All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 801 - Chapter 810
929 Chapters
Chapter 801 The New Won’t Come If The Old Don’t Go
It might be because they were noble and virtuous, and were not as miserable as Melanie had imagined. The more they appeared to be noble and virtuous, and the better they lived, the more vulgar and despicable Melanie would seem. Therefore, Melanie hated them.Helena and Evelyn lived a comfortable life all these years even without Barry to support them. Although they were poorer, they seemed to be very happy. Evelyn even became more and more outstanding. Melanie was even more dissatisfied when Evelyn had an outstanding young man like Jeremy as her boyfriend. She initially thought that Helena and Evelyn would fall into a miserable situation after Evelyn became infamous and lost her boyfriend to Natalie. In fact, they were indeed in a miserable situation as Helena had fallen seriously ill and needed surgery. Melanie was initially waiting for the mother and daughter duo to embarrass themselves. Unexpectedly, a man like Rowan suddenly appeared midway, and he was even Evelyn’s boyfriend.
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Chapter 802 Are You Willing to Watch Us Quarrel?
Rowan took a sip of water and replied, “Very successful.”He was unwilling to say even one more word, so Julian did not know how to broach the subject when he wanted to talk more about him and Evelyn. However, he still wanted to matchmake them, so he smiled and said to Rowan, “I investigated Evelyn before, and she is actually a rather outstanding girl, both in terms of her character and in other aspects—” Rowan glanced at him faintly and asked, “How do you think Nora will react if she knew you are secretly investigating other girls?”Julian fell silent for a moment, then he glared at Rowan angrily after a while and said, “I’m doing this because of you, okay?”Julian was extremely depressed. He had only asked someone to investigate Evelyn thoroughly for Rowan’s sake, but Rowan was so heartless that he wanted to tell Nora about this to deliberately make him suffer. Why would he investigate a random woman if it wasn’t for Rowan?He did not even have enough time to dote on his wife
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Chapter 803 What’s the Point of Him Coming to Give Money Now?
He had recruited those outstanding designers because he was impressed by their talents. At the same time, he believed in their abilities, because if he believed in them, it would be an affirmation of his own judgements. …Evelyn spent the next few days taking care of Helena in the hospital. She had already moved everything into the newly rented apartment and tidied it up. All that was left was for her to take good care of Helena. The doctor said that the date for Helena to be discharged would be determined based on her recovery, but it would take at least half a month. The first three days after the surgery was the most difficult for Evelyn to take care of Helena. Helena’s speech function had not fully recovered due to the surgery, and she could not move much, so Evelyn needed to help to turn Helena’s body over frequently and massage Helena’s body and limbs to prevent muscle stiffness and to ensure smooth blood circulation. Evelyn did not even dare to sleep at night because Hele
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Chapter 804 At Least Smile at Him
Evelyn’s attitude remained indifferent as she spat, “Just get straight to the point. I’m very busy.”Barry could only say, “You should know from the last time that my company has encountered some difficulties. Can you ask your boyfriend, Rowan Pierce, to inject some capital into my company to help me tide through this difficulty?”“Boyfriend? Rowan Pierce?” Evelyn had no idea what Barry was talking about. She did not know anything about what had happened at the police station that day. Selena did not tell her that she had told them that Rowan was her boyfriend. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m afraid I can’t help you because I don’t have a boyfriend.”Evelyn was about to leave after saying this, but Barry stopped her. “Evelyn, I know that you’re still mad at me, but you have to help me this time. Selena said that Rowan Pierce is your boyfriend at the police station that day!”Evelyn paused in her tracks and frowned slightly. Barry had mentioned the name Rowan Pierce
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Chapter 805 Lost Several Pounds
“Rowan, how has your relationship with Evelyn been lately?”Barry made his opening statement with the belief that Rowan and Evelyn were a couple, so he felt that he did not need to be as respectful to Rowan as he had been before because he was Rowan’s elder. Therefore, he called Rowan by name very familiarly and even mentioned Evelyn on purpose to show his identity as Rowan’s future father-in-law. When Rowan heard Barry’s words, he raised his brows slightly. He could immediately guess why Barry was acting this way. It seemed that Barry had taken Selena’s words at the police station that day seriously, so Barry was using his identity as Evelyn’s father to get closer to him. Rowan could already guess Barry’s intention in doing so.Barry’s company had recently encountered some trouble. Rowan had overheard Barry mentioning this matter to Evelyn personally when they were in the restaurant that day. Rowan did not only despise Barry’s purposeful approach, he was also disgusted because
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Chapter 806 That Was An Indescribable Charm
However, Rowan suddenly stepped forward, held her hand, and pulled her up from her seat before she could say anything. Evelyn instinctively resisted and tried to pull her hand back, but his pleasant and low voice sounded in her ear. “Do me a favor.”Evelyn could not refute when he said this.After all, he had helped her several times before, and she had not had time to thank him yet. Now that he was asking for her help, she could not refuse. If she refused, it would appear as if she was too ungrateful. Therefore, she grabbed her things and was dragged to the second floor of the coffee shop with him. He held her hand gently without letting go, and Evelyn could feel her face blushing from such skin-to-skin contact. She had never had such an intimate hand-holding behavior with any other man aside from Jeremy.His palms were warm and dry, with a soothing power that seemed to touch her.Evelyn did not ask him what kind of help he needed, but her instinct was to trust him. She believed
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Chapter 807 What Are You Doing?
Evelyn did not notice anything unusual about him at all and simply nodded. “Mm-hmm.”Rowan put his somewhat distracted thoughts aside and gestured at the seat across from him with his eyes as he said, “Have a seat. Let me buy you another cup of coffee since I just interrupted you when you were having coffee earlier.”It was autumn now, and the body was prone to dryness and heatiness. He felt that he needed to go back and make some nourishing food to nourish his body. “No, thanks. I still have to go to the hospital—” Evelyn shook her head and refused, but his cell phone rang before she could finish her sentence. After excusing himself, Rowan stood up and walked aside to answer the call. Evelyn felt that it would be a bit rude for her to leave directly, so she sat down and planned to say goodbye to him and leave after he was done with the call.However, she did not expect that he would be on a call for a long time. She was initially seated upright as she waited for him to finish t
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Chapter 808 She Was Afraid That She Would Fall Ill Now
As she had just woken up, her consciousness had momentarily escaped her. Unsure where she was for a moment, she rubbed her numb arm as she looked around in confusion.She was suddenly wide awake when her eyes met the deep black eyes of the man seated across from her. She suddenly felt a little embarrassed.“I…”She opened her mouth to say something, but she did not know what to say. She only remembered that she was initially planning to wait for him to finish his phone call so that she could say goodbye to him before leaving, but she had fallen asleep until now.Rowan turned off his laptop and said calmly, “Your mother called, and I told her that you were still in an interview.”Evelyn was so shocked that she almost jumped up off her seat as she quickly grabbed her cell phone. ‘He… He answered a call from my mother?’What did it mean if a man answered her phone for her? Although he only said that she was still in an interview, there was no reason for her cell phone to be in his
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Chapter 809 Always Leave A Girl With A Way Out
He was already walking under the rain and mist before Evelyn could react. He was slender and tall, and his figure exuded an indescribable charm in the pattering rain and mist. The people around him without umbrellas were running to avoid the rain, but he did not panic at all and simply walked calmly toward his car at a pace that was just a little faster than usual. Evelyn, who was wearing his suit jacket, had complicated emotions as she hugged his briefcase and stood under the eaves to wait for him. Her whole body was shrouded by his refreshing aura and a scent that was unique to mature men. It seemed as if all things related to him had been dyed by his mature and calm aura, which made people feel completely at ease. Evelyn’s face gradually became hotter again after she stood there for a while. It was her first time wearing another man’s suit jacket and holding another man’s belongings like this.Rowan drove over after a while. The car window nearer to her was lowered, so she co
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Chapter 810 Aren’t You Going To Contact Me After The Designs Are Completed?
After the police had arrived, the congestion was cleared soon after. Rowan was then able to drive smoothly all the way to the hospital. The two of them did not talk again for the rest of the journey. When the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, Evelyn turned to look at his profound and thoughtful face before she asked cautiously and tentatively, “Are you really angry?”Evelyn had never been in contact with men of his age. In other words, she had never interacted with mature men like him who were indifferent to emotions and anger. In the past when she was in a relationship with Jeremy, she would always speak her mind about everything, and Jeremy would tell her if he was unhappy as well, so she had never had this kind of experience where she had to guess a man’s thoughts. He had not spoken to her since their last conversation about whether he was old, so Evelyn did not know what he meant by that or whether he was really angry because of that. “What are you going to do if
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