All Chapters of Her demon Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
120 Chapters
The dimly lit dungeon echoed with the sound of heavy chains rattling against the cold stone walls. The captives were being tortured by the warriors' leader. They had refused to say anything about the kidnap, so Heartman asked that they should be tortured until they say the reason for the kidnap.Minutes stretched into agonizing hours before a creaking door broke the suffocating silence. In walked a figure draped in regal attire, his eyes burning with an intensity that commanded attention. It was Alpha Heartman.The guards and warriors' leader bowed and moved back so he could see the face of the captives."Are you ready to talk, or should we continue?" Heartman said to the captives."We'll talk, please stop this; it's hurting us," one of the warriors said."Get me a chair," Heartman commanded one of the guards.The guards brought the chair, and Heartman took his seat."Who are you?" Heartman asked."We're special warriors of Diamond Shadow pack. We work personally for Alpha Jayden as
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Heartman walked out of the cell and out of the dungeon. He headed towards the room where Mia and Nathalie were receiving treatment in the pack house."Nathalie, there's something you need to know," Heartman began, and Mia was about to stand up and leave them to talk when Heartman stopped her."You need to hear this, Mia. It's about your husband, Alex. He isn't dead; he has been possessed by a demon," Heartman paused, observing Mia's response before continuing."He's in the forest, going through the sacrifice to awaken the demon within him," Heartman concluded.Nathalie started crying as she heard what Heartman said. "Isn't there a solution to stop it, Heartman? We can't allow the demon to be awake; it'll destroy innocent lives," Nathalie complained."We'll have to look for the person that possesses the Mundara powers, and searching for that now isn't something that can be done in a few minutes," Heartman said sadly."I already know about the demon within Alex, and I'm the one you seek
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The dark cloud that had loomed over Alex's soul grew denser, and with each passing day, the demon lurking inside him gained strength. Its malevolent presence seeped into his thoughts, tainting his actions with a sinister allure. Alex had fought against it, but now, it seemed as if the demon's grip on his very essence was tightening, suffocating him.He noticed Alex was starting to know more about things, meaning he already knew about the trick he was playing with his mind. The demon possessed him and started ordering everyone to get the sacrifice ready fast so he could come in his full self.In fear and trembling, all his servants went about looking for all ingredients to complete the sacrifice and awaken him to take full control of Alex's body.**----------------------------------**Mia and Alex's parents were still making plans on how to help Alex and destroy the demon without coming back to seek revenge.As Mia spoke about it, the more she became tired because everything was confus
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Alex's parents were determined to assist their son in defeating the powerful demon that plagued their lives and caused so many deaths. They believed that understanding the demon's origins and weaknesses would be the key to success. With a glimmer of hope in their hearts, they embarked on a journey that would take them to the sorcerer's place and grant them access to long-forgotten texts, helping them understand what they needed to do to help Alex.Early in the morning, they left the pack with Mia, who assured them of the sorcerer's place that her mom took her to before she was killed. They ventured deep into the enchanted forest, with Heartman and Natalie feeling a sense of familiarity."Heartman, isn't this the place we came back then when we were looking for answers about Alex?" Natalie asked, looking around."Natalie, I can't say because all forests look the same, though I know this place looks and feels familiar," Heartman replied."Let's just go; when we get there, we'll know if
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Outside the sorcerer's abode, Mia and Alex's parents chatted as they made their way home."Heartman, I told you the place looks familiar; now you believe me, right? I can't miss it; I know the place so well, and it still hasn't changed a bit all those years," Natalie said."I believe you now, Luna Natalie," Heartman said, laughing. He went ahead and teased her."Why would you want a sorcerer to change his place? It's not a rented apartment or a palace," Heartman said, laughing out loud. Mia couldn't help but join in the laugh."Heartman darling, are you mocking me?" Natalie did a baby face, trying to win Heartman.Heartman looked at her and refused to fall for her trick. Mia just looked at both of them, happy that they weren't crying or blaming themselves for how Alex turned out to be.She misses her mom too much; it hurts really bad. Her mom would have known exactly what to do right in this situation. She missed all the time she ran away from home to play with friends. If she had kno
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Mia, Heartman, and the sorcerer left Natalie behind at the sorcerer's place because she was already injured during the clash.Mia and Heartman ran towards the building where the final sacrifice would be made, and the sorcerer stayed behind to distract Alex while they destroyed the altar and exorcised the demon.Standing before the main room where the altar was set up, Mia and Heartman felt their hearts pounding with a mixture of anticipation and fear. They had finally located the place where the demon intended to fully possess Alex, and they knew they had to act quickly to prevent Alex's servants from catching up with them.Heartman's hands trembled slightly as he clutched the ancient book of exorcism chants, its pages worn and fragile with age. Mia stood close to him, holding the little dagger the sorcerer had given her.With a deep breath, Mia took the lead, stepping cautiously into the room. The low lighting and flickering candles cast eerie shadows on the cold stone walls. The atm
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Alex's heart pounded as he carried Mia's unconscious body through the dense forest, making his way back to the Crystal Moon pack. His mind raced with worry and desperation, knowing that her life hung in the balance. Every step he took, every breath he drew, was filled with determination to bring her back safely.Finally, the familiar sight of the pack's territory emerged from the trees. He sprinted towards the Alpha's den, his muscles burning with exertion, but his resolve unyielding. Bursting through the entrance, he was immediately met with concerned and relieved faces.The pack's healer and nurses rushed forward to tend to their Alpha as she took in Mia's motionless form. "What happened?" she asked urgently.Alex's voice cracked with emotion. "The most important thing I want now is for her to be taken to my room; you have to help and treat her there."The pack healer motioned for the others to clear a space, and together they gently laid Mia on a nearby bed. The healer's hands move
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The next morning, the sun's warm rays filtered through the curtains of Alex's bedroom, gently coaxing him awake. As he slowly emerged from his slumber, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation tingling in the air. He turned and gave the still-sleeping Mia a peck on the head and a soft kiss on her lips.As he rose from his bed and began his morning routine, Alex couldn't shake off the thought of his mother's message. "She sent for me," he murmured to himself. Alex's mother had sent for him, a simple message delivered by a nurse who had become a familiar face during his past visits when Heartman was there.A mix of curiosity and trepidation brewed within him. Although he had never been close to his mother, the fact that she had reached out to him felt significant.With a mix of apprehension and hope, Alex made his way down the hallway towards his mother's room. As he neared the door, he paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He wasn't sure what to expect or how this en
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the tranquil garden, Alex and Mia found themselves seated on a rustic wooden bench, their fingers intertwined. It was a moment of quietude, a sanctuary of their own amidst the chaos of their lives. The fragrant aroma of blooming flowers and the soothing melody of birdsong filled the air, creating a backdrop that seemed tailor-made for a profound conversation.Mia gazed at Alex with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. She had spent countless nights rehearsing the words she would utter, trying to capture the essence of her emotions. Now, with her heart pounding in her chest, she took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak her truth, but before she could say anything, Alex took the lead."Mia," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been reflecting on our journey together, on the pact that once bound us and the love that has blossomed between us. I've come to realize that our marriage shouldn't
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The sun set over the vast forest as Mia and her loyal pack made their way through the dense forest. The air was thick with anticipation as they neared their destination - the territory of the Silver Moon Pack.Today was a momentous day - the day the two packs would be reunited. As the sole heir to her pack, Mia had taken on the responsibility of bringing both packs together, forging a stronger and more harmonious alliance.It had been a long journey, but Mia knew that this meeting was the beginning of a new chapter in her life and that of her pack.As they approached the borders of the Silver Moon Pack's territory, Mia stood to address her pack.Mia's heart swelled with pride as she surveyed her pack, eager for this new chapter in their lives. The challenges they had faced seemed insignificant now, their differences mere stepping stones towards a common goal. She caught the eye of some leaders, the Diamond Shadow pack's wise and noble elders and advisors; they stood there with everyon
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