All Chapters of For The Stars Have Sinned: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
63 Chapters
Chapter 11: Alone with Levi
"Ugh." I hesitated whether to take a selfie with him because I might end up like the girl earlier. I just smiled and shook my head. "Nothing."After eating at the restaurant, Levi took me for a walk around the resort. I don't want to miss it so I immediately agreed, not thinking of Nicole nor Tiden's reaction. We went back to the cottage for a while and he lent me a white dress. I know that dress is not for me but I want to think otherwise. I didn't see Tiden nor June inside so I just assumed the two were taking a walk. Ariel's missing and Nicole, well, I didn't care about her.Levi is tall. About 6 feet or more with broad shoulders and lean muscles. He is quiet which makes me swallow my saliva often, preventing myself from speaking.I want to talk about something but I'm worried that he might not say anything and I'll just embarrass myself. Looking up at him, I realize my height is only up to his chest compared to his massive body. My cheeks flushed and I looked away before he would
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Chapter 12: Practice
Note: The lyrics were originally written for this story.~He sang the chorus of a song without strumming his guitar. If I didn't know the song, I would probably believe he mean what he was saying. The corner of my lips twitched. Whatever. It was sunset when I walked by the beach. Nicole and I will hold the agreed upon contest tonight. Ariel has informed the management of the resort about our contest so all the guests know about the gig that will take place tonight at the resort's bar.I also told Mama that I will be staying overnight at CFM. At first she wasn't willing, but I told her that I would book a private cottage so that I wouldn't have to share with Vine. Mama couldn't do anything but agree, even more so when Tiden begged. I think my mother's not shameless enough to decline my pleading friend.I booked a private cottage but I still prefer the Vine's cottage so I always visit them unless Nicole's there. I spent the rest of the day swimming in the pools and touring around the
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Chapter 13: His Affection
"Nicole, Vine vocalist and only girl member," one guest whispered."She's beautiful. Beauty and talent, what could a man ask for?""She's gorgeous!"The venue was filled with whispers when Nicole entered. The corner of her lips rose and she glanced at me. I could see her haughty look and complacent attitude. I clenched my fist. The smile on her lips was annoying and I couldn't help but to look away and let her show off to the guests.I knew that she's beautiful. That's a given fact and I didn't have a problem with it, but why I could only hear the repeated compliments on her beauty? She's not the only beautiful one in this world.Yes, I guess I'm being jealous of her. But it's not just me, I think all Levi's fans are jealous of Nicole.I avoided looking at her and roamed my eyes around the bar. The disco lights were on and some bottles of beer were placed on tables and on the counter at the side. I was sitting at the round table right in front of the platform where I sang earlier.Aft
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Chapter 14: Inside the cottage
I threw up almost everything I ate earlier. It lasted for a few minutes before my legs wobbled and I almost fell to my knees. Turning the faucet on, I rinsed my mouth with tap water and looked up. My dizziness decreased slightly and my vision's clearer now that I was clear-headed. I slowly walked back to bed. I sat on the side and sighed. My drowsiness suddenly disappeared and I knew that no matter how I turn the bed, I wouldn't be able to sleep. That's why I decided to leave the cottage and made my way to the beach. The wind was cold blowing gently onto my bare face as I walked under the moonlight. There was a rail that kept the guests from falling on the cold waters so I didn't have to worry about falling while staying in the area. Also, there were light poles surrounding the beach, hiding the tables prepared for the guest from the prying eyes.I sat on the chair there and silently observed the dark and vast ocean. There were some flashing lights in the distance and I knew those w
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Chapter 15: Kiss under the sea
That morning, I woke up groggily. The first thing that I saw was the ceiling of the cottage made of plywood and planks. The gentle and salty sea breeze coming from the open window swept past the entire bed space. I blinked and sat up. I looked around but I didn't see anyone.The design of the items was familiar and I knew that I was inside Vine's cottage. The last thing I remember was last night we watched a movie. When I was in between awake and asleep, I smelled a perfume and everything went black. I shook my head and got up.I entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower but no water came out. Sighing, I reached for a robe and put it on. I peeked into the bed space and looked up at the wall clock. It's still six in the morning. That's right, the water in the sea is still cold at this time.I haven't used the bikini I wore last night so I plan to take a bath in the sea. I left the bathroom and went straight to the living space. Vine is not in the living room. Surprisingly, they woke
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Capter 16: Becoming his partner
"But w-why?" I asked under my breath. Levi continued to stare at me and it's making me gulped. I might looked like a cooked shrimp with my hot cheeks but I couldn't look away from his penetrating gaze. Suddenly, the corner of his lips curled up and he let go of my waist and the back of my neck. He swam back to the shore leaving me floating in the middle of the sea. I was confused with how fast thing between him and me happened. Knowing that Levi's heart is only for Nicole, I didn't hope and assume that he has feelings for me. But the way he held me earlier felt different. My mind was still in state of confusion while I was swimming back to the shore. I picked up my robe and put it on before climbing up the stairs. Thinking of facing Levi in the cottage made me shiver in nervousness. I didn't know what should I react after what he did underwater. I took a deep breath and made my way back to the cottage. The sun's rays have reached the trees. I think it's seven in the morning.I saw
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Chpter 17: Through the night
I found myself nodding my head in agreement and I might need to knock my head to check what's inside. What about your meet-up with CareLikeGoldFish? Uh, RIshel, you messed up!From CLGF: 'Sorry, I might be late for our meet-up. I am invited to a party tonight. If you can wait for me, then we'll meet.'I bit my lip while looking at CareLikeGoldFish's message. Tonight's the party night and I sent a message to my favorite author. Those sleepless nights with me bombarding his message board with 'I love you's paid off. CareLikeGoldFish noticed me and agreed for a meet-up, but tonight's just awfully not the right time. He and I are attending parties. I sent him a message.To CLGF: 'I also have a party to attend tonight. If you're in the city, you probably know about the congressman's birthday party.'A few minutes passed before I received his reply.From CLGF: 'I'm attending that party too.'I blinked when I read what was on the cellphone screen. That means... I'll see him later? My eyes
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Chapter 18: Scandalous fan
Scandalous fan "W-What?" I blinked. "Are you that author... CareLikeGoldFish?"I held my breath when he nodded and smiled at me.Right at that moment, it dawned on me why I was fascinated with his works. Those were the scenes I saw in Boljoon two months ago. He wrote what he did in that terrible night. I should distance myself because I know it's wrong to still idolize him after what he did to Ariel, but the more I know him, the more I am drawn towards him.Just like a moth drawn to a flame.He stepped closer to me. A gentle smile was still hanging on his lips. "You're beautiful tonight, Rish."It took me seconds before I find my voice again. "Thank y-you," I whispered under my breath. He chuckled when he saw me speechless.I can't look away from his eyes. It was enchanting and the more I stared at him, the more my heart beat wildly. Just as I was drowning in his eyes, someone cleared a throat. Like a br
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Chapter 19: The woman around him
The woman around him He pulled me to the back of the TVL building. Some students passed by us, but because Tiden was in disguise, they didn't notice him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Am I not allowed to visit?" he asked and pulled out a VIP ticket from his pocket. My eyes lit up when I saw that. "The concert has been moved to next month. I will be busy next week so I am giving it now." I accepted the ticket he handed over. "Where is it?" "In Bohol." I looked up at him. "Next month?" He nodded and I smiled. "Good! It's semester break next month!" But Tiden's eyes squinted. "I'll treat you to a full package tour to Bohol if you get good grades this semester." I grimaced upon hearing his words. "Are you being serious?" "Is there a problem?" he asked with a smile. I knew that he was teasing me so I rolled my eyes. "There is!" I said with a frown. "What does my grade have to do with the tour? Don't reason out that you want to know if I'm studying hard. It doesn't define me
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Chapter 21: Messy night with him
"It's already late yet you didn't eat your dinner," said Lyndon. When he saw my sulking appearance, he flicked my nose and smiled. "Hop in. It's my treat." The corner of my lips twitched. I didn't hesitate and immediately got into the passenger seat of his pick-up. He drove the car out of pier one.  "There is a restaurant near Plaza Indepedencia. I heard they have good cuisine," he said after a few minutes. "Is that resto still open? It's late," I said. He didn't answer. I snorted and looked outside the window. He suddenly asked. "Are you often like this?" "Hmm?" "This, eating late." He glanced at me before turning the wheel. He looked at the road ahead again. "Skipping meals is bad for the body." "No. I always eat on time except tonight." The car went silent after that. I didn't want to talk and he was silent during the whole drive.  The streetlights were open and the establishments were
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