All Chapters of Adored Stardom: Away from Mr. Hamilton: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
655 Chapters
Chapter 121
"What fire?"In the middle of the night, a video quietly crawled its way up the trending list. The hot topic was titled Gigi Bullied in Her New Role. As soon as Gigi's name appeared, the topic immediately gained traction. After all, she was currently the hot topic for all the online spectators, blessed with a powerful family background, and possibly being the woman of a future entertainment mogul. With such a strong backing, it was surprising that she was facing such bullying in her new role. Internet users flocked to the scene, and upon clicking, a video was presented.The video was from the day of the rehearsal, albeit edited and clipped, transforming the content into a sequence where the director asked Gigi to support Wyneth in a rehearsal. Consequently, Gigi, considerate as ever, went along with the request, only for Wyneth to audaciously overshadow her. The video even included a clip of Gigi appearing unwell. The entire edited video gave the impression of Gigi's understanding na
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Chapter 122
"A secondary Facebook account?" Wyneth felt a touch of confusion when she heard this.Yoyo stormed into her room without hesitation, firmly closing the door behind her before saying with clear seriousness, "Someone's stirred up a video claiming you're using your connections to bully Gigi. Gigi's fans are livid. They've exposed your alternate account.""Go on Facebook, now."'Facebook?' Wyneth went back to retrieve her phone and logged into her Facebook account. She had not used this app much after downloading it. She mainly just followed Amelia, with the two of them quietly sharing bits and pieces of their everyday lives. She had not anticipated that her alternate account could be exposed. The usual notifications were primarily from Amelia, along with a few minor followers who had taken notice of her day-to-day posts, typically amounting to just a handful of comments. But now, her comments, mentions, and followers were over a thousand. Wyneth could not resist an arched eyebrow as he
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Chapter 123
Shaun did not know how to respond.He had called to console Wyneth. After learning about the situation, he had read through the comments, filled with some of the nastiest remarks imaginable. The most offensive and common speculation being that she had a sugar daddy. On top of that, they accused her of buying her way into the industry, insinuating she was involved in shady dealings. Shaun immediately called to provide comfort, but surprisingly found her consoling him.'Did I hear that right?'"These comments don't mean anything to me," she replied calmly. She remembered when Finn had first entered the industry, and the barrage of negative comments he had received. There were rabid fans, paid trolls, and professional critics. In short, she realized that no one in the entertainment industry can avoid negative press, unless they are so unknown that they don't matter. If no one knows you, no one will bother to criticize you.Shaun said, "The trending topic is suspicious. But don't worry
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Chapter 124
Yoyo, with her face mask on, lounged on the couch, scrolling through her phone. "Wyneth, you go ahead and sleep. If you can't, I'm here for any late-night chat.""Alright." Wyneth had already tucked herself in. She was jolted from her sleep earlier, and while her spirits held steady, her body was not taking it too kindly. Yoyo was good company—carefree and kind-hearted. It was why she was here, in the middle of the night, discussing all of this. Wyneth had no apprehensions with Yoyo; she quickly drifted off to sleep.By the time Yoyo had finished with her face mask and was ready for a heart-to-heart chat, she discovered that Wyneth was already asleep. The sleeping Wyneth breathed evenly, her fair skin glowing softly under the dim light. Her delicate features were even more striking in slumber, exuding a quiet, gentle charisma.After admiring Wyneth's beauty, Yoyo could not help but sigh, 'She's sleeping so soundly. Even after such a tumultuous incident, she managed to find peace alm
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Chapter 125
Wyneth, newly launched into the limelight of the entertainment industry, was still trying to learn the ropes. Her understanding of Shaun's implications, however, was somewhat clear."The ones currently targeting you, probably are...""Gigi."At these words, Shaun blinked. "How do you..."What he intended to convey was the possibility that it could be Gigi, but Mandy could also be a likely suspect. Mandy, after all, had reasons to frame her.Wyneth chuckled softly, revealing her recent visit to Acrofburg to Shaun. Shaun's sighs were interspersed with her narrative."So, she pledged in front of Mr. Hamilton Sr. to hand you the lead role in the next film? No wonder she's so infuriated, resorting to manipulating clips to slander you. I had thought she was gunning for you again due to Mr. Hamilton."In the midst of their conversation, a disheveled Yoyo, her clothes in disarray, suddenly appeared before them. Shaun jumped back, taking two steps back in surprise."You..."Upon seeing
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Chapter 126
This middle-aged man was none other than Franklin Farrow, the director of the movie that Luke was shooting, Cessation. He had directed numerous productions, most of them exquisite gems, and any actor under his guidance was sure to gain some recognition.As Shaun observed Franklin's interest in Wyneth, he could not suppress his delight. "What do you think? I've got a pretty good eye, huh?""Indeed," Franklin agreed, "your judgment has always been spot on, and you have a knack for scouting out talent.""Oh, it took some effort to convince this young lady to enter the show business."As they spoke, Wyneth and Yoyo had arrived at the table. There were only a few seats available, one next to Luke and another next to Shaun. Yoyo obviously preferred to sit next to Luke, but after a few steps, she felt an aloof aura emanating from him and hastily retraced her steps to take the seat next to Shaun instead.Wyneth was left speechless. Resigned, she walked over and sat down next to Luke. Luke
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Chapter 127
It was still early, and the hotel's service was quick, bringing out the dishes each person had ordered in no time. The dishes were set near Shaun and Yoyo, not in between Wyneth and Luke as she had initially planned.When each person's order was served, Wyneth was taken aback to find that hers was the most substantial. Yoyo was dieting, so she had opted for a light garden salad. Shaun and Franklin had each gone for a modest oatmeal and an omelet, respectively, and Luke, ever the minimalist, had just a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Only Wyneth, who had selected several items, all high in calories.As the food arrived, Yoyo's gaze could not resist drifting toward the scrumptious scrambled eggs and the flaky croissant on Wyneth's plate, her face betraying her longing."Wyneth, don't you need to watch your weight?" Yoyo questioned.At Yoyo's question, Wyneth remembered that she was an actress now and she should be more conscious about her food intake. A nervous twitch graced the corner
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Chapter 128
After breakfast, Wyneth and Yoyo headed back to the set, where they bumped into Gigi, who was preparing to film her scenes. Upon their meeting, a momentary snarl flashed across Gigi's face but disappeared quickly.With many other actors present, she approached Wyneth, holding the hem of her skirt, and asked gently, "Wyneth, I saw that trending topic, no clue who started it. Some of my fans said some unpleasant things to you. Are you okay?"Her face was a mask of concern as she spoke.Wyneth was unfazed, but Yoyo wanted to gag at Gigi's words.'Has Gigi always been this fake? It's obvious she's the one who started the whole thing, and now she's pretending to care?'Before Wyneth could reply, Gigi continued, her voice soft. "I've already explained it on Facebook."Upon hearing this, Yoyo quickly took out her phone and saw that Gigi had indeed made a post on Facebook earlier.Gigi: [There's a bit of a misunderstanding about the video. Ms. Walford is a talented actress. Let's focus
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Chapter 129
Poor Gigi. If she had known she would be so skillfully manipulated by Wyneth, she would not have spoken those words, certainly not before an audience. However, life offered no second chances."What a rush!" Yoyo hugged Wyneth's arm tightly. "You were amazing, Wyneth." Having said that, she pulled out her phone and opened Facebook. "This account of yours, are you planning to keep it? Or will you create another one and keep this one as a backup?"This was a question Wyneth had pondered on before. "Now that I've been discovered, shouldn't I just keep using this account?""Do you have your manager's approval?"That was a point she needed to discuss with Shaun. In the afternoon, after wrapping up her scenes for the day, Shaun brought over the script from the neighboring project, Cessation."The role is promising. Though small, it's crucial. Women's roles in Cessation are sparse, but if you play this well, it could turn into a major highlight," Shaun said, handing Wyneth the script.Wy
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Chapter 130
Wyneth was speechless for a moment. True enough, the character Aurelia was depicted as a matchless beauty, an enchantress from whom no man could escape. The screenwriter's fondness for this character was clear, crafting her as a tragic heroine of both beauty and strength. She was skilled in combat, cunning, stunningly beautiful, and a force to be reckoned with, even though she ultimately met a tragic end."What do you think?" Shaun asked her.Wyneth closed the script and could not help but laugh. "When will I get a role where I don't have to die?"Shaun laughed at her remark. "Next time, I promise to find you a role where you live till the end."Once Wyneth was familiar with the script, Shaun took her directly to the adjacent set of Cessation. Matthew did not mind; Shaun had a reputation for cultivating talent in the industry, and he never needed to worry about his artists' dedication to the craft. Wyneth's character, Lucienne, was a tertiary lead, so her supervision was quite lax.
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