All Chapters of Beautifully Unfinished: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
316 Chapters
55M I R A N D AHUGO: Hey. I'm leaving for London in a bit, I just wanted to check that the tux I bought for Ben fit him?I stare at his message for a while before I finally decided to put my book down as I gaze at the clock, it was already midnight.I know Hugo's already on his way back to London and I could tell that he has been avoiding the fact that he needs to confront me after finding out that I am pregnant. He has not talked to me about my baby with Landon after he found out about it last night and I do not think that I am ready to even confront him about it too.It was a good thing for me because I don’t know what kind of conversation we would be having and I am not ready to even talk to him. Also, I am utterly confused who would be the father to this child I am carrying.I cannot ruin Hugo’s wedding which is happening in four days and even though it seems too close, there is still a part of me that wishes for it not to happen.Selfish. That word creeps into my head again and
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55.5At least Ben can feel a love from a father by Landon's presence and Hugo too.Everything is set for tomorrow. My gown, heels, hair and make up artist are all ready and set. Ben's little tuxedo is ready too. Landon's suit and tie is ready as well. Everything is ready…except for me.I'm not ready.I'm not ready to see and to hear Hugo saying his I Do.I'm not ready for Audrey to become Mrs. Saintclare.I'm not ready.The following morning, while my make up artist is busy putting make up on my face and my hairstylist is busy doing my hair, I am trying to tell myself that I can get through this day without even feeling anything at all.You are not going to feel sad or jealous.You should not be.I stare at myself in front of the mirror once the make up artist told me that I was done. I look pretty and ready for the event. I look happy as I try to smile but I'm dying inside and I should not be.I exhale heavily.I know this is wrong to feel this way because it is absolutely unfair fo
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56M I R A N D A"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Audrey and Hugo in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife." The priest begins to say.Husband and wife.Those three simple words that came out from the priest's mouth felt like bulldozers of slingshots that hit me pretty damn hard straight to the face.This is really happening.The entire time, I am silent on my seat so as the rest of the entire people here but I wasn't actually listening to the priest. I am silent because I don't want to be here. I don't wanna attend this wedding. I don't wanna see Hugo getting married to this woman who I loathe to death.Envy, there is so much envy deep inside me and these negative emotions are utterly wrong. This should not be growing inside me because in the first place I should not be feeling
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56.5H U G OI want Rose to stop this wedding but I know she won't do it."Do you Hugo Edward Saintclare take Maria Audriana Chamberlain to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest asks for the third time.I exhale heavily.What's wrong with you, Saintclare? I scold myself.I've practiced this. I've thought about this thoroughly these past few days. I've decided on my answer and I was so sure about it. I'm so sure of my I Do. I know I was going to say it today. I even practiced saying it in front of the mirror every night or when I'm at the office. I was so sure about this last night. I was so sure that I was going to say it for my upcoming baby with Audrey because I know Rose won't be here. I thought I could do it but why do I feel like backing-out right now?It's just two words. Now say it. I scolded myself.I
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57M I R A N D AWhy did he do this?Why does he want to dance with me?Why does he do unexpected things without even owning up to his actions?Hugo always do things that surprises me. Hugo always say words that I never expect him to say or questions that I never expect him to ask. But at the end of the day, he does not even choose me.I hate this and I'm on the verge of choosing to dance with him or not.I want to. Of course.But a part of me doesn't because in the middle of the dance, we're going to talk for sure. And, Landon is here. I don't want him to think of something else.I don't want to talk to Hugo. There's nothing left to talk about anyways. What's there left to talk about? Is he gonna explain? Explain what? There is so much more important things to worry about and this should not be on top of that list.I should not let Hugo affect me. It's so easy to say but it's so hard to do.And I know I have no choice because we're already standing on the center of the dance floor jo
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57.5I shake my head sideways while he sneakily wipes my tears."We need to stop this." I tell him as I exhale heavily. "We need to stop saying things like these to each other. This is wrong. This is far too sinful and I don't want to hurt people who mean something to me. We need to stop giving hope to each other because you're already married. I'm going to start having a family with Landon too.""Rose. Don't say that please." He begs."No Hugo. You need to stop." I spit.I slowly pull myself away from him and he's just watching me. We are not dancing anymore but we are still at the dance floor, standing before each other while the music continues to play on the background. I stare at him for the last time before I begin to walk away with this heavy feeling inside my chest. I rush back to the table and felt Audrey's eyes darting at me angrily."I just need to go to the bathroom." I kiss Landon's cheek."Are you okay love?" He asks and I can tell that his eyes are worried."Yes. I'm fi
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58H U G OShit, Landon must have heard it all.I know I shouldn't have left my own wedding, but this is much more important than being stuck there with all those fake people trying to be happy for us.The entire drive, my mind is boggling about where Landon is going to take me. I trust him, despite our past and I know he would not actually do something to hurt me.He's my best friend.Ironic, calling him my best friend when I have always been so selfish.When Landon parked his car, I did too but I am still hesitant in following him. I gaze out of my window to see where he could have brought me, and I was very surprised why we came here this late. I don't know why he took me here.I see him hopping off from his car and then he stares at me eagerly with furrowed brows and I know that he is telling me to follow him in. What does this guy have in mind? I quickly turned off the engine of my car and stepped out too.He hasn't said any word to me and I can't seem to say anything to him afte
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58.5I take deep breath in."You were my friend." He spits.Tears gather behind my eyelids fast."You were a brother to me Hugo. You were my best friend." He adds.I bent my head down because I'm too embarrassed to face him. He pushes me hard on my chest which made my tilt my head backwards. He releases me but we are still standing in front of each other. I can't find any words to answer him because I'm guilty. I feel terrible. I am too guilty."You promised me." He says.I sigh heavily. I'm still not looking at him because I couldn't dare to."You promised me you'll love Audrey and you'll be faithful to her because I told you to. You told me she's the one. You told me that Hugo and I haven't forgotten about that night. But now you're stealing Miranda away from me as well?!" He yells at me.I slowly pull my head up to him and he is already crying.There are tears on his cheeks."You betrayed me! But this time is so much worst! You fucked my woman, Hugo! You fucked her and got her preg
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59L A N D O N I've parked my car right outside the pad where Miranda and I are staying in London and I don't know what I am feeling. I don't know if I'm ready to face her. I don't know what words I would or should say to her. I'm so mad but I don't want to be mad at her.I take a few minutes to try to calm myself down before stepping out of the car. Ned had brought them home right away when I left the reception and I was glad he did. I know she's waiting for me to arrive home and I know she wants to talk about it.I honestly don't know how to talk to her about all this.My fist feels numb and it is still hurting after punching Hugo.I know Miranda would explain to me but I don't know how to trust her after what she did behind my back. I just don't want her to explain everything because the fact that she had sex with Hugo for the second time totally angers the living hell out of me.I march my way to the front door and gathered my thoughts together with me as I entered the foyer. I l
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60M I R A N D A"Let's have a paternity test."Landon's words are engraved inside my head for the past hour and I couldn't help but agree since I know that we both need to know about it to make sure. This is for reassurance and for us to have a peace of mind.He told me that he wants to make sure if it is indeed Hugo's or not and I agreed to him. Right after he asked for my consent, the two of us went to a clinic which conducts such test and he had to pay additional fees to make sure that the files will only be confidential to the doctor and the couple.Landon was very much decided to have this and I want this too.As soon as we reached the clinic, I went through two DNA paternity test right away. I went through a blood test from the alleged father who is Landon and a fetal cell analysis on me. The other one was much each and it was a 1 x 10mL blood sample from me and two mouth swabs from the alleged father.When it was done, we were told that the result would be sent to our e-mail a
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