All Chapters of The Third Deadly Sin : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
74 Chapters
I had to kill Asher part 2
First I had to kill Asher. With the rod still in my hand I walked out of the bathroom with water dripping down my body. I didn’t think it was going to be possible. There was a chance of Asher retaliating and killing me instead, but I wasn’t thinking that. All I wanted was to stare at his lifeless body with his blood everywhere. While dead I was certain he wasn’t going to hurt me again. He wasn’t asleep anymore. He was on his feet, backing me with his phone in his ears. “I’d like to arrange a meeting with you and my wife” I stopped walking toward him as I listened. “I think she will be in for confession,” he said and I silently scoffed. It was no doubt he was speaking with the church's reverend father. He wanted me to confess my sins while he wallowed in his? Was this man even sane? He saw himself as all holy while he did evil things, yet I was the sinner.That didn’t stop me anyway. With the rod in my hands, I resumed walking towards him and when I had gotten closer, I was about to
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I didn't know Shaun
Lindsay’s POV I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around the room I was in. I wasn’t alert at first because my brain still tried to process what had happened and when it eventually did, I panicked. Where was I? And where was my daughter? I remembered I had gone out to look for her, but I ended up getting kidnapped. I still remembered being strangled and the thought made me shriek. I stood up from the bed despite the intense ache I felt in my head and I dashed to the door. There was zero chance of the door being open, but I had to take that chance. I couldn’t stay there, especially when my daughter was missing. I was about to open the door, but I stopped when I saw the handle is twisted. Someone was opening it from outside. The room was big enough for me to hide, but my brain was blank at that point. I didn’t even have enough time to hide and there was nothing in the room that I could use to knock the person out. The only thing I could be waiting for was my fate. The door opened wh
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I'll fix myself
Asher’s POV “You had one fucking job to do and you messed it up! “ I yelled in the face of the guard in front of me and had his collar wrapped in my tight fist. I turned to look at all the guards who stood in a straight line with their heads bowed. “All of you, no one could keep a woman and a kid from escaping!?” I roared in anger. “boss I was guarding the main entrance all night. No one went past me” one of the guards dared to speak. I let go of the man in my hand and walked to the guard who spoke. When I had gotten closer, I screamed in his face. “Then where is she then! Where is my fucking wife and my daughter?” “I’m sorry…” I didn’t let him finish before screaming in his face. “Shut the fuck up! All of you. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say” “Boss I’m going to find her” one of the guards chose to speak, further adding to my anger. I turned to look at him and I aimlessly fired the gun in his direction. He was lucky it hit him in the leg and not the head. He dropp
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I'm pregnant Shaun
Later that nightWith my hands on my chin and elbow to the table, I repeatedly chewed on the turkey, but couldn't get it down. I didn't have the appetite for that. How could I when my brain was filled with different scenarios of how this pregnancy could change everything? I desperately wanted to tell Shaun, but I was scared. How was he going to react especially with him knowing the baby belonged to Asher? “You aren't eating,” Shaun pointed out and I was snapped back from my thoughts. I didn't even realize I was at the dining table, having dinner with Shaun and my daughter.I lazily grabbed the fork from my plate and stabbed the turkey. I was about to bring the little bit I had cut to my mouth when I heard him speak again.“Lindsay, are you okay?“ He dropped his fork as he peered his eyes at me."Yes, I am” I stared briefly at him and then back at my plate. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. Why did I feel so guilty when it wasn't even my fault?"You don't look good”"I am fine S
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Asher needed to go down
Shaun’s POV I couldn’t even say I wanted the child. I wanted Lindsay to carry my child, not another man’s child. But she was pregnant for Francesco and it was my fault. My men had arrived and they were all waiting for my command before raiding his house. I had it all planned out and if things went according to plan, he was going to be a dead man by the end of the week. But before that, I had to convince Lindsay that getting an abortion right now could cause her potential damage. “Shaun I already made an appointment with the doctor and there is no going back”“You mean a doctor who doesn’t know about your miscarriage?” I asked and she rolled her eyes. “Just because Doctor Samantha doesn’t know what she’s doing doesn’t mean other doctors wouldn’t” “And who is this doctor?” “I am not telling you” I sighed as I leaned against the door. “According to what doctor Samantha told me, you need to wait a few more weeks before you are fit for that” “Doctor Samantha doesn’t know anything.
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The evil brother
Shaun’s POV Bullets flew all over the place, guards dropped to the floor as their blood spilled on it. The best part of it was my men were winning. A guard approached me with a gun in his hand, but I was quick to pull the trigger before he did. Someone attacked me from behind, sending me to the floor. He jumped on me and began rendering punches on my face. He didn’t have a stance. With one flip, he was on the floor and I had the upper hand. I punched him till I was satisfied and when he was almost lifeless, I took my gun which had left my hand when I was pushed and I shot him in the head, making his blood splatter on the ground. It didn’t take time before we were able to take down every one of Francesco's men. At least that was what I thought until I was called by one of my men. “Boss” he called out and I turned to look at where he was facing. More of Francesco’s men trooped out from the house. Bullets went flying again as my men and his men began to fire at each other again. I wa
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Strip him of everything
Shaun's POV“Fine, I’ll do then,” Asher said and immediately after the words left his lips, he pulled the trigger. I had accepted my fate that I was going to die, but I was still standing there with a gun still in my hand. He had pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. The bullet of the gun he used had gotten finished. I could see the color drain from his face as he stood in front of me unarmed. He hadn’t spared me, so I didn’t think he expected me to spare him. With the gun still in my hands, I was about to bring him down when I was interrupted by the forceful opening of the door. One of his men came through with a gun in his hand. He was about to shoot at me but I was swifter, bringing him down before he could pull his trigger. That was the perfect opportunity for Francesco to get away. Before I could turn back to look at him. He ran past the front door, not after pushing me to get me unstable. When I finally found my stance, I began to fire, but he was lucky_ too lucky. He did
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2 months of crazy s*x
Chapter 68 I stayed on the bench, waiting just right outside the ward. Some of the nurses tried to talk me out of it, but I wasn’t leaving until I was certain Lindsay was okay. My legs bounce simultaneously as a result of my nervousness and my hands just couldn’t stay in one place. After about 6 hours of me patiently waiting/losing my mind, the door opened and one of the nurses walk out. She didn’t walk past like they always did. Instead, she walked towards me. “Mr. Marco” she called out even though I was already up on my feet in anticipation. “How is she?” “She is stable. We were able to flush her system and she is as good as new” “Can I see her?” “Yes you can, but she is still weak,” she said and I was already walking to the word before the last word left her lips. I opened the door to the ward. There was a nurse there, but the moment she saw me, she left to give the two of us some privacy. “Lindsay” I called out. She slowly turned to look at me. “Shaun” she called and that
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Asher was broken
Lindsay’s POV We both watched Leia play on the swing. Shaun had been feigning anger since I had denied him sex and his act alone, I considered cute. It was good to have power over my body. Shaun understood consent and that was something I wasn't used to.“Tell me about Asher” I collapsed beside him. He seemed busy with his phone and I could tell from the way he snapped his head to glance at me, that it was the least he anticipated from me. “Why do you want to know anything about him?” he asked due to how haphazard the question was. And I was his wife I ought to know more about him, but I just wanted to hear about him from his own brother. “I want an explanation for why he turned out to be so heartless. Something must have happened”. His lips puffed out air. It was evident he didn’t want to say anything pertaining to Asher, but the pleading look I gave him made him reconsider. Reluctantly, he began. “Francesco had a rough childhood. My father had always been hard on him because he
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birthday s*x
Lindsay's POVStaring at the black net lingerie from the mirror, clinging to my body at the same time exposing my well-cared-for curvy body, I know Shaun was surely going to go nuts at the sight of me.It was the night of my birthday and since he had made me happy, it wasn't a bad notion to return the favor. A sinful smile earned its way to my lips as I ambled out of the room. He was supposed to be working at that hour, but it was going to come to an end.I took casual steps down the stairs where he seemed very busy with his laptop. His eyes transfixed on it and his attention grasped so much that he didn't turn to look at me.“What are you doing?" I reduced my pace, walking towards him as stealthily as possible.“Trying to validate all these resumes. Plus there were changes in some of the products and I have to approve them" he said with a crease on his forehead. I could tell he was frustrated. I was going to take that frustration away.“You can take a break, Shaun. You are the boss a
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