All Chapters of The Billionaire Beta's Secret Baby: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
"You're right," Gin agreed, savoring another cupcake. "Sorry, I tend to rely on sugar when I'm nervous." "It's your face. Fill it with whatever makes you happy," Ava assured her, harboring no judgment. "He's the Watcher, right?" Gin inquired. "That's my understanding. But he's not one of those who hurt you," Ava reassured her, trying to alleviate any lingering concerns. "I'll go. I'll despise myself if I don't. It'll be that nagging voice in the back of my mind, reminding me of all the things I should have done but couldn't. It'll be the evidence that voice needs to convince me that I'm weak," Gin confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "You're not weak. You're incredible. Look at everything you've endured and all that you've accomplished. Here, have another cupcake," Ava encouraged, urging Gin to enjoy the sweet treat. Gin followed Ava's advice and s
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Grayson Redwood had always prided himself on his unwavering self-control. He mastered the art of maintaining his human facade, concealing the primal wolf within until the opportune moment arose. His expertise lay in communication, diplomacy, but when the time called for it, his ferocious teeth would be bared. However, upon witnessing the statue of Royce DeVayne positioned beside his mate's crumpled form, the warrior within Grayson erupted, tearing through his flesh to reveal his true form. Unexpectedly, it was Parker, his own brother, who interposed himself between Grayson and the exit of the sweet shop. "Brother, hold on. Think," Parker implored, extending his hands as a gesture of peace. Grayson let out a deafening roar, but Parker refused to retreat. "Do you not see why he appeared here? To taunt you, to prove a point. What you must do now is attend to your mate. Bring her back to Aphelion, send Mrs. Westwood with Noa
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He didn't care about anyone's opinion, he didn't care if Westwood was furious, nothing mattered except Ava and Noah. As he stepped into Aphelion, gratitude flooded his heart for his family, his brothers, his pack. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to face DeVayne, Monk, and all the other looming threats alone. It would be like suffocating, like being submerged in a never-ending abyss. The moment he entered, Mrs. Westwood appeared by his side, her presence a comforting anchor. "Let's get her to your room," she said with urgency. "It was DeVayne. He was here," Grayson revealed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and frustration. "That's impossible," Mrs. Westwood replied, her brows furrowing in concern. "And yet, he stood right in front of Gin, demanding Ava," Grayson confirmed, the memory seared into his mind. A crackle of lightning danced a
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In the realm of slumber, Ava became acutely aware that she was ensconced in an extraordinary, lucid reverie. The world around her was awash with surreal hues and captivating textures, leaving no doubt that this was indeed a dream. Amidst this phantasmagorical landscape, her senses were stirred by an eerie presence hovering above her bed: a mysterious figure shrouded in a cloak. Ava was convinced that this could only be a figment of her dreaming mind.She felt as if she had slumbered for an eternity, her eyes encrusted with fine grains of sand, her body laden with weariness, and her lips tender and chafed, as if they had been the recipients of fervent kisses. The memory of the sugar statue came rushing back, and a sense of trepidation took hold. But the cloaked figure interrupted her train of thought, dismissing the concern with an enigmatic statement."No, fret not about him. He's inconsequential. It's only you, and me," the figure murmured, as his eyes were suddenly engulfed in dark
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"No bells ringing in that pretty head yet?" he taunted, coming to a halt. "Right here is where they snuffed out your life the first time." He jerked her arm and pulled her towards a small hideaway nestled within a well-groomed garden that bordered the edge of the forest. "And right here is where they brought you back to life."Flashes of bloodshed and torment exploded like fireworks behind her closed eyes."Anything coming back?" he probed."No," she fibbed, hiding the fragments of memories threatening to overwhelm her."Here," he forcefully dragged her towards the crumbling remains of what used to be a majestic country mansion. The dilapidated house cast a daunting shadow, its grandeur long faded. "This is where DeVayne's savage creatures had their way with you."The memories surged forth once more, and her body reacted to the recollection, even if her mind resisted acknowledging it."I bet you can feel it right now, their foul breath lingering on the back of your throat. Their claws
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"You might want to step back," she cautioned, a primal howl escaping her throat.Grayson appeared unsettled, yet she bared her teeth at him. I don't need you to rescue me. She hoped he understood her message.He extended his arms to hold the pack at bay, and together they stood, waiting."Why don't you run, Royce?" she taunted. "I know how much you relish the chase.""Perhaps you've forgotten the rules of this game." He produced an amulet, thrusting it in her direction.But it had no effect, not even a tingle. "Would you like me to enlighten you on where you messed up?" Her voice had deepened even further.Royce fumbled with the amulet."You twisted a wolf spirit that already existed in this realm. You merged it with the Okami—my own wolf spirit. You took it, crushed it, tore it apart, but like a fool, you pieced it back together. Now, it and I are one once more. It belongs to me. I am... it. You hold no power over us."DeVayne underwent a transformation unlike any natural werewolf. H
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Ava experienced a delightful mix of anticipation and jitters as she readied herself for the inaugural visiting day at the Academy. The separation from Noah had been challenging, yet deep down, she knew it was the best choice they could make. The knowledge that he was secure among his peers, acquiring knowledge and blossoming into his own while still relishing his childhood, brought her solace.This period of separation had proven advantageous for Ava as well. It afforded her the opportunity to reclaim her identity as a wolf and skillfully navigate the intricate terrain of straddling two worlds. The profound connection she forged with the Okami granted her a profound sense of restoration and a rekindling of her untamed spirit.As she observed her husband gracefully moving about their dwelling at Aphelion, casually tending to everyday tasks like slipping on socks and securing his shoelaces, Ava couldn't help but ponder how far they had journeyed. In the depths of her mind, she realized
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