All Chapters of My Devil’s Side: Book 1 & 2: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
162 Chapters
Final Long Goodbye
Alley POV"Where is your mother?" Daniel asked looking around our dingy little playground. Layla and Ethan were standing at the edge of the sand pit and I swung lightly back and forth on my favorite swing. I didn't hide from the memories anymore. Every single moment from my childhood flooded my brain the second we stepped foot in this park. All I could do was dissect each one wondering if we made different choices if we would still end up in this moment."She is fucking stubborn and refuses to leave without Derek. I don't give a shit though. He wanted to help her and that's the only reason I tried.""Wow! You are about to explode.""Yes, but trust me I'll wait until we are clear of this town first. You got the tickets and phones.""Of course. Why aren't you leaving with them Alley?""Good question." Ethan added"I need to be there to get Derek. Ace won't hurt me or him if I'm there.""Ace won't be there. His father is throwing a party at his house that night.""It doesn't matter they
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A Broken Forever
Ace POVI held my little vixen in my arms kissing her, trying to make it last forever. Her soft lips belonged on mine. My tongue needed to caress hers every day, but we weren't getting our forever.She pulled away and every part of me tried to hold on to her. I watched our fingers slowly slide out of each other's and I took a hard breath as she walked away one last time. This wasn't the way we were supposed to be."I know you love her, but you have to let her go. You could have just as easily turned that bust on your father, dissolved everything he built, and been left with nothing but that girl. You chose to stay, and I pray it was to keep fighting and not for the money and power." Ethan's hand clapped my shoulder. "My father told me you didn't just get her eyes but you also got her soul and that's why you were worth saving. Be safe bro.""You're still an asshole. Keep her safe." He smiled at me then wobbled away. That was really it, the end of Christian and Alley and our forever. E
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Alley POVI left that house that once felt like home in tears. I would never be his again, never feel him again or know his life. As much as it tore my insides apart, his life wasn't one I wanted to be a part of. Once I hit the street I crumbled to the ground and cried out. There was so much pain rushing through my body and all I wanted to do was make it stop. I felt Ethan's arms wrap around me and I sank into his chest. This man that never left my side, never lied to me sat on the ground with his leg in a cast holding me. "I can't, I can't." I kept repeating through sobs. I wasn't sure what I couldn't do but I had a feeling it had something to do with this hole in my heart."Shh it's ok Alley. I know it hurts but it'll be ok." He caressed my hair and back soothing me out of my darkness. I let myself breakdown releasing all my pain into my tears."Did you hear from Derek?" His thumb wiped away my tears as I slowly pieced myself back together."Yeah, he said he got away and would mee
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Fate is a Tricky Bitch
Ace POV"We need to go!" Daniel was at my doorway and had a look like he was not in the mood for anyone's shit. I was still staring at the broken bracelet. "Fuck off!" I didn't take orders from him or care."Derek is dead!" I didn't process that information correctly. What the hell did he say? Derek is gone? Yes, that is what he said."Did hear me Ace? Derek is dead. He was found this morning at the lake. ME said overdose which probably means Alvarez."I sat up from my bed, throwing my legs off the side and placed my head in my hands. I was feeling better from whatever drug my father gave me but I was still a bit hung over. Maybe I was hallucinating, dreaming."Get the fuck up!" Daniel yelled and it jolted me to my feet. Only one man ever yelled at me and I fucking hated him."Watch your mouth. What the fuck are you talking about? Where is Derek?""He is dead. We need to go.""Where?" I heard it again. He said dead. That's not possible."Alvarez and if she isn't there then we kill h
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Bonus - The Devil's Side
My body froze when I saw her laying there on the floor in his office. "What is this?" My voice rang out in a deathly tone but I knew I had to be careful. I didn't care about myself in this moment. I had to get Alley out of here. I couldn't watch her die. Flashes of my eight-year-old daughter's limp body in my arms raced over my vision. I couldn't save her but I swore they would pay. Now I stood here and I wasn't going to watch Alley die. Angelo told me to dispose of the body and I clenched my jaw. I would get her out then come back and finish this.She was broken and passed out on the carpet. I scooped her small body in my arms and I carried her to my car. I didn't know what to do or how to help her. I took a deep breath and prayed. First, I called Ace's doctor to meet me at her house, then I called Ethan. The doctor should help without questions and Ethan, well he would move mountains for this girl. When we arrived to Alley's house her mother was crying on their couch halfway in
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Prologue - Leaving Hell
This is Book 2 from Book 1 Moments with My Devil.Thank you everyone that is continuing this journey with my characters 🥰 I appreciate all the support and I hope you enjoy reading to the end! Please leave gems to show your support of book.Ethan POV -We left that Hell in Worthington two months ago for a better life and now I wish we hadn't. I failed Alley and sitting here in this hospital after my best friend died in my arms, I knew that Christian was the only man that she could ever truly love. He was her soul mate and when you take away someone's soul there isn't anything left to them but a shell full of darkness.The first week we got to Texas we stayed in a hotel and did absolutely nothing. Alley was functional but there was an emptiness in her eyes. She was tired of this life and she was only sixteen.Layla tried keeping our spirits up and I didn't understand how she got the energy after losing Derek. She said their child was what kept her going and she refused to let anything k
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Getting On with Life
Ethan POV"Cheers!" I shouted clanking my glass to my best friend. "I can't believe we are here." I said shaking my head. "Seven years ago, to date, everything changed and it all turned out ok.""Yup. You asked me to marry you and I said yes!" Alley gave me her sexy, teasing smile that I always melted to. I glanced down at my wedding ring spinning it over my finger. My second child was on the way with the most gorgeous woman who I was madly in love with. That was not the reason we were celebrating though. We rarely spoke of the true reason, but every year we got together and celebrated this day. Alley needed the reminder to help keep her monsters at bay and we needed to remember that we can get through anything if we just stick together. "Sorry I'm late!" Layla slid in next to me reaching over my body like I didn't exist then gave Alley a big hug. We were not on the greatest of terms and surprise she was pregnant again. You would think I learned my lesson with baby Derek, but I did
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Daniel POV"Agent Daniels this is getting out of hand! You don't have a free pass to kill as you please!" My superior was yet again screaming in my ear because Ace went fucking rabid. Seven fucking years I've been at his side and all it got me was one headache after the other. That boy seriously loves a good game of wits and when he wins, everyone dies. "Yes, sir. I understand but I can't be his right-hand man while also having a conscience. I would be the next one found dead. Why was Ramirez even let go in the first place? I practically hand fed you that bust then three weeks later he is walking free.""He was working for us. He had strong connections with the Columbia cartel. Now we have nothing, again. You're a federal agent not a vigilant so get your target under control!" He screamed then hung up on me.I took a deep breath and then laughed. No one controlled Ace. One of these days they are going to pull me from this case and then I'll be fucked. I won't leave Ace's side but it
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They Need to Go
Ace POVI twirled in my chair killing twenty minutes so I could piss my father off. When he called a meeting, everyone was to arrive on time when he would purposely make them wait ten minutes. Now that I was the boss, I made his ass wait twenty minutes every fucking time.My pen spun in my finger tips and I tried watching it intently like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I had to keep my mind constantly occupied or it would wander to places it shouldn't. For seven years I found many ways to distract myself; from master plan to rid the world of scumbags, to torturing my father, to messing with Elise and Daniel, and to of coursing fucking. No matter what I did though, there was always this constant burn inside me. I hated this life, but considering my options it was the only one I wanted. Times up! "Advisors, slaves, and of course father, what is the status of my companies?" My tone was cold and although I was a wise ass most the time no one knew whether I was joking o
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Pleasing the Devil
Ace POVThe second I walked out of the airport there was David. White messy hair with a small beer belly dressed in khaki shorts and a fucking button-down shirt with little blue sailboats on them. What the hell was he wearing? He looked like an idiot holding a stupid sign with my name on it along with a cheesy smile. This dude was way too old to be so happy. I nodded to the few men I brought along for security to follow behind us. I never had someone try to attack me in public before, but as powerful as I was, I needed eyes everywhere. "Christian! It's so good to see you again." David gave me a half hug then grabbed my bag. I held my straps tight "I got it!" I glared at him. There were only clothes in it, but I can carry my own bag."Of course. You look like you had a meeting this morning. Why don't we head home and you can change?" He began walking out of the airport to his Mercedes parked out front."I'm fine and I didn't have a meeting." I looked down at myself. This was one of
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