All Chapters of HER CEO EX HUSBAND: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
121 Chapters
Larisa Finding the Perfect Building For Her Medical Facility.
Larisa nodded thoughtfully. "That does sound promising. Let's add it to the list," she said.As they visited each property, Larisa carefully assessed each one, looking for the ideal location with adequate space and accessibility for her hospital. Despite the long day of searching, Larisa remained determined and focused, knowing that finding the right building was crucial to her mission of providing quality Medical facilities to her country.Larisa and the real estate agent arrived at the first property, a 15-floor building that appeared to be in disrepair. Larisa took a deep breath as she stepped inside, taking in the musty smell and faded wallpaper.She walked through the lobby, examining the cramped waiting area and outdated furniture. As she made her way up to the top floor, she noticed the narrow stairwells and small elevators, which would not be ideal for transporting patients.After taking a quick look around the interior, Larisa turned to the agent with a disappointed expressio
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Checking it in Person.
Larisa nodded, "Thank you for being so understanding. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I think it's best if I wait until tomorrow to sign the documents and make the payment."The agent smiled, "Not a problem at all. We can schedule another appointment for tomorrow, and you can bring your parents along to take a look at the building. We want to make sure you're completely satisfied with your purchase."Larisa felt a sense of relief wash over her. It was important to her that her parents approved of the building, and she was grateful to have a real estate agent who was willing to accommodate her needs.As they arrived at the office, they made plans to meet again the next day, and Larisa headed home to inform her parents of the exciting news. She couldn't wait to show them the building and get their approval before officially becoming the owner of her dream hospital.Larisa and Waylen left the real estate agent's office and stepped into a waiting taxi, heading towards Larisa's parent
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Larisa's First Step To Make Her Dream a Reality.
The following morning, Larisa, Waylen, and her parents woke up at Larisa's parents' house. After taking their baths and getting dressed, they all sat down to eat breakfast together. As they were finishing up, Larisa remembered to call Ashley."Hey Ashley," Larisa said into her phone. "Are you on your way to our house?"Ashley's voice came through the speaker, "Yes, I'm on my way. I should be there in about 10 minutes."Larisa's parents looked up from their plates, curious about the conversation. "Is Ashley coming with us to see the building?" her father asked.Larisa nodded. "Yes, she's coming. She wants to see the building too."As they finished their meal, they chatted excitedly about what they hoped to see in the building. A few minutes later, Ashley arrived in her car.Larisa greeted her with a warm hug. "Thanks for coming, Ashley," she said.Ashley smiled. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Let's go see this building!"Ashley greeted Larisa's parents with a warm smile
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Answers to his request.
Alex woke up early, his mind consumed with thoughts of Ashley. He couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of her finally agreeing to be his girlfriend. As he lay in bed, contemplating his next move, an idea struck him.He thought about a cozy restaurant that he could take Ashley to, a place where they could have breakfast and talk. He wanted to make it a special occasion, a moment that she would never forget. After much deliberation, Alex finally decided on the perfect spot.****The next morning, Ashley woke up early and lay in bed, her mind consumed with thoughts of Alex's request for them to become a couple. She tossed and turned, trying to weigh the pros and cons of accepting his offer.Hours passed, and Ashley remained lost in thought, her mind racing with different scenarios and outcomes. She knew that this decision could impact her life in a significant way, and she didn't want to rush into anything without careful consideration.As she stared up at the ceiling, Ashley cou
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The Video Call
Alex couldn't believe his ears. His face lit up with joy as he exclaimed, "Really?! You will? That's amazing! Thank you so much, Ashley!" He reached across the table and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.Ashley's cheeks flushed with excitement as she gazed into Alex's eyes. "Of course, Alex. I've been waiting for you to ask me," she said, leaning in a little closer.Alex's heart swelled with happiness as he realized that his feelings for Ashley were reciprocated. He couldn't wait to start their new journey together as a couple.Alex breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to finally have clarity on their relationship. "So, just to be clear, you're now my girlfriend?" he asked, looking at Ashley with hope in his eyes.Ashley beamed with delight. "Yes, Alex, I am your girlfriend. And you're my boyfriend," she replied, her voice filled with happiness.Alex's heart skipped a beat as he gazed at Ashley, feeling incredibly lucky to have her by his side. "I can't believe it. I must be t
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Huxley Shopping Mall.
Marcellus started his day by indulging in a hearty breakfast, taking the time to savor each bite before getting dressed for work. As he made his way out the door, he grabbed his car keys and headed to the garage, eager to Zoom to the office.Upon arriving at work, Marcellus had a busy schedule ahead of him. He was scheduled to attend a board meeting with the Directors to discuss important business matters. One of the key topics on the agenda was Huxley's Shopping Mall advancement, which Marcellus had been closely involved with.As he made his way to the boardroom, Marcellus couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that the decisions made during this meeting could have a significant impact on the future of the company, and he was eager to contribute his insights and ideas and get more insight and ideas from others.Once the meeting began, Marcellus dove right in, sharing his thoughts and opinions on the various topics being discussed. He listened intently
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First Mystery Encounter with Marcellus.
Marcellus and the other directors hopped into a company car and set off for the mall.As they arrived at the mall, Marcellus couldn't help but feel impressed by the scale and grandeur of the structure still intact. He turned to his employees and said, "Wow, this is something. It's amazing to see how far this mall has come since we first started discussing its advancement."Marcellus and the directors, accompanied by a few employees, made their way through the men's shopping section of the mall. As they walked, they took note of the areas that had been improved and the ones that still needed work. Marcellus was impressed by the mall's use of new technology, and he made a mental note to bring it up in their next meeting as a potential area for improvement.As they continued through the section, they stopped to ask a few men who were shopping about the items they were looking for. To their surprise, they found that the mall didn't have some of the things the men were searching for. The m
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Second Mystery Encounter with Marcellus.
"These are perfect, Waylen! They look great, and they're durable enough to last the whole school year," Larisa said, trying to maintain her composure while quickly grabbing the shoes and her son's hand.Waylen looked up at his mother, confused by her sudden change in demeanor. "What's wrong, Mom?" he asked.Larisa quickly placed her hand over Waylen's mouth and whispered, "Shh, we need to hide for a moment."She took Waylen's hand and led him to a secluded corner of the kid's section, where they could observe from a safe distance. Larisa's heart raced as she watched Marcellus and the men pass by, unaware of her presence.Once they had passed, Larisa released a sigh of relief and turned to Waylen. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just needed to make sure we were safe."Waylen nodded, still confused by the situation. "Who was that man, Mom?"Larisa hesitated before responding, "Just someone I used to know. Let's focus on finding the perfect shoes for you, okay?"After the brief scare with her ex-
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Waylen's New School.
As Larisa entered her home, she couldn't help but ponder the strange events of the day. She sat down on the couch, lost in thought, as memories flooded her mind. The encounter with her ex-husband at the mall sent shivers down her spine, but she was relieved he didn't see her. However, the memory of Marcellus walking past her without noticing her presence made her heart race.Larisa's thoughts then drifted to the strange encounter she had in the elevator with Marcellus and his group. She was grateful that Marcellus didn't try to talk to them as they faced the wall, that would have been a big problem. as it all felt very peculiar. All these incidents had left Larisa feeling uneasy and apprehensive.Lost in thought, Larisa sat on the couch for a while, trying to make sense of the day's events. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to these encounters than met the eye. Nevertheless, she decided to let the thoughts go for the time being, knowing that there was nothin
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Medical Supplies.
Larisa nodded, satisfied with the administrator's response. She knew that her son was now in a safe and secure environment. As they walked down the hallway, Larisa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension for her son's first day at a new school. When they reached the classroom, Larisa stood by the window and watched as the teacher introduced Waylen to his new classmates."Good morning, class. We have a new student joining us today. This is Waylen, everyone. Let's all make him feel welcome," the teacher announced, smiling warmly at Waylen.Larisa's heart swelled with pride as she watched her son shyly wave at his new classmates. She knew that it would take some time for him to adjust, but she was confident that he would do well in his new school.After a few minutes of watching, Larisa turned and left the classroom, feeling content and relieved that her son's first day had gone well so far. Larisa left Waylen's new School and went to a medical supply com
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