All Chapters of My Heart Belongs To Katy, The CEO Cried Out: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 Chapters
Anne forced her way enter Into the supervisor's house, and she moves closer to him, and she said, “you are mine, we understand each other, and we can't leave each other, and she kissed him, and she slide her hand Into his pant and she held his dick while kissing him, The supervisor lost control of himself, and he reciprocated, and he asked, tell me how much do you require today because I know that you need money not me” “You are wrong In your thoughts, I need you, and I need money “ Anne said, “how much?“ the supervisor asked, “I need five thousand dollars” Anne retorted, “Well, that's not too much, but I don't have upto that amount, but I will give you three thousand dollars” the supervisor said, “You are too poor, just five thousand dollars, you don't have, you are negotiating on three thousand dollars, that amount Is too poor, It can't solve my problems “ Anne explained, “At least, you have known the truth that I'm not rich, and you know my financial strength, I'm an em
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Chapter 12
Why can't you forget about this destitute named Katy?“ Anne asked, let's focus on our relationship and discuss about us” she said, “Anyway, sorry to say this, I'm not In any relationship with you, and I want you to understand that we are not In a relationship, I just like you as a person, but on the track of love no” Leonard explained,“How do you mean?“ Anne asked, “I will talk to you later” Leonard said, and he ended up with the conversation, “Did you heard him?“ Anne asked, “you heard what he said, you heard him asked about Katy's wellbeing, I have been trying my possible best to get his attention for months, he was not giving me attention, but he can be asking about that idiot Katy” Anne said while tears dripping down from her eyes, “Cry and sob Is not the solution, get some boys to get the supervisor out of your way, then get some guys to molest Katy, and send the video coverage to Leonard, then he will lose Interest In Katy, and he won't have any choice than to come b
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Anyway, I don't know anything about your predicament, please, let me be” Anne said, “how are you now, hope you are feeling better?“ she asked, “Why do you care about me, please leave my office, and never enter Into my office, and never you come Into my house” the supervisor said, “I suppose to say that because you are a big liar” Anne said, “Thank you just leave and let me live” the supervisor said, Anne came out of the supervisor's office reluctantly because the supervisor was talking on the top of his voice, and other staff are hearing him, Anne was ashamed of herself before other staff that regards her as his girlfriend and close associates, so what happened between them was beyond everyone's expectations, Anne went to meet the cashier and she asked, “did you heard all that the supervisor said?“ “See, I'm busy, this Is not the time for gossips, please leave for your duty post” the cashier said, Anne sat In a corner, and she called Leonard, “hi baby, what's up” Leona
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Chapter 14
Mrs Rodman ended the phone conversations with her son, while Leonard said, “did you heard my mom?” Leonard asked, “I didn't follow up your discussion, and you know me that I don't like Intruding to people's affairs” Katy retorted, “You need to wise up, follow your Instincts” Leonard said,“Thank you” Katy said, “Katy heard all the discussions because the speaker of the phone was loud, but she pretends not hearing anything from the discussions, A while later, they walked Into the house for dinner, and the dining table has been set up for dinner, Leonard and Katy sat on the chair and they took their dinner, and a while later, they stood up, and they walked Into the bedroom, Katy sat on the executive sofa In the bedroom while, and he asked, “ did you remember the phone numbers of your dad?““No, I don't remember, but I believe that my stepmom will know my dad's number” Katy retorted, “He works with ministry of natural resources” Katy said, “Did you know the full name of yo
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Chapter 15
Leonard explained all that Anne and her mom told her when she first went to the house when he was searching for her, and he further told how Anne tried to lured him Into the relationship, but he didn't give him chance to achieved her aim and objectives, and he said, “Katy, you need to be careful, Is not everybody that loves you” “but I can't believe that they can go to that level” Katy said, “Don't trust no one, they can disappoint you at any given time” Leonard said, Tears was just dripping down from Katy's eyes, and she was sobbing, and she Imagines that If Leonard and police didn't come to her rescue, and she said, “Leonard, thank you, I appreciates, I don't know that someone still care for me, thank you” and two of them embraced each other, The sets table for lunch, and two of them walked down to the dining table where they took their lunch, “Such Is life, trust no one, people can do what are not expected of them” Leonard said, Katy couldn't eat, she was In deep though
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Chapter 16
“I'm not leaving you, I just wanted to bring refreshments and a bottle of water for you” Katy explained, “You don't need to do that for now, take me back to the living room, maybe Leonard Is In the library checking some books” Mrs Rodman explained, “Alright mom” Katy said, and she wheels Mrs Rodman back to the house, and she headed to the living room where she left her and headed back to the kitchen where she brought refreshments and a bottle of water” Mrs Rodman asked, “check on Leonard for me?“ “or Is he In his room?“ she asked, “Can I wheel you to his room?“ Katy asked, “Yeah, let me check on him In his bedroom” Mrs Rodman retorted, Katy wheels Mrs Rodman to Leonard's bedroom, but he was not found In his bedroom, and Mrs Rodman begin to wonder where could he be, and he never thought of him be In Katy's bedroom, Mrs Rodman was contemplating when Katy was wheeling her to the living room when Leonard came out from Katy's bedroom, but Mrs Rodman didn't know the exact room
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Chapter 17
Ariana Lynch was rushed to the hospital with her big pregnancy bump, and when the car that brought her parked his car Infront of the hospital, her brother named Lucas Lynch came out of the car with the maternity home registration card, and he rushed Into the hospital reception and he gave the registration card to the receptionist, Meanwhile, the receptionist stared at Lucas Lynch, he was sweating and looking stressed, and the receptionist gave him access, and he pointed to a nurse that was coming, Lucas didn't bother to listen to the receptionist again, he went to meet the nurse, and he gave the card, and when the nurse saw the card and the letter attached to the card from a maternity home where she supposed to have the babies, The nurse rushed Into the gynaecologist office, and he gave him the registration card and the letter, and when the doctor read the content of the letter, he stood up Immediately, and he asked, “where Is she?“ “I think she Is still Inside the car parke
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Chapter 18
Two weeks later, Ariana was having pregnancy symptoms, but she thought It was a result of what she was passing through, she was holding herself, she doesn't want her twin brother to know that she was heartbroken, fives weeks later she missed her menstrual circle, and she waited for five days before she went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kid,Early In the morning she woke up, and she rushed to the washroom where she carries out the pregnancy test and It was positive, she broke down In tears, A few minutes later, Lucas woke up and he checked Ariana Inside her bedroom as usual, but she was not found on the bed, and he walked to washroom's doorstep, and she knocked on the door, Ariana came out of the washroom with her eye balls swelled and rosy, and when she was trying to hide the pregnancy test, the kit fell from her, and Lucas picked up the kit, and he saw that It was pregnancy test with positive lines, Lucas asked, “Ariana, what's this, Is this what you are trying
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Chapter 19
“Well, you can see your sister, she had quadruplets, all boys but one of them Is under critical condition” the doctor said, “Critical condition, okay, let me see my sister” Lucas said nervously,“Come with me” the doctor said, The doctor led Lucas to the maternity ward, where Ariana are being laid on the bed, Lucas was happy to see Ariana, but at the same time, he was thinking about the hospital bills and the buying of medicines for the babies, he was unable to concentrate, “Ariana, congratulations” Lucas said, “Thank you Lucas” Ariana said, “have you seen my babies?“ she asked, “No but the doctor says three of them are perfectly okay, but one Is still under treatment” Lucas said, “Which problems Is this, I'm thinking of how to settle the bills, now, one Is under treatment, oh, my babies, be healed without spending much, mom doesn't have money” Ariana said while tears dripping down from her eyes, “Ariana stop this, you know If you fall sick, that will be another problem,
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Chapter 20
Ariana was surprised, and she asked, “how did you do It, I mean where did you see money to do all these things?“ “I have always told you, don't queries the source of my finance, I'm beginning to gain financial strengt” Lucas said, and he smilesLucas pushed the baby pusher Into the house while Ariana following him to the house, and he said, “we have two rooms In this house, you can take any room you like, but I did the furnishings to be the same” “Thank you Lucas, without you beside me, I don't how life could have be for me, thank you” Ariana said, You are welcome, we are together, you are my twin sister, I don't have a choice, I have to do It” Lucas said, “Ariana, I need to bring our things from the hostel, make yourself comfortable, feel at home, I will soon be back” he said, and he came out of the house, and he entered Into the car, and drivers onto the hostel, he parked all their things and he submitted the room's key to the agent, and he entered Into the hired car, and h
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