Все главы The alpha king and his luna: Глава 31 - Глава 40
Chapter 31
As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the window, Caleb slowly opened his eyes and stretched his arms. He turned his head to the side, admiring the peaceful face of his mate, Rory, who was still sound asleep beside him. He couldn't resist the urge to lean in and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead.Rory stirred at the touch, and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled sleepily and snuggled closer to him. "Good morning," she murmured."Good morning, my love," Caleb replied, his voice husky with sleep.He trailed his fingers over her bare arm, relishing the warmth of her skin against his. The sheets were tangled around their legs, evidence of the passionate night they had shared. Caleb felt a wave of desire wash over him as he remembered their lovemaking. He leaned in and captured her lips with his, deepening the kiss as he explored her mouth with his tongue.Rory responded eagerly, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer. The kiss lasted for several minutes, both of
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Chapter 32
Logan was sound asleep in his bed when he heard a faint whispering in his room. He stirred a little, thinking it was just his imagination, but the whispers grew louder, more distinct. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking around the dark room. Nothing seemed amiss. His window was closed, his door locked, and the curtains were drawn. But as he lay back down, he heard the whispers again, this time accompanied by a strange, eerie sound. It was as if something was scratching at the walls. He jumped up, his heart pounding in his chest, and switched on the light. The room was empty, but the scratching sound continued, growing louder and more frenzied. Logan was paralyzed with fear. He had no idea what was happening, but he knew he had to get out of there. He dashed to the window, yanking it open and scrambled out. He ran across the village to Marcus's room, pounding on the door until Marcus groggily answered. "What's the matter?" Marcus asked, rubbing his eyes. "Something's in my room,"
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Chapter 33
Logan woke up early the next day, still feeling shaken by the events of the previous night. He looked around his room, searching for any sign of the ghostly figure, but everything seemed normal. He quickly tidied up his room and left to find Marcus.When he found Marcus, he was already getting ready for training. Logan joined him, hoping that the physical activity would help him take his mind off the ghost. They trained for several hours, and Logan felt himself becoming more relaxed with every passing minute. But as they finished up and were about to leave, Alpha Caleb called Logan aside."Logan, I've thought about what happened to you these last few nights," Alpha Caleb said, his voice filled with concern. "Lady Victoria has fully told me everything. I want you to know that we take these matters very seriously, and we will do everything in our power to stop this ghost from haunting you again."Logan was grateful for the alpha's words of comfort, and he felt a sense of relief wash
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Chapter 34
It was a quiet night in the kingdom, and Alpha Caleb and Rory were sitting in their chambers, enjoying a glass of wine. The room was dimly lit by the flickering light of the candles, and the air was filled with a soothing fragrance.Suddenly, Rory broke the silence, "I'm tired of all these threats to our kingdom, Caleb. It seems like we're always under attack by some supernatural force or the other. I'm scared for our people."Caleb put his wine glass down and turned to face his wife. "I know, my love. But this is the world we live in. We have to be prepared for whatever comes our way.""But why does it always have to be us?" Rory asked, her voice shaking. "Why can't we have a peaceful existence, like other kingdoms?"Caleb put his arms around her and pulled her close. "I wish I had an answer to that, my love. But the truth is, we don't always get what we want. All we can do is stay strong, and be prepared to defend our people and our kingdom."Rory leaned into Caleb's embrace, feel
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Chapter 35
The sun began to rise, casting a beautiful orange glow over the kingdom. The palace stood tall and proud, with its ancient solid structures and stunning architecture that had been passed down through generations of werewolf kings and queens. The walls were adorned with beautiful murals and intricate designs, each telling a story of the kingdom's rich history.The gardens were just as beautiful as the palace, with rows of colorful flowers and lush greenery. A fountain sat in the center of the garden, its sparkling water providing a peaceful background noise. The ancient trees that surrounded the palace and gardens had been standing for centuries, their branches reaching towards the sky.As the werewolf knights took their positions at the entrance of the palace, they stood tall and proud, their armor glistening in the morning sun. Their weapons were at the ready, as they were always prepared for any threat that may come their way.Inside the palace, Lady Victoria was already up and bu
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Chapter 36
Lady Victoria, the most powerful witch in the kingdom, woke up in the middle of the night with a start. Her heart was racing, and her body was covered in a cold sweat. She knew that something was wrong. Something terrible was going to happen.She closed her eyes and concentrated, allowing her senses to extend beyond her physical body. The candles in her room flickered as she searched the spiritual realm for any signs of danger. It wasn't long before she felt a sense of dread wash over her. She could sense the presence of dark magic nearby, and it was strong.Lady Victoria's intuition told her that Selena, a powerful witch who had been banished from the kingdom years ago, was behind this. She knew that Selena was up to no good, and her instincts told her that the stakes were higher than ever before.Lady Victoria knew that she had to tell Alpha Caleb about her vision, but it was still the middle of the night. She decided to wait until dawn to speak with him. She closed her eyes and tr
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Chapter 37
As the sound of clashing swords and grunts of exertion echoed through the night, Alpha Caleb was roused from his slumber. He stood up and walked towards his balcony, his bare feet padding softly on the marble floor. He stepped out into the cool night air and looked down at the training ground below. His keen eyesight could make out the figures of his two trusted knights, Logan and Marcus, as they sparred with each other.Alpha Caleb watched in silence for a few moments, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction at the dedication and skill of his warriors. Logan and Marcus had been with him for years, and they had proven themselves time and again as fierce protectors of the kingdom. Caleb knew that he could rely on them to defend their land against any threat.As he stood there, watching the two werewolf knights hone their combat skills, Alpha Caleb's mind drifted to the upcoming battle against Selena and her army of the undead. He knew that this fight would be different from any other
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Chapter 38
The sun had just risen over the horizon when Alpha Prince Richard arrived at Alpha Caleb's palace. He had come to visit his friend and offer his support in the upcoming battle against Selena and her army.Alpha Caleb greeted Prince Richard warmly and led him into the grand hall of the palace. The hall was adorned with beautiful tapestries and elegant furnishings, and the prince couldn't help but admire the grandeur of it all."Welcome to our kingdom, Prince Richard," Alpha Caleb said with a smile."It's good to see you again, my friend," Prince Richard replied. "I've come to offer my support in your time of need."Alpha Caleb was grateful for the prince's offer of help. He knew that the battle ahead would be a difficult one, and any additional support would be welcome."Thank you, Prince Richard," he said. "We will need all the help we can get."The two werewolf alphas spent the morning discussing their battle strategies and the different tactics they would employ. Prince Richard was
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Chapter 39
It was a bright and sunny Sunday morning when Alpha Caleb and Rory got ready to attend church. They dressed in their finest and most modest clothing, with Alpha Caleb opting for a dark suit and tie while Rory wore a simple dress with a shawl to cover her shoulders.They made their way to the carriage waiting outside, driven by their trusted coachman Thomas. As they climbed into the carriage, Thomas tipped his hat and addressed Alpha Caleb, "Good morning, Your Highness. Are we heading to the usual church?""Yes, Thomas, please," replied Alpha Caleb with a warm smile. "We don't want to be late for the service."The carriage set off down the cobblestone streets towards the church. As they rode, they chatted about the upcoming battle with Selena and her army. Rory expressed her concerns about the safety of the pack, while Alpha Caleb assured her that they were taking all necessary precautions and had trained extensively for the fight.As they approached the church, they noticed a large ga
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chapter 40
Kevin and Selena stood on a hill overlooking their army, watching as their soldiers marched in perfect unison. The sun shone down on them, and the sound of drums and trumpets filled the air. It was a magnificent sight, and Kevin felt a surge of pride in his heart."Look at them," he said to Selena. "Our army is the strongest and most powerful in the land. We have trained them well, and they are ready to fight for us."Selena nodded, but she seemed distracted. Kevin could sense that something was bothering her."What's wrong?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.Selena sighed. "I just can't shake the feeling that something isn't right," she said. "Caleb is a formidable opponent. We shouldn't underestimate him."Kevin frowned. He knew that Selena was right, but he didn't want to admit it. He was eager for battle, eager to prove himself and his army."Don't worry," he said, trying to sound confident. "We have the element of surprise on our side. Caleb won't know what hit him."Bu
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