All Chapters of To Love and To Lust 2: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
62 Chapters
"I'm so sorry I'm late," Victoria tells Rebecca as she settles down in a chair opposite her."Were you ignoring my call on purpose?" Rebecca asked with an accusing look on her face."Ignoring you? That's not true. I was sleeping," she tells her."Oh my goodness," Rebecca clicked her tongue."I cannot believe this. Mr Smith called you to his office to do what? Do not tell me the both of you fuc..." Victor quickly placed her hands on Rebecca's mouth to keep her shut from talking."Keep it down Becca, goodness," she whispered to her before taking her hands off her mouth."So does that mean that what I'm thinking is actually correct?" Rebecca asked and Victoria shook her head."of course not! We weren't doing anything. In Fact we did nothing at all because I had to sleep." She replied with a huff.Rebecca looked at Victoria with an accusing look. "What is it that you are not telling me? Come on, spill the tea already or I will scream," she threatened."I think I have to reconsider being f
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Victoria waited patiently for Mr Smith at the spot he told him he'd pick her up so he could take her home. She has been glancing at her wrist watch from time to time wondering when he'd come for her, waiting for him to come and get her. After some minutes of her standing, she saw a familiar car driving towards her. She heaved a sigh of relief knowing the car belonged to Mr Smith."Thank goodness," she muttered in relief.Mr Smith parked, came down off the car and walked to her. "I'm so sorry, I had to finish something at the office," he explained to her and she nodded in understanding."It's fine, you are here after all," she tells him.He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Hope you didn't wait for too long?" He asked and she shook her head.He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. He suddenly felt her ease with his arms around her. He loved her so much. Having her close was all he needed to ease himself.Victoria wrapped her arms around him too, holding him tight. She n
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While Mr Smith drove back home, he couldn't help but think about what Elizabeth said about Victoria. Was he really dating someone with mental problems? He thought to himself.He was having doubts as Victoria was not only intelligent but she knew how to carry herself too although she could be clumsy at times.He didn't know what to do or how to take the information. He wanted to ask Victoria about it but he was scared that if it was indeed true, she might react and attack him and he wasn't sure he was ready for that.He sighed deeply for the umpteenth time. What was happening and why now? He just didn't know how to take the information well and react.He didn't want Victoria to suspect anything from his mood. It worried him so much. He wanted to help her after all she was the woman he loves.He finally reached her apartment, parked the car and came down. He contemplated for some seconds before knocking on the door of the apartment.He was going to act like he didn't hear anything on El
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A smile formed on Mathews face as he looked at Victoria who lied beside him happily on the bed. He felt at ease just staring at her until the words of Elizabeth resurfaced in his memory.'Victoria is mentally unstable, one minutes she's fine and another minute she's not. Who is why I want you to do something about it. She's my best friend and I am very worried for her. You don't know how hard it is for me to look at her everyday and not be able to help her," she cried out.His heart clenched. Why was he just knowing all of this? Why wasn't he told about this at all? Why was she just telling him and how true was it? He wanted to believe her but then he was afraid.He couldn't be dating a mentally unstable person and there was nothing of such in her report. He sighed deeply. He looked at Victoria with so much love in his heart. He was head over heels for this girl and it amazed yet mortified him everyday.Victoria adjusted her body so that he was cuddling Mr Smith very well. He held he
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Victoria had not been able to concentrate on work since her mother called her this morning. She feared she was about to har something bad from her mother and it worried her. She feared for the unknown as her mother had never called her in such a state before.She wondered what could be the situation of her mother. She wondered if it was serious enough to take her life.Just the thought of her mother dying feared her. She wasn't sure how she'd be able to move on or live her life knowing she had no mother anymore. Her mother was her everything and she continued to struggle just to make her mother proud and give her all of the beautiful things in this world.She was yet to give her mother all she promised her. She just couldn't focus. Her stomach ached, her chest hurts and her headache. Everything was rotating in her eyes.Tears threatened to come out of her eyes but she fought them hard. While she worked, she couldn't concentrate as all she thought of was her mother.She has been feelin
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Mr Smith ran to meet Victoria at the place she had told him to come meet her. He was surprised when she sent him a message during work hours. A smile formed on his face the moment he saw the message. He had been wanting to text her but he remembered he had promised not to.He wondered why she suddenly wanted to see him and what she wanted to tell him. He couldn't wait for the time she had asked them to meet to come so he'd go and meet her.He missed her so much even though he had seen her this morning. He couldn't just get enough of her. It was like he was high on drugs and she was the drugs he was addicted to and he didn't mind nor did he want to stop getting high on that drug."I'm so sorry I'm late, I hope you have not been waiting for too long?" He inquired from her and she shook her head."No, not at all " she told him and he heaved a sigh of relief."That's great and I've missed you," he tells her and a blushed crept on her cheek. For some seconds she forgot about her mother's
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Victoria followed her mother and sat down on the couch. She tapped her feet on the floor as she waited for them to tell her the story.To tell her why she didn't grow up with a father and why her father was suddenly back in their lives. She was trying hard not to explode because she had a lot she wanted to say to them and she demanded a response."Victoria," her mother began as she placed her hands on Victoria's leg."I'm sorry for all of this happening now and trust me, I'd never want to hurt your feelings," she added.Ashley swallowed a lump in her throat before she continued. "Gregory and I were both lovers in college. He was a year ahead of me back in college and when he graduated, things were hard for us as we barely saw one another. He had to focus on his career and himself and I have my finals too. Three months after my graduation, I found out that I was pregnant but couldn't get in contact with Gregory. I tried contacting him, asking his friends about him but no one knew where
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Victoria laid on her bed on her back finding it hard to sleep. Her eyes were looking at the ceiling but she wasn't concentrating on it. All she thought about was the messy situation she found herself into lately.Firstly it was Elizabeth and now her father was back in her life. She didn't know how to feel anymore. She was angry at first but now she doesn't know what to feel.For years she wished she had a father but she never voiced that to her mother as she didn't want to make her feel like she wasn't doing enough.After twenty three years, she finally had a father figure yet she wasn't sure if she wanted him in her life. She was doing fine and she wasn't sure if she knew what she wanted.Her phone beeped and she stretched her hands towards the nightstand to get her phone. A smile crept on her face once she realized who it was that sent her a message.It was past two in the midnight yet Mr Smith sent her a message.'Hi love, I'm guessing you are asleep, anyways I am not. The truth is
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"Hey babe," Victoria said with a smile on her face."Hey beautiful, how was your night?" Mr Smith asked."It was fine and yours?" She asked."Very good. I miss you so much. When should I come get you?" He asked. He hasn't been able to be without thinking about her.Her face kept reappearing in his head and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and never let go."Well tomorrow. I will text you the address. I miss you too. Had a hard time sleeping last night," she tells him."I love you and kisses. I got to go," he tells her."I love you and take care," she replied to him with a kissy sound before ending the call."Oh my goodness!" She gasped in shock with her hands on her chest the moment she turned to see her mother standing behind her."Mother," she called in relief."What were you doing sneaking up on me," she asked.A smile formed on her mother's face. She decided to go check on Victoria only to hear all of this and it made her heart warm.She couldn't believe her child was
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Gregory stood in front of Victoria's room for some minutes before he finally knocked on the door. He didn't know what to say to her but he wanted to be a father to her."Just go away mother, I don't want to talk to you," she spat out.Gregory cleared his throat. "It's not your mother, it's me," he tells her."What do you want? Are you here to tell me that my mother has a point? If so, just go away," she tells him off.He sighed. "I am not here for that. Can you please open up so that we can talk to each other?" He pleaded.Victoria signed. She got up from her bed and went to open the door. Once he entered, she closed her door and went to sit on her bed in an Asian style."How are you feeling now?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he didn't know what to do or say about the situation."Do I look fine?" She replied harshly.She sighed. "Not really. Okay scratch that, tell me about this man, I really want to know him," he tells her.She folded her arms across her chest, scrutiniz
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