Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 41 - Chapitre 50
The Attack
*****Fox's POV***** Ever since I received the message from Miss Diane about her dreams, I had a bad feeling about Cain's safety in the pack of Alpha Thyron. It was as if I already knew something like this would happen. I know Thyron couldn't be trusted one bit. If only Cain had believed me and heeded my warning. While I was trying to gather some men to go to Alpha Cain's rescue, I tried reaching out to him through calls. Though the phone rang, there was no one around to pick it up. I felt like there was something terribly going wrong. Alpha Cain wouldn't keep his phone ringing, no matter where he was, especially when the calls came from me. He always answered his calls, knowing I didn't call for anything. I had tried to reach out to Cain several times, but Cain wasn't picking up at all, which further made me worry about the possible incident that might have or maybe going on at that very moment. “Beta Fox, what's going on? Are we under attack?” The former Luna asked when she saw ho
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Taken From Prison
*****Gina's POV*****Every minute, I wish to hear from Fox or the prison guards talk about the Alpha. For some reason, I could tell that something was terribly wrong somewhere. I wish I knew what was going on. I wish I knew why I was feeling this way, but there's no way of finding out that now.I have no one to ask about this. My heart aches badly. I could tell that something was terribly going wrong, and I don't know what exactly it was. What should I do? I was dying of worry. “You shouldn't be feeling this way, Gina! But after what he's done to you!” I snapped at my worried self. Just then, I collapsed on the floor again. As much as I try to convince myself that I don't need to worry about him, I just cannot help but worry at the end. The sound of quick footsteps made me pause and turn around to see who it was. Just then, Diane came into view. “Well, well, well. I guess you've been waiting obediently. Well, that's good to know.”I didn't understand why Diane always came to me at
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Planned Death
*******Gina's POV*****My heart began to beat very fast. I can't tell what they had in mind to do to me, but my wolf had suddenly gone into red alert. Now that I was out of the pack, I just realized that these men who had led me outside the pack didn't smell like wolves from the pack, even though they smelled like pack wolves. Not only that, but they also look less familiar. They don't look familiar to me in any way. “Who are you and what do you want to do to me?” I asked in fright. “Relax, if you let us do exactly what we want, we promise to give you a peaceful death.” My heart sunk instantly, and I instantly I bolted out of their grasp at once. “How dare you say that to me? Wait, did my sister ask you to take my life?”“What do you think, dumb head?” One of them asked while staring at me with lust. “You think your sister gives a shit about you, perhaps?” The other said, as he approached me. I moved back while shaking my head. I thought she had only wanted me to leave the pack
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The Last Minute Rescue
*****Gina's POV*****I finally woke up from where I had passed out. And as usual, I found myself amidst a pile of dead bones and flesh. I was in great shock at that moment and shook my head, still not believing that I had actually killed both men, all because of my sister. But then if I hadn't taken the initiative, to kill them, I would have been the one lying dead.It wasn't my fault that they followed Diane blindly only to get killed by me. I slowly stood up from the floor and found my way out of the place. I had to find a way out of the woods. At that moment, I thought of nothing else but how to escape from the area. If I do not find a way out for myself, I'm afraid that my sister might come after me again when she finds out that the men she had sent after me are all dead.Though I was still out of strength, I made my way out of the area with my bloody and torn clothes. The fact that it would be hard for me to find out the truth about my parents made me cry terribly. What shou
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Find The Bastard
*****Alpha Cain's POV*****Seeing Fox finally made me feel relieved. I don't know whether I could still survive it or not, but I must try.“F…fox, I want you to do something for me.”“Can you please stop talking, Alpha Cain, you're bleeding as it is? Talking will only worsen it. I need to take you back to the pack for treatment.”Even though talking was difficult because of the pain I felt, I still didn't want to stop. I need to say my last words because if I don't, I doubt Fox will be able to keep my promise.“Fox, let me finish. I need you to help, Diane. Do not let her suffer any more injustice in the pack. If I never make it back, please -”“What are you saying? This is why I told you to stop talking. You're bleeding badly and becoming pale at a faster rate. Just what kind of bullet did he use on you?” Fox asked with tears.“I'm okay. But please, I beg you. Protect Diane for me, plead for her forgiveness for my sake.”“You shouldn't say no more. Reserve your strength. I promise i
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A Luna Without The Mark
*****Diane's POV*****I escorted Luna Trish all the way to her room. At the same time, I kept wondering about what might have happened to Alpha Cain. There are just so many speculations in my head. I wondered if he was perhaps attacked by enemies. Again, I wondered if he was attacked because he became weak at some point during the battle after the death of his mate. I've heard of cases whereby the partner to a dead mate becomes weak and goes feral after the death of their destined mate. Could this be a clear indication that, indeed, Gina has died? Should I really put my mind at ease now?”“Luna?”The call of Luna Trish immediately snapped me from my thoughts. “Yes, Luna Trish?” I replied, as I turned my attention towards her. “Do you think Alpha Cain will wake up?”"S..sure, he would. I have total faith that he would,” I replied, reassuringly. “But what if he doesn't? I do not trust what his beta told me. If he refused me from seeing my son, this simply means that he's greatly in
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A Body In The New Pack's Territory
*****Gina's POV******I wandered the woods for over a week without food or water and running away from rogues. I cannot count just how many rogues I had to kill and how many times I had passed out. Though I couldn't see myself, I could tell that I was a total wreck. I stunk and my skin was all smeared with old and dried blood from rogues who tried to kill me.As I walked, I limped badly. My whole body was sore, and I wondered how long I could keep up this way. It was terrible. But then, I only had one thing in mind, and that is, I cannot die until I find the killers of my parents. I might get injured many times, but I won't allow myself to be killed. There are just so many things I want to do.I cannot let Diane go for sending her men to kill me. She had robbed me of my identity, my mate, and now she still went as far as wanting to have me killed. All of these crimes are just unforgivable, so how can I let myself die just like that?I walked with determination, even though I knew I m
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The Witch From Blue Moon Pack
*****Gina's POV*****“Gina, what are you doing here?” I saw my mom and dad, with members of our pack. It seemed like they had all gone back to the old pack.“Mom, dad, I came home to see you.”“You cannot come home. You aren't needed here!” My mom said harshly. My mom had never spoken to me so harshly before, so I wonder why she's suddenly harsh to me.“Mom, did I do anything wrong in coming back home?”“You didn't do anything wrong, my darling.” My dad said as he approached me.“It's just that it is not time for you to come home yet. There are plenty of things you need to take care of. You can't just come home without taking care of your responsibility, darling.”“But I'm tired. Nobody wants me. My mate refused to recognize me and betrayed me. My sister did the same to me. Tell me, dad, how can I come home this way?”“We understand just how sad you are, darling, but you just can't come home because you want to. You should fight for your stay. Never let the enemy win. You are the sc
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No One Will Take Your Place
*****Fox's POV******“What do you mean you still haven't found her?” I asked in total rage. “Beta, we've tried our best in searching for her, but from the look of things, she must have run really far.”“Does that even make sense to you? How could a prisoner just disappear without a trace? How the hell did she make it out of the prison and out of the pack without anyone's knowledge?”“That I do not know, and the prison guards in charge of her cell are still undergoing punishment for their incompetence.”Everything seemed so strange. This has never happened in the pack before. Those prison guards have never been lousy with their jobs before now. I wish I could tell what was actually going on. The last time I spoke with Diane was when she told me about her dreams. She didn't look like someone who would want to escape. Everything happening seemed so strange to me. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. This can't be real at all. “What about the bodies found close to the pack's border?
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A Cruel Sister
*****Gina's POV****A month Later****I stared out of the window, and enjoyed the coolness of the wind. The Blue Moon Pack was almost on the outskirts of town and I felt so comfortable being there. I felt more safe than I had ever been when I was in my former pack. My mind also flashed to Alpha Cain. I wonder if he's okay now. I'm sure he is and most definitely have found out about my disappearance. I suddenly felt a slight pain when I thought about him. What did I expect from him? That he would come looking for me? He has a mate he's responsible for. So, why would he mind me?The door to my room suddenly flew open. I turned around only to see Anna, carrying two bags in hand.“Hi…"“Welcome Anna, I never knew you'd come so early.”“Well, I had to. I promised I was going to get you some clothes, didn't I?”“Huh? You really meant it?”“But, of course, you know I have good taste in clothes. You should try them out. I bet they are all your size, and I'm sure they'd all suit you.” I sm
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