All Chapters of Billionaire's Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
She Must Find Out
Isabella immediately hid behind Jayden's back, "Jayden, they are about to throw us out, what do we do?"Jayden looked at the two burly men and spoke with confidence, "are you going to be cruel to children as little as this?"Other people in the restaurant were only watching but didn't interfer while a few just ignored what was going on. In the city, everyone had learnt to always mind their business as they do not who is who.The burly men looked at the girl child's mother as if asking if she's in support of her child's order.Seeing that the burly guards were looking at her, the girl child's mother looked at the guards and said, "do as my daughter want."At once, the burly men walked quickly to Jayden and Isabella, about to grab them each by their small hands in an attempt to throw them out, two hard resounding kicks suddenly sounded.At once, the two burly men were seeing flying in the air, they crashed to the wall simultaneously and began to bleed from their skull.Everyone turned t
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It's You Or No One Else
When Lily arrived home from work, she went to shower and then wore a pyjamas, before even eating, as she was hungry, she head straight to her children's room as she knew that they would have returned from school. On entering inside their room, she saw both kids laying on the bed and covering themselves with a duvet. It's not even night yet and they were already sleeping. They were not the type who sleep early.She walked closer to them and realized that Isabella was shivering under the bed. Her heart skipped and she immediately touched her by her forehead to examine her temperature. She could sense at once that she had developed fever.Looking at Jayden's pale face keenly, she could tell that he was sick too. How could her children get sick at the same time? That they are twin doesn't mean that they must fall sick at the same time. Something was definitely odd.She woke Jayden up gently and as Jayden saw her, he immediate curled his body around her. While holding him closely, she aske
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She Has To Do Something
About a week later, Lucinda was now at home but in a wheelchair, the doctor had said she will be needeing a wheelchair for the time being. A woman was specifically employed to be taking care of her.Lily had not gone to check on Lucinda since she was back from the hospital and that was because she knew the woman doesn't like her and that it was Amelia that she liked. she also got to found out that Lucinda was pressuring Drake Bell to have Amelia as his wife.While Drake Bell was dressing up for work, infact, he was already done wearing his suit and was at the moment, tieing the lace of his shoe. The voice of the nurse employed specially for Lucinda suddenly rang loud, calling into Drake Bell as a matter or urgency.Drake Bell removed his legs at once from the shoes and immediately wore a slippers then walked out, "Larisa, what's the matter?" Larisa was the name of the nurse."Mrs. Lucinda has lost consciousness, seems she made an attempt to commit suicide," she reported fearfully."Su
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She Will Always Be In My Custody
Lily walked out quietly without saying another word.On getting inside her room, she began to think about her past. She grew up in the orphanage and had no idea whom her parents is. Either her parents are alive or dead, she had no idea. Whenever she asks the mathron in the orphanage, she would always tell her that the orphanage officials found her placed as a baby by the road side and hence, was abducted to the orphanage.So she literally has no family and it hurts to know. She has no one to call to cry to, laugh with, complain to or even fight with. Her entire life had been a lonely one. She needed someone very powerful to free her and her kids from Drake Bell's force. Living with someone that you don't love anymore is like living in hell. Walking around the house feels like one is walking on thorns. She feels sad most times in the house and she was always happy whenever she has the chance of leaving the house.While in her sad state, a notification popped up on her phone. It was an
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Lily saw herself in a club and in a jiffy, she was being pulled into a room, her mouth covered and in the same instance, a man hovered over her and began to thrust hard inside of her. She soon got lost in the man's heavy pounding and shamefully began to enjoy it. A part of her didn't even want him to stop. The man on her was as hard as rock. All of a sudden, her eyes fluttered open, it was a dream.She jerked up in fear and sat upright on her bed. It was the middle of the night around 3AM. She drawled a pillow closer to her and hugged it dearly. This wasn't the first time she was having such dream. It's very cringy seeing yourself being fucked in the dream. This exact same dream had occured repeatedly over the past five years, yet she couldn't make a meaning of it. She didn't even know what to do about it. She had never gone to club to get fucked by any man, how come she was having such wierd dreams?She stood and went to the bathroom, she was soon under the shower allowing the water
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What Sort Of False Accusation Is This?
"Drake... Did you invite Lily here?" Amelia held onto Drake Bell's bit palm and asked, looking at his face cutely."Lily, what are you doing here?" Drake Bell asked. Because of the safe distance she maintained with Alexander Bell, neither of Drake Bell nor Amelia knew that she came here with Alexander. "People are invited here only by special visit." Drake Bell added."I'm not here for neither of you, excuse me..." Lily said and turned in an attempt to catch up with Alexander Bell whom she thought would have gone far."Lily..." Drake Bell left Amelia and walked up to her."Please...not here. I'm here for an official assignment." Lily said and wanted to walk away but Drake Bell grabbed her wrist, "listen to me, Lily. If you really want to be here, you could have told me and I could have get you a card. I already told you to feel free to tell me anything you want."Lily yanked her hands off his grip, "Please let me be.""Lily, you will get kicked out of here since you don't have an invi
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Pour The Fucking Drink
Amelia immediately stood from her seat and spoke loudly, "Lily, I won't press this issue, don't be scared. We'll settle it personally." Then she turned to the bodyguard standing before her, "please bring me my necklace and thank you for finding it."Lily was shocked at how easygoing she was acting. If everything dies down like this, her reputation is definitely going down. There were a few people who had already taken a picture of her face and she knew it will make it to the media, definitely. Everyone would keep talking of how she stole at Lord Bell's birthday party.Alexander Bell dropped his phone on the table as he was just done with the conversation he was having on phone, he asked her, "are you a theif as well?" He already guessed she was the slut who drugged him to have sex with her many years ago, was she also a theif too?"I didn't steal it. This is clearly a set up," Lily said.This time, the bodyguard had already walked up to Amelia in an attempt to hand over the necklace t
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You Always Come Through For Me
"I'm so sorry for my clumsiness,sir. I'll handle it."However, Alexander didn't say any word.Lily went out and came back with one of the cleaners of the company, in a jiffy, the office was clean and neat again.Standing before him, Lily apologized, "I'm so sorry, sir.""It's not your fault. You may leave," he said, but his face was filled with immense pain. He looked like someone in serious agony. Although Lily didn't know exactly what is wrong with him, Lily felt bad for him."Erm... Sir... Are you fine?"Alexander Bell looked at her weakly for a few seconds, took a while before he responded, "do I look fine to you?""Oh..." Lily was dumbfounded. What was wrong with her? Why was she acting concerned? She better take her leave. "I'll take my leave, sir."As she turned to leave, Alexander spoke, "my ex wife...."Lily turned to him quietly.Alexander continued after a few seconds, "she divorced me many years ago and vanished. I have searched every hooks and crannies of the earth for he
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Give Her To Me
She paused and looked around, she suddenly sighted a familiar face around a Lexus Rx 450."Ella!" Lily screamed happily. It was her old friend in her university days. She was as a matter of fact her room mate and her bestfriend then. The two women ran into eachother and hugged dearly."Ella, where in the world have you been, how are you?" Lily asked merrily."I travelled to Canada for my masters. I lost your contact, I'm back now," she said with a smile. All of a sudden, she received a message on her phone, "oh my days... The personal assistant to the CEO wants to see me, I need to go back now.""Sure, let's talk later. I also work here," Lily said."Perfect!" She said and both friends quickly exchanged contact, "I've missed you so much, Lily."Lily only blushed and watched as her friend sped away. As she walked back to her car, she began to reminisce about their beautiful days in the university. Ella was such a beautiful soul, she was hundred percent loyal and honest. She was also ve
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Is He Asking Her Out?
Alexander frowned angrily, "get away!"Lily opened her eyes when she heard Drake's voice. Seeing that her eyes were opened, Drake Bell spoke, "Lily, so sorry I came late. Did those gangsters dare to hurt you? I promise you, I'll feed their bones to the eagles. Come with me." He stretched his hand as though he wants to carry a baby."Drake Bell, get out of my sight. This place would soon become a place of blood bath if you don't," Alexander threatened but he meant every single word he said."Uncle, take it easy. You can't carry her away, she needs to go back to our children, they are missing her badly," Drake Bell told his uncle.Alexander was shocked to find out that Lily has kids. But hearing him say 'our children' bothers him even more. Did Lily has kids for Drake Bell? If so, why then was Lily claiming that Drake Bell was forcing her to live with him against her will?At the mention of her children, Lily knew she had to let Drake take her home. All these while, she was still in Ale
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