The Alpha's Innocent Stripper의 모든 챕터: 챕터 51 - 챕터 60
112 챕터
CHALLENGING HIM"Get your hands off me."Swatting at her hands, Savannah scowled and rising up her feet, she stalked out of the room, not bothering to shut the door behind her.Madonna didn't even attempt to follow her. She might need some space and she's going to have to stay on a safe distance till she's ready to be out of her shell again. Meanwhile, Geneva ushered one of the best spies in, pointing out a seat for him. Bowing, Jack sat down. Instantly Geneva left what he was appending his signatures on, to lean closer towards him. " I'm already aware you're an expert at this so am just going to cut the chase. There's someone I need you to keep a tab on.""Alright Alpha." Receiving an affirmative response from Jack, he slid his hand into his drawer and getting his hand on the small photograph, he retrieved his hand and placed it down on the table before Jack. " That's it. Even though you don't have to work from within, you can just do that outside." He spoke and Jack shook his head,
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Fifty One
- I LIKE YOUMadonna's Pov Closing the door, he cupped my cheeks before I could do anything. Before I knew what was to come, his lips brushed against mine and could have deepened if the door wasn't flung open.I internally thank heavens for the disruption. Looking over at the door, I froze at the sight of Alpha Oliver. It was as though someone caught doing a bad deed whereas Alpha Xavier was the one who caused it. Oh damnit, I feel disappearing from their sight. I don't think I can wait for what was about to come. " What are you doing here?" Also affected by the disruption, he voiced, raking his fingers in his hair. I don't know why he's acting like a predator disrupted just as he was about catching his prey but am so thankful the kiss didn't happen before Alpha came in. Though I feel like I was caught halfway something bad." Nothing." Alpha Oliver responded, casting a brief glance at me before taking his face away before I meet his. Before I could say a word, he stepped out of the
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Fifty Two
A GENERATION TO ANOTHER "What do you mean by you like Madonna?" Geneva spat disbelievingly."Finding one's mate is not a joke. Well, that's if you still remember how we were been told it's been happening from a generation to another." Xavier stated, tucking his hands into his pocket as they both reminisced on his words.~~Flashback "You’ve got your appetite back,” Collins remarked as he observed Adrian eating away his dinner. Collins moved over to the bar and poured himself a glass of brandy.“Yes, couldn’t afford to miss a great meal for days, Adrian replied as he continued through his plate that was almost empty of the fried eggs, meat balls laced with fries and toasted bread he was eating.“Is your taste for flesh low? You know the full moon is tonight,” he asked regarding Adrian for a while. “No, it's as keen as ever,” Adrian replied his hand firmly grasping the end of the metal chain around his waist. It was the only thing to keep his cravings in check, Sandra had said when s
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Fifty Three
IT RUINED HIMFinn paced back and forth in his private chamber. They sat in silence watching the crystal ball in the center of the room flash lights around. It was an enchanted gift given by a generous witch to Finn many years ago in appreciation of a favour he did for her. "The inner eye has seen the girl now," Finn spoke as he steadily observed the gleaming globe. The figure of a young female appeared in the midst of the flashing lights within the globe. Her hair was long and dark, and she has a tall and rather slender figure but her face remained hidden in the midst of the lights."Look for her immediately," Finn directed to two of his companions in the room. Pedro and Licia stood up and vanished from out of the room. Finn continued to pace around as he helped himself to a drink while still studying the white orb. "Do you think she's a werewolf?" Justin asked as the image in the crystal ball swirled around. "I don't know. But I have a feeling she is not a fully informed werew
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Fifty Four
ARE YOU TOGETHER?Madonna's Pov"You're still shocked about the kiss that almost happened right? Worry less, cause I think I like you." I don't know what happened thereafter after he'd blurted out of the the blue, except the fact that my heart raced while I stopped walking.I could have pretended I didn't hear him say a word but I couldn't. Not when his confession was quite unexpected. My hands grabbed the hems of my shirt, fiddling with it as adrenaline shoots through my skin. It was as though this was a nightmare but it was the reality. Is he even aware of what he'd just spew out from his mouth. " Huh?" I turned around and faced him, shock evident in my eyes- I couldn't even stare longer at him or make an eye contact. The way he was intently staring at me made me feel so self conscious and... If anything, I know of my dire need to get out or here. How can I unheard his confession though? This feels like trouble in paradise.He merely shrugged, tucking his hands in his pocket as he
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Fifty Five
HEARTBROKEN Madonna's Pov She crossed her arms over her chest as she smirked right at me. " I'm suspicious. Are you two together?"The moment she asked that, I almost choked on the water I had just gulped in from the glass water in my hand. No doubt, my eyes and face has now become red. Looking up at her disbelievingly, I shook my head at her utterance. She doesn't know what she's saying right?Is she even aware that the Oliver in question has been avoiding me and we haven't really spoken until I had went to beg them all. When he burst in on Alpha Westley and I as we were almost about to kiss, though I can't be more than grateful, I feel not only guilty but also indebted and I wonder why.We don't even have anything nor chemistry between us except the times I do strip for him all. Or are we starting to get more closer? Disregarding the thought and pushing it at the back of my mind, I glared at Savannah who shrugged nonchalantly.I scoffed and just moved away from her. Putting the cu
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Fifty Six
YOU'RE HURTING ME Madonna's PovAs my lips met with his cheeks and counted as a peck, I knew I was doomed when I didn't close my eyes and saw what made me flinch- Oliver staring right at us.My breath hitched. I was then like a prey caught red-handed by its predator. As fast as my senses snapped back into my skull, I ripped myself away from his touch and moved backward. I can feel Geneva smirking right at me as he turned around and briefly glanced at Oliver before looking back at me and in which I refused to meet his gaze.My eyes stayed solemnly on Oliver's and just as I walked past Geneva was making my way over to him, he turned around and walked away, obviously not wanting around him. My hands curled up beside me into tight fists and no, not because of Oliver but instead because of Geneva. That mischievous look on his face spoke nothing other than mischief and without the need of a soothsayer, I already know he did that intentionally. But how long has Oliver been there that I fai
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Fifty Seven
UNDER A FACADE Madonna's PovBefore he could place mine in the shopping bag along with his, I yanked it out of his hold while giving him a cheeky smile. Since the seller refused to take money from his very own Alpha, I turned to leave when I heard Oliver grumble in between sharp intakes of breaths, "You're hurting me."Then I stopped. That came all out of the blue but I was able to grab its meaning. Acting oblivious, I continued walking and I heard him coming behind me." You didn't hear me? Or you're just going to pretend all you want?" He asked and this time around, I was forced to turn around and face him. He has this look on his face that meant he said what he'd said, without any remorse and neither would he be taking it back. " What do you mean by that?" I raised a brow and I saw the corner of his lips as it tipped up into a frown. He possibly wasn't expecting me to ask, he would have thought I would have caught unto his words so soon but he didn't I have but just decided to t
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Fifty Eight
ALL A DREAMSavannah's pov I ran out of my room and walked the small hallway towards the living room. My eyes hurriedly scanned out the living room until my gaze fell upon his figure.My father could be seen holding unto the curtain and peeping out through the window, Without thinking twice, I dashed up towards him and tapped his rigid back."C'mon, just shut up or else they will get to know we are inside."he looked back at me and groaned, not so pleased. I kept mute and I thank my luck I had done it sooner because not even a second after, desperate loud knocks hits our wooden door.I shut my eyes and let my hands up to engulf myself into a hug as I took my breath in. All my body shivered as if it had been in the cold all night long, whereas, it was the big calamity that will soon befall us upon the failure to refund Mavis's money that's currently waltzing an inevitable forth sight of death before my very own eyes.This is a disaster, a really big one. And no amount of words could de
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Fifty Nine
- RESCUED Savannah made her way out of the pack house and into the night dew; she took a deep breath, taking in the earthly smell, before running off in the lake's direction.She didn't make it far before a small pack of about twelve wolves got to her, she manoeuvred around them, snapping necks and breaking arms as she went. She volted over one of the wolves, while grabbing his arm and ripping it clean out of the socket.He yelped in pain, but still curses at her, "you'll pay for this bitch.""No, you'll pay." She punched him in the face, causing him to crumple to the floor.Another wolf hit Savannah in the back of the head with a club. She glanced at him over her shoulder. He dropped his weapon and held his hands up. "I thought you are human.""You thought wrong."Savannah took off running as she heard more wolves coming. She pushed her way through a line of five wolves, then climbed a tree. Using it as a way of distraction, she hopped from tree to tree, then doubled back to the fir
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