All Chapters of 30 days in captivity: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
36 Chapters
The unspoken truth
“Are you in love with him!”“What, no. Don’t be ridiculous.” I responded immediately.” She let’s out a sigh of relief. “I just want to know what happened to him. I want you to tell me everything you know about him.”“This has to do with last night, am I right? Sorry Cassandra but I can’t do what you want me to.” She said as she coldly reject to speak.“Please Celia. I’m begging you.”“I’m really sorry but I can’t tell you anything. I wish I could but I just can’t. Besides, It’s best you don’t know.” She stands up from the bed and made it to the door. “Well, if that’s all, I will have to exit myself for now. If you need anything, I will be downstairs doing my duties as usual.”Just as she grabbed hold of the doorknob, I knew she wasn’t going to say a word and that means, I have no other option but to let the cat out of the bag this time.“I saw him crying last night.”The room was filled with utmost silence, her hand froze at the door knob. She turned towards me in shock. “What did you
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Now that I know the truth, what should I do?
Dusk came and time swiftly moved on, I hadn’t move an inch from where I was sitting. Terror was filled in my heart as the thought of me being taken by him as a way to payback for my father’s sin occupied my head.“Calm down Cassandra, you need to calm down. Nothing is going to happen, besides he made a deal with my father, I don’t think he will go against the terms of their deal made.” I muttered as I tried consoling myself.Growl. My stomach began to tremble as I was able to calm myself down, I hadn’t taken neither food nor water. I looked at the window, the sun was setting, then I realized I had been in the room all day long. I stood up from the bed and made my exit, I got hold of the doorknob and fear was instill on me again.“What if I run into him on my way out?” I withdrew from the door. How am I suppose to face him, no this won’t do me any good. I should face it still, if I don’t I will have to do it later.Finally, I opened the door as I found a bit of courage but just as I st
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There's nothing I can do
Seated on the cold room floor. My eyes became watery as I was at the brink of tearing up, all that was left in from of me was nothing but darkness ahead of me. What did I do to deserve all this?A knock came from outside of my room. I stood up and opened the door, Celia who stood at the front saw me as I gave in to tears.“Oh my God, Cassandra what happened?” I couldn’t respond, and continue to sober up. She walked in and held me in her embrace, soon after she closed the door and took me over to the bed.“Cassandra, what’s wrong?” she asked worried.“I don’t know what to do Celia. How am I going to live my life? What did I do to deserve this?”“Sssh, don’t say a word anymore, just lie down on the bed. Everything will be okay.” She said as she patted my shoulder gently like a mother would do to her little child. “Is all going to be okay. Alright, you are exhausted, you should lie down and rest up.”Just as she consoled me, slowly my eyes began to close, my vision was blurring and faded
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A pawn, that's all I am to him
At the shopping mall, it was my first time stepping outside after the visit to my parents. Celia looked so excited while on the contrary, I was a bit disturbed within me. Why does he what me to put on such a dress? What does he have in mind for me tonight? And the club, what is he really up to?“It won’t do you any good thinking about it. You should let it go and enjoy the moment.” Celia’s voice came to me as it brought my mind back into reality.“No matter how I think about it. I just can’t seem to arrive at an answer. I have been thinking, what does he want to do with me?”“That’s a question even I can’t answer.” She said. “Cassandra, let it all go. Just free your mind of it and let it go. You can never know what he may be thinking, all you can do is accept whatever comes your way, but no need to panic okay. I know him more than you do, so be reassured that nothing is going to happen to you.” She said as she tried consoling me.“Well, if you say so.” I replied bluntly.“Good, now th
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Mariano is a monster
Firmly in the grip of Albert, Mariano stood still and watched us without a word.“Come on Albert. Let go of her, that’s Mariano’s girl. There are a lot of other women in the club, you can have as many as you want.” Michael spoke out. Slowly albert loosen his grip.“Man, I haven’t let a lady this beautiful slip out of my hand. Since it’s Mariano, I have no reason to go against him.” He said with a grim of laughter. He finally released his grip and relaxed his back on the seat.“Thank you Albert.” Michael said as he showed a bit of gratitude. “So what’s the next plan?” He looked at Mariano who wore a sudden grin on his face.“Well, I have business to take care of as usual. Don’t forget to bring him to the warehouse as soon as I leave.” He said. “Lets go.” He beckoned on me and left. I followed him like a puppet would follow it’s master without a word.We made it out of the club and made it to the vehicles. I sat close to him, terrified as I was.“You did well.” He said and look at me. “
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There's no other option for it could only get much worst
Still wrapped in Celia’s embrace, I couldn’t stop the flow of tears from my eyelids. Everything that happened, from the club to the warehouse and even in my room got me scared and shaken to my bones. I really am doomed.“Cassandra, calm down. It’s all going to be fine.” Celia spoke as she tried to console me. But I wasn’t ready to be consoled at the moment, my whole life has just turned into a dark and scary place filled with terror. How on earth am I supposed to feel fine.“What did I do to deserve any of this?” I murmured in a whisper tone. “My life used to be better than this, I was always happy and cheerful. How on earth did I became this way?” I asked as I hoped for an answer but there was none, neither Celia could give an answer to my question.“Everything is going to be alright Cassandra. Trust me on this, all you just need to do is to be brave.”“I was given a gun to point at a man Celia, and not just that, I was also threatened in my room by him. How do you except me to be br
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A trap?, or a deal?
Seated on the dinning room with the dishes placed before me, my head was blank.I had just lost my appetite, whereas he was done with breakfast and had stepped out to be the heartless mafia the world known him to be while I was the helpless little girl.I stood up and made it back to my room. Just as I made it in, I found Celia quietly seated on the bedside. She had been patiently waiting for me to return.“So, what happened?” She asked with all curiosity growing in her mind.I spoke not a word, but let my dark gloomy face give quite the answer which she had least expected. “Ohh, I see. I guess I will leave you alone.” She stood up and made her way to the door. “Just call me if you need anything.” She spoke and excused herself.Crumbled to the ground, I felt the earth should open up and drag me in. There’s no going back, I have only one option and that is to be the little puppet and plaything he desires me to be.***Dusk was fast approaching. I made it into the bathroom to get myself
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What have I done?
I woke up the next morning laid down on the bed. I had no idea how I made it back home, neither could I recall a thing as I was totally blank and wasted.I kept on staring at the painting on the ceiling, I felt nauseous and my entire body was numb and heavy. Inside my mouth tasted a bit sour and I reek of the smell of tequila and an unidentified alcoholic smell.“I must have drank quite a lot last night.” I thought to myself. The room door opened and Celia walked in with a tray which contained a white porcelain bowl with blue pattern of flowers drawn on its side“Here, I made you porridge to cure your hangover.” She placed it on the bed and helped me up in a sitting posture.“Thank you Celia.” I spoke and dug into it immediately. Celia kept her gaze fixed on me while I helped myself to the bowl of porridge before. Soon I noticed her lurking eyes all over me. “What is it? Why are you looking at me like I had just committed a huge blunder?” I asked with all curiosity.“Nothing.” She sai
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What are you scheming, Mariano?
After much time wasted in the bathtub wallowing in my thoughts, I finally made it out and back into the room, with the towel tied around my body from my breast down to my thighs, I picked up the phone and decided to play the recordings.I still was in doubt. Listening to it again, I sat down on the bed side and played each one after the other. It took a long while, about an hour just listening to all the recordings. My ears ached so much as I was in shock and could not believe what I just heard.“Did I really say all of this?” I pondered in disbelief. Deep in thoughts, I heard the chatting of voices and footsteps as they approached the door. I realized I wasn’t dressed up yet as I spent my time on the phone listening to the recordings. In haste, I hurried over the wardrobe as I picked up a gown to put on.The doors of the room opened up and Mariano walked in. I stood still and watched him appear before me again, as usual he had a red stain on his white inner sleeve which he had put
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A plan to know his true intentions
I stood in dismay as I watched Guzman dropped my phone and laptop before me. I could not believe it, he wasn’t joking neither does it look like a game anymore for he was being serious.“So Cassandra, if you still think I am joking go ahead and make a wish. Ask for anything you want.”Terror got hold of me. His voice was calm and his facial expression a bit serious. This was my chance to ask for anything, for him to prove to me that this isn’t a joke that he wants to treat me differently but I couldn’t make a decision. I became mute and my head was point-blank due to fear of him.“You aren’t saying anything.” He got up and made it to my side. “Guzman, you may leave us.” As instructed by his boss, he made his way out to his duty post and it was just the two of us alone in the dinning.“You really must think of me as a monster Cassandra, but that’s not who I am. I am different from what you see, you must have heard a lot of things about me and I am also aware that you know the truth.” He
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