All Chapters of Thawing The Alpha’s Cold Heart (Unedited Version): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
31: Stalker
FEYREI am angry. No, I am beyond livid.It takes every ounce of my self-control to stop myself from sneaking into Alpha Zade’s room and destroying things until I feel some of the anger leave me. I choose the higher road and instead take a cold shower. It works very well for anger and I would highly recommend it.I don’t feel as okay as I would have liked after but it is better than nothing.It is almost dinner time by the time I gather enough courage to leave my room and join the rest of the pack members for dinner. I need to speak with Alpha Lucien about his son. If the past few days are anything to go by then I can’t last that month here. It is barely up to a week here and I want to pull my hair out, and his too. This can’t be good for me.Every interaction brings out a side of me I didn’t even know existed. She is angry and very destructive. It reminds me of my younger self and I’m not really very happy about that.“Woah there, a storm is brewing and it is inside.” A voice says in
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32: Jealous Rage
ALPHA ZADE I worked out late tonight, I knew it was going to be an off night and most of the pack members would be out. Usually that is something I look forward to because it means the pack house would be less noisy and I can keep to myself, do other things freely. But the thought of her being there made me stay back. When there are more than thirty more people around, it is easier to ignore her. Now though, I won’t have a choice but to see her, feel her near me and just be in her presence. That was never anything for me before but now it is too much. Which is why she has to go! There is nothing to think about, she just has to go before I lose my mind. The living room is less noisy and only about three people are sitting by the large flat screen TV and playing video games, they all greet me without looking up. I head for the dining room, praying to God she chose to eat in her room like she always does. I don’t have such luck of course because as soon as I enter the room, her scent
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33: Vows
FEYREIt is safe to say I did not think things through. After seeing how Alpha Zade reacted, I wanted to feel bad for Damien because really, he was an innocent bystander that I’d dragged into my mess. Not that he didn’t deserve it, he had been sent to spy on me but that didn’t make it alright.Now I feel like an asshole, because I don’t feel bad about it. This is all so complicated.Alpha Zade had stormed out of the dining room angrily, after he plummeted his cousin’s face. Damien didn’t say anything to anyone and Alpha Lucien helped him and they both walked out. Loud chatters filled the room almost immediately, I could feel people’s stares on me and that made me feel a little bit weird.I hadn’t thought it through, if I was going to play a game like that, it should have been in private, not where anyone and everyone could see. But admittedly, I wasn’t thinking. I was annoyed and he was close and I wanted to piss Alpha Zade off with his own plan.“He didn’t even touch her,” someone wh
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34: The Forbidden Staircase
FEYREDelilah didn’t elaborate on what she meant by Alpha Zade bowing to not taking a mate and I had acted uninterested though curiosity is killing me.Breakfast was awkward to say the least and I wanted it to end even before it started. I didn’t have such luck and it drew on, what was supposed to be at most an hour ended up feeling like ten. Alpha Zade didn’t speak to me, he barely even looked at me which I am not complaining about. Damien didn’t come down thankfully, the tension in the air would have been more if he was here. It is already suffocating as it is.I have probably broken every record for being the worst person in the world by now but I felt relieved when Alpha Zade left the table. It could be that he was done eating but he hadn’t touched his plate. I thought the awkwardness would leave with him but it became worse if that was even possible.The only relief I had was Delilah who sat beside me and she kept telling me in very low voices about the other people at the table.
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35: Behind Doors
ALPHA ZADEI ran my hand through my hair, cursing under my breath before I bound up the stairs in a hurry. The only other door at the end of the hallway closes before I can get to it and I curse again. I pause outside and rap my knuckles on it three times, no reply comes.I sigh and turn, resting beside it. I move a little closer, seeming like I’m resting on it and try knocking again but I don’t get any response.“Ayda?” I call out very softly. If I wasn’t sure of how good her hearing is, I would have spoken again louder. It would have been impossible for anyone else to hear, even werewolves.“Ayda, please open up.” I plead, knocking again. I hear footsteps this time and relief bursts through me, they stop almost as soon as they come and everything goes back to being quiet. “I’m alone.”I don’t know if that would help but I hoped, prayed. I haven’t seen her in so long, I am extremely worried about her.“Go away, Zade. I don’t want to talk.” She replies, her voice is a bit throaty from
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36: Mirror Image
ALPHA ZADEAyda sighs and scratches behind her ears, she looks away before I get the chance to make out what I’m reading in her eyes.“I want you back there, everyone does,” I add when she still doesn’t speak more than a minute later.“I don’t think I’m ready,” she says, like she always does and I have to fight the tremble I feel in me at that. I nod, smiling and hiding whatever I’m feeling beneath it. “I heard you found your mate,”She turns to me, her eyes wide with…is that glee? Well, that is an unexpected emotion and I feel bad for breaking her heart but I hope she never gets to meet the witch I have to accept is actually my mate because fate decided to give me the finger.“Yeah,” I cleared my throat, swallowing down the bitter feeling in my chest. “Who told you?”She bites her lip, a look I can’t decipher in her eyes. She is much different now, and not just from her hair that wasn’t this white the last time I saw her among other things, I can’t pinpoint what it is about her that
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37: Locked Woman
FEYREI didn’t let myself think of how weird Alpha Zade had acted when he saw me trying to go up the stairs.Okay, I’m lying. It is all I have been able to think about for the past two days. When I’d gone to see Asher later in the day, he noticed how my head wasn’t really there but then he reached the conclusion that I was probably thinking of my mate and going back there. As if.I mean, sure I was thinking of him but not in the way he had presumed.One thing is constant in all of this and that is my newest obsession with finding out what the cold hearted alpha is hiding. Because I did see a silhouette of a person, so there is definitely someone up there and not just ghosts. The way he acted confirmed it.I considered asking Delilah then thought against it, she is loyal to her alpha to a fault and I doubt they’ll give up important information like a woman he is hiding in his attic.What makes you think it’s a woman? I ignore the voice in my head although it is making a point.I didn’t
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38: Creeps
FEYREIn the end, I chickened out and refused to meet with Alpha Zade. Nothing good would have come out of it because I wasn’t prepared. So I need to sit and think before acting.He is smart, a little too smart which means I need to be extra careful and cautious, and I should be two steps ahead of him at all times. Being all friendly with him out of the blue would arouse suspicion, I’m sure the interaction is still on his mind, just like it is on mine. Better if I give him time to get over that then I can find a way to call a truce.I just need to figure out how to get over my distaste for him, or learn how to hide it at the very least.With nothing to do I decided to go for a walk, totally not because I wanted to look around the pack to see if there are more women that need help or, who knows, maybe he has a run down building where he hides all his victims. I can never be too careful.And try to not end up like one of them.Or maybe you are just jumping into conclusions, you have a b
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39: Business Transactions
FEYRE“How has the pack been treating you?” Alpha Lucien asks, taking a sip from his Macallan.He’d invited me to drink with him after we met outside and since I didn’t have anything better to do, I agreed. It was either this or drowning in my thoughts in my room alone, either the thoughts of the shadow will kill me or that of the alpha.I am very close to hitting rock bottom and I can’t allow that.Also, alpha Lucien’s company is not that bad, especially when you compare it to that of his son’s.“It has been okay,” I mutter, bringing the glass up to my lips though I don’t take a sip, I don’t put it back down either which leaves it hovering awkwardly over my mouth.“That is good. I hope you’ve settled in easily.” There is curiosity in the man’s eyes and in that instant, I know there is more he wants to know and this is not just a friendly chat. This just shows me how I need to be careful around every one of them.No one is excluded. I’d been the one reminding Asher we weren’t allies,
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40: Reach A Truce
ALPHA ZADEI’d felt like ants were crawling up my skin when I was told my father had returned from his one day trip and he was with Feyre. It reminded me of his trips when my mother was here. He was always traveling for business which equaled him meeting up with his multiple mistresses.A part of me wants to drag her away from him for the fear of him ruining her, but then I remembered her arms around Damien’s neck and I don’t feel the need quite as deep anymore. She is like him anyways, no wonder they get along very well.Mind numbing pain in my jaw makes stars dance in my vision. I’m jolted back to the present with the violent punch and I grunt lowly, both in annoyance and from the sting.The sound of Damien’s feet bouncing on the boxing platform rings in my head before I regain my composure. I give my head a little shake, getting rid of the haziness in my eyes.“Get your head in the game, man.” He groans, coming at me again.Now that I’m paying attention, I see his intention and blo
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