't gone mad and that this—whatever it was—would quickly pass.I exited the bathroom, still restless and fidgety. The maid brought me breakfast, and I sat by the table, stuffing the food in my mouth while thinking about how I could erase that dream from my memory."H
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I was getting sick and tired of that crap. I yanked the door open and looked at both sides of the corridor. It was completely empty, which only increased my irritation. "If you want to warn me, at least have the courage to show your freaking face!" I yelled but, of course, received no response.My conviction that someone was trying to mess me up with those notes only grew stronger. The first message was supposed to warn me that I wasn't safe inside the residence… Well, gee, thanks! The last events proved that I wasn't safe outside the residence either!Now it was about the mark. As far as I knew, the mark would tie me to Ash, and no other vampire would be allowed to bite me unless he was stronger than him. I couldn't see how having Ash's mark was going to be bad for me. It simply made no sense.And speaking about the bite... I figured that I should handle one important matter before going away with Ash. I braided my hair and dressed in jeans, a black tee, and sneakers. Then I walked t
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His Sentence
Three hours later, I was holding a dagger in my hand and staring at the cell in front of me. Charon was inside. His hands and feet were chained to the wall. The wide, thick cuffs tightly encircled his wrists and ankles. The elegant jacket he had in the woods was gone, and only a half-ripped black shirt embraced his chest. Calvel huffed a chuckle as he walked into the cell to tie a strap with a gag around Charon's mouth. "I don't want his teeth anywhere near you," he explained, and I was thankful for it.The dagger I held was made of steel and silver. My fingers carefully wrapped around the leather hilt as I tried to steady my breath. I knew that Charon's eyes were on me even when mine drifted elsewhere. I could sense his mockery. He surely thought that I would panic and run before I used the blade. He wasn't entirely wrong. The nauseating feeling came and went every two minutes as I stood before the man who nearly ended my life. But I told myself that this wasn't only about me. He did
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The Here and Now
I walked to my chamber, feeling the power flowing through my veins. It curved up my lips and left me smiling for the rest of the day. Although I had yet to understand how the power inside me worked, I had tasted it, and I wanted more.Moreover, hearing Ash say that he was proud of me wrapped me in a bubbly, warm feeling. No one, aside from my parents, had ever said that they were proud of me. I grew up being a disappointment, and that was how I felt most of the time as I lived in the Mortal Realm. Confidence and strength were new to me, and I wished I could be filled by them every day.I dropped off the blood-stained clothes and entered the shower. I watched the red water swirl around the drain as I washed the blood off my body. I killed a man and didn't feel any remorse. Was there something wrong with me, or would it be like this from now on? Perhaps it was unavoidable, and it was time for me to realize that the changes within my body would also influence the change in the way I thou
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The Summer Estate
The mountains rose in the view, emerging from the carpet of colorful leaves. The road snaked up as we got closer to the estate. Suddenly, the woods became scattered, and my eyes were drawn to the huge rock on the side of the road. "Wait in the car," Ash said as he pulled over, stopping the car in front of the stone. I noticed him take a signet ring from his jacket pocket and put it on the little finger of his left hand. The ring looked like it was made entirely of a smooth black stone. "What is it?" I asked, pointing at the signet. Ash smirked, bringing his hand with the ring closer toward me. "This is the proof that these lands belong to me. This is the Malachious Ring." I smiled nervously. "This might be a stupid question, but what do you need it for?" "You'll see." Ash winked at me and got out of the car. He stepped toward the rock. He fisted his hand and pressed the ring's smooth surface against the large stone. As soon as he did, the stone resonated, sending a wave of vibrat
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I put on a lemon cotton dress with short sleeves and a flared skirt. Then I slid my feet into kitten heels and went downstairs to join Ash and Baltazar in the salon. I found them laughing and drinking whiskey. It was nice to see Ash relax. He looked so different from how I saw him in his office in the Malachious Residence. As soon as I entered the room, Baltazar's gaze turned toward me, and his lips slowly twisted upward."Someone's just turned into a stunning woman," he commented, clearly appreciating my looks."Why thank you," I replied, giving him a bright smile as I headed toward the kitchen island.Ash narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you trying to impress him or make me jealous?"I grinned, teasingly tangling my finger around the strand of my hair. "Would it be a bad thing if I said that it's both?"Baltazar burst into laughter and placed his hand on Ash's shoulder. "I'm beginning to understand why you've changed your mind, my boy.""Changed his mind about what?" I questioned, look
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My Peace
"Wine or whiskey?" Ash offered the right cure for my heart-crushing anxiety."Wine," I replied, folding my arms around my waist and sitting on the salon's sofa.He swiftly uncorked an old-looking bottle and filled my glass with a rich red liquid. He handed me the wine, then quickly refilled his whiskey glass, and joined me on the sofa. "How's your hand?" He looked at the cut, which was now almost completely healed."It's fine," I repeated for the fifth time, and each time, I found Ash's concern more annoying. "Baltazar called me a cursed child," I told Ash, carefully watching his reaction to my words. "Do you know what that means? Because as soon as he smelled my blood, he started looking at me as if I was about to turn into a monster." Frustration grew within me. I knew what I saw in Baltazar's eyes: disgust and a heated rush of hatred. It no longer mattered who I was. WHAT I was overshadowed everything else.Ash sighed and took a sip from his glass. "Baltazar is a good man, but he i
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