All Chapters of Finding My Baby Daddy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
120 Chapters
Exactly Like My Ex
[WARNING: CRUDE CONTENT UP AHEAD.]I turned my head and sure enough, two more security guards were watching me; these guys were pussies, they could never fight by themselves. I nodded to hopefully appease them as I deposited another five hundred in the machine. I was due to hit big and there had to be a win coming up soon. I hit the bet max button and watched the reels spin, but the fucking asshole put me off my game. My cell rang and I hit the button again. "Come on, five cherries," I said to myself before accepting the call. "What?" I said impatiently as I watched the reels spinning again. "Derrik," Mackenna said sounding down. "Babe, I am working, what's up?" I asked watching for those cherries. The first reel stopped and there was a cherry. "Rick?" "Oh sorry, babe, what's wrong?" The second reel stopped on a cherry. "I'm sick; can you bring dinner home with you?"I pulled my cell away from my mouth, still watching the reels. Mackenna is kinky as fuck, had a stellar body, and
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Breaking In
[WARNING: CRUDE CONTENT UP AHEAD.]I held up my hand, cutting her off. "How can you fix the ones people get locked out of?" "Oh, my brother says that every security alarm has a back door; so say someone like a child puts in or changes the code, or they forget, the security company can still get in." I grinned because I had been wracking my brain on how to get around that stupid security the whore's jackass installed. "Tell him I will do it," I said right away. Okay, I would have to work a little, but I could get that bitch back, so it was worth it. "Remember that I love you and that karma will get her soon," Mackenna said. I leaned over giving Macky a kiss that deepened right away. She pulled back chuckling. "Come on, babe, I have had enough to eat; now I want you." "Let's just put this in the microwave and I'll be right with you. Get up those stairs," I said, knowing she ate enough of the pill, but I'd rather she ate more. As soon as Macky left the room and her food was in the m
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The Blow Up Doll
Benjamin sighed before walking into his parents’ home for dinner. He loved them dearly, but since their trip to Vegas, he just hadn’t been feeling the want or need to be around happy couples who made it a point to flaunt their affection.“Hello, son,” his father called and then frowned right away.Benjamin forced a smile on his face. “Hi, dad, is everyone here?”“Yes… well no. Milton had to drop in on some case he got.” Benjamin bobbed his head as he walked into the living room. “Come on Alexis, you have to model it for me, I am your sister,” Maisey moaned, batting her eyes at Alexis, who sighed.“Fine, but remember, I just got off the night shift, so I have all the right in the world to act moody!”Maisey nodded as she grinned triumphantly.“Sorry, I’m late!” Milton called out. Anyone who heard him could tell he was up to no good. And they waited anxiously for what was to follow.“I love you and this is not me,” Alexis pleaded as she looked at Benjamin. He looked at her and frowned,
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Rash Decisions
“You’re a loser, and the bitch better stay away from me,” Raegan hissed, but there was another voice in the background. “This is how a guy fucks a girl, you wimp,” she carried on, but this time, it came out as a moan.Ben hung up, only for the other to call right back. This time, he ignored it. After an hour of constant calls, he knew he had enough. He turned his cell phone off and shoved it into his jacket before walking out of the room. The entire time he walked around, all Benjamin could hear was Raegan repeatedly telling him how boring he was. Walking into the first bar he saw, he settled at the bar and ordered a beer. It was just after his third that he made the mistake of listening to the voicemails from Raegan.He drank a few more beers, and his anger got the best of him. Walking out of the bar, he headed for the bar where his sister and Milton were going to be. About halfway there, he came across a tattoo shop and went inside. "Hey there, I'm just wondering if you have any
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I Need More
Benjamin felt guilty for having sex with Dora and then running out when Milton and Alexis entered the bar. He just ran out with her like she was a secret. “Wow,” Dora giggled and he wrapped his arm around her, stopping her from falling as his eyes scanned her. He noticed that she had a short dress on, so he removed his jacket and put it on her.“What’s wrong?” he asked.She looked up at him and shook her head. “Nothing, just…” she sighed. “I want to have fun. I want to have a night with no regrets. With someone different. Be someone that can and will do anything they want.”“I could help you with that. I need to do that, too.”“Hey, boring bro!” Benjamin turned to see Royce running toward them. "Can I talk to the lady?" he asked and Ben frowned, but bobbed his head.“No, I wanna go,” Dora whined. “You're happy to go with him?" Royce asked and Dora nodded at him. "Yes, he's my knight in black leather armor," she giggled at the end, making Royce shake his head. “Make sure she gets ho
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Ready To Be My Wife?
“What?” she asks shyly but her eyes twinkled with delight.“Marry me,” he repeated. “We can’t—” Ben grinned, picking up on the small tinge of hope in her voice. “We can,” he said firmly, pulling her along with him. They went to a small jewelry store that was open along the strip and he picked out two bands, paying double for them to engrave them both immediately. As soon as they were done, they headed to a small, nearby chapel. They gave the people their details and drivers' licenses. Ben had to squint his eyes, trying to make out her last name. After a few minutes, it came to him… it said Prez. Just like she had said. They asked where the happy couple wanted their official paperwork mailed. They talked and Ben agreed after she told him about how much her house meant to her. The certificate would be sent to her house. Benjamin watched as the recorder lady filled in the information on the papers.“What about your family?” Dora asked.“I will call them.” Since they had some time to
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Find My Wife
“It does happen when I drink a lot of Jack Daniels.”“And that is what you have been drinking,” he reminded her.She moved away and wrote something down on a pad of paper. “Just take this. I am going to get my belongings, you can keep my dress,” she laughed as she put on his tshirt.He watched her walk out and move to the door. He sat on the floor by the door and watched her go to her room. His eyes rolled closed as he thought about how she looked naked.“Sir…” He frowned and opened his eyes only to see a bell boy looking at him. “What?” "Your door is wide open, Sir," as the bellboy spoke, Benjamin’s mind was filled with the events from the night before. He glanced around the room for Dora, but she was not there. He leaped up and ran down to her room. "Dora!" He yelled as he burst through the open doorway, but there was just a maid there looking at him, with her mouth open. "The woman in this room, where is she?" he asked. "She just went downstairs to check out," the bell boy sai
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The Reason For Her Stress
It had been months and Benjamin hadn’t gotten any closer to finding Dora. He had even called Royce, who didn’t remember her, but said that she might have paid with a card.Benjamin walked into his office. “Sorry I took so long,” he said to the woman who was sitting at his desk. She turned on him and he swallowed. She looked like his Dora.‘She is too pale,’ his mind argued. ‘If she is pregnant… it can’t be.’“Hi,” she whispered as she stood up. He noted that her voice was similar but not the same. He picked up her paperwork, seeing she has filled out her medical history, but her husband's name has been left blank. He would have to make a note to ask him at their next appointment, but that information was not as important as hers at that stage.He ran through some of the information and questions. He noticed she didn't correct him when he said Mrs. Leonard, but she checked single. He figured she was newly married. Once they were done, he asked her to move to the examination room. The
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Examine You
Turning on the music, Pandora started to give her home a good spring clean. She knew she was a little early but she was already halfway done so there was no complaining. She just wanted it completed, so she could start getting her babies’ room ready for them.She took the load of clothes that Derrik left in her home down to the laundry room and threw them into the washing machine, to get washed. There was nothing wrong with them and since Derrik had been an asshole, she would just drop them off at the local homeless shelter.She headed back upstairs to get on with cleaning the spare room. Derrik used it as an exercise room. During the divorce, he got all the weight machines and other stuff he needed, even though he hardly used them after he had lost his initial interest in them. She tried to get him to sell those things years ago, but he refused to part with them because they were ‘his.’ The more she thought about their marriage, the more she knew it was much more horrible than she ha
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He Likes You
Again, she was taken aback, but the words and his tone of voice didn’t match. She shook her head and got to her room. After removing her water-logged shoes and drying off, she got dressed. Pandora sat on her bed in her fuzzy pajama pants and a tank top, waiting. Finally, Benjamin tapped on the door and peeked inside. "Hey," he said with a smile as he walked in. "Lie back and I'll take a look at things.” Pandora did what he asked and he rubbed his hands together. He sat gently on the bed beside her. "Have you felt the babies moving around yet?" he asked and she shook her head at him. Benjamin gently slid her tank top up and placed his warm hands on her tummy. "Why are you still wearing your glasses?" she asked. He tilted his head up and she knew he was looking at her. "I've had a bad headache, all day," he answered. Pandora frowned at him, but he shook his head at her. "Sorry about all this, then.""It's not your fault, my brother-in-law is being a prick, and I am about to beat
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