All Chapters of Just Got Lucky (BOOK 1): Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
212 Chapters
10L I N D YJolene Jolene Jolene Who is she?I have never heard of that name.Jolene?Who is she?Jolene was a name I have never ever heard before coming from Milo or anyone else in his circle. She was a name with a dead end and I do not know how to actually feel about that. I can tell from the look in their eyes that there was something else that they were hiding which coming from this woman named Jolene. Jolene. I repeat her name in the back of my head.Jolene, I repeated again.But my head is blank.I try to recall if the lads had mentioned about that name before, but I am sure that they have never had mentioned any woman's name that is Jolene.Jolene.A name that rings no bell.Who in hell is she anyway?And furthermore, why is it the only time that I hear her name?Who is she to Milo?What were they?Her name is already bugging me and the thought about what she was and who she actually was to Milo is making me feel so anxious just thinking about it,God, who in actual freaki
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11M I L O“Somebody answer me.”I stare back at Gwyneth who gave me an eager eye and I knew that she had obviously and evidently heard what I was talking about with Lind. I know she must have been traumatized by the things that I have done before and the kind of guy I was a few years back. Obviously, I know that she never wanted me to make the same mistakes as what I did before with the other women that I was with all for fun. She hated how carefree I was with my life and that I never took any woman seriously which really got her angry knowing I grew up in a household with two women surrounding me.Although, she never knew about the real truth regarding what happened actually happened with that woman and until now I could not tell her what really happened too. She would hate me.She would curse me to death.She would never forgive me.Ever.“How long have you been standing there?” I ask her intriguingly as I cast a glance over Lindy who looked just as mortified.She enters our bedro
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12MILOGwyneth stares at me angrily and scowls in frustration and I understand what she was trying to make us understand but I only want to think of the good things now. Lindy would think that Gwyneth was disappointed that I got her pregnant and probably worries about the fact that we lied to her but I know Gwyneth is thinking of another thing. Gwyneth is thinking about Jolene and I can not stop thinking about her too now that this is all happening again.The entire night went by fast and we were not able to have a movie night. Lindy had fallen asleep in the bedroom after crying about how she felt like she betrayed Gwyneth’s trust. Lindy’s been fragile and I do not really like seeing her cry after what I have done to her before. I did not want her to go through that kind of pain again, the kind of pain that I am always the reason behind it.I did not want it.Gwyneth is staying in the room on the floor right above us and had not talked to me after she found out about the pregnancy. I
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13L I N D Y Nightmare.Nightmares are normal especially when your body feels just incredibly tired which causes your brain to produce things that are not really true that could allow you to dream about them and would cause you to wake up in the middle of your sleep covered in sweats and waking up to fast heart beating.I did not even know that Milo would get a nightmare that can pull him out of the bed in a matter of seconds.His eyes looked hysterical.He looked absolutely scared.I wondered what he dreamed about and if he has been bothered about some things lately that he is not telling me, but he would always assure me that he was fine.Hours after Milo had a nightmare, he grew even more silent and seemed distant at most times which bothered me again. What was wrong with him? I would constantly ask myself, not knowing the answer to it. He did not tell me what he dreamed about but it seemed as if it was really frightening for him that it absolutely shocked him to the core. I do no
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14L I N D YWhen we reached Connecticut, it was already seven-thirty on a Monday morning and I have a class at eight so I still have a few minutes left before it would start. Milo hurriedly drove me to school after eating breakfast together and I have tried my best to ignore the bothering thought about Jolene even though she had kept bothering me since I knew about her.Every single time I pause or do nothing or do something, I keep thinking about her. She has now infiltrated my thoughts and I cannot seem to stop wondering who she might be. I know I should ask about her to Milo just to clear my thoughts about her and my worries that keeps surging and flooding inside me and my head. Milo having nightmares must be about Jolene or maybe it is someone related to her, but if it is about her, then who is she to Milo?Jesus Christ, who in hell is Jolene?I have to ask Milo.I stared intently at him as he was driving which causes him to look back at me, "Something wrong baby?" He questions m
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15L I N D Y“Lindy?”“Hey.” I answered Milo as I began to walk heading to the café. “You took long to answer," He tells me as he is waiting for my response. "Is there something wrong?” He asks me seriously as I hear him munching on some food. “No, I am fine.” I reassured him as I forced a smile on my face. “I was talking to someone earlier that is why I was not able to answer right away. I am sorry for that.” “Oh yeah?" He chimes, sounding curious."Yeah." I answered instantly. "It was not that important anyway." I shrugged it off so that he will not get suspicious over anything and will not be jealous.He hums deeply under his throat before asking me, "Would you mind telling me who was it?""A schoolmate." I chirped."A schoolmate?" He parroted."Yeah, a schoolmate.""That is nice." He compliments nonchalantly as he continues to sound like he is eating on something from the other line. I can hear him munching and crunching before he continues to question me, "How was your mornin
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16L I N D YJake pauses from eating and just stares at me, “You know I kind of regretted why I never really had the guts to be friends with you.”I was taken aback by his words because they seemed as if it was something I would want to hear when I would be in high school. I have always had a huge crush on Jake but I guess hearing those words now no longer mattered to me because I have Milo and we are going to have a child soon. Although Jake’s words are flattering, it still makes me happy to hear that he wanted to be friends with me.“I am way out of your league. Your friends were so cool. All so cool.” I answered while laughing under my throat and staring at my hands.“Maybe.” He chuckles. “Maybe they were the cool ones and I was not.""What?""I did not feel like I fit in though. I did not feel like I was cool or something so I did not try to be cool in any way.”“What do you mean?” I asked. "You are cool."He stares at me and shakes his head, “Nah, I was just an average student. B
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17L I N D Y “I’m not.” I lied.I turned my head towards him and asked him back, “Is there a reason why I should?” He took a long pause, awkward enough to send a shiver down my spine so I forced myself to look away and watch out for Milo’s car. Griffin chuckles, “No Lindy.” “I see. So why would you feel that I am scared of you?” “Because I can tell by the way you’re breathing.”The moment I looked back, I was surprised to notice that he was already leaning closer to me. He was too close that I can feel his breathing against my skin and his eyes scanning my entire face as if he was looking for something. I stood completely frozen as I feel my heart thumping hard inside my chest. “Don’t worry.” He whispers.My breathing heavies. “I’m friendly.” He adds.I travelled my eyes back at Griffin and he was smiling at me before he placed a black baseball cap over his head. His eyes were still glued on mine and I cannot believe how that stare seemed so intense yet so damned cold. There wa
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18Finally the foods were served one by one and everything on the table looked so mouthwatering. We started eating right away and I was taking bigger bites than Milo that made him kind of laugh as we continued to eat and talk about how his meeting went and why it took him too long to pick me up. He constantly would wipe my cheek with the table napkin and laugh adorably at me.“I’m really hungry.” I said.“Didn’t you eat earlier?”I was then reminded that I wasn’t able to eat during lunch and I only had the snack bars that Jake gave me. It wasn’t so bad but the kind of hunger hours passed since I ate it was undeniably striking. I wanted to skip class just to eat but we had an exam.“I ate a light meal.” I answered.“Light meal? Christ Lindy, you should remember that you’re no longer eating for yourself.”“I know. I’m sorry. I promise I would eat more next time.”“Please take care of yourself.” He tells me dearly.“I will.” I smiled reassuringly.He smiles back. “You should eat a lot. H
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19L I N D YI take a pause and stare at Milo intently before answering him, “I am not.” His eyes look sad but he manages to smile and his smile just makes me feel as if the world would stop every single time he does that. His dimpled smile could cure the longingness I always feel when he is not around and that it could pause the entire world from spinning and make me feel as if everything around us did not matter because I have him.I have him and he loves me.“I just…" I trailed off."You just?""I just really love you.” I answer him with a smile on my face and felt this love between us.Milo’s lips widen into a smile and his dimples are much more visible now compared to earlier when suddenly steps on the brake which causes the car to come to a stop as it surprises me. “Why did we stop?” I asked. Out of nowhere, his long arms started reaching out to me and wrapping them around me the next second without even saying a single thing. He began to pull me close to his body and embrace
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