All Chapters of Bound by Blood : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
146 Chapters
The chase
Dahlia knew that she shouldn't be joking in that situation. These men were her father's men, and the tough guy she had her eyes on was an elite knight, and one of his most loyal men. They would never let her go. She was at least thankful that they allowed the coachman to go. Maybe he would send words to Lorenzo or the castle about her situation."You should come with us now my Lady, your father sent us to get you." The guy said."Since how long have you been following and monitoring me?" She asked them, her brows furrowed in annoyance."My Lady, we are only following your father's instructions. It would be better for you if you willingly come with us, so we would not have to use force on you." Another man said in a calm voice.Dahlia looked at her environment, trying to find an escape route, even though she knew that it was a waste of time. She was totally surrounded, and she knew they would block her path the moment she moves.But she knew that they were expecting her to zoom off, so
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Luciana tried what Raziel told her early the next morning, and she went to the stream to call Lorissa, but the siren didn't show up. Raziel was close by as they had previously agreed, so she assumed that he was the cause. Maybe the siren somehow sensed his presence, and refused to come out. Luciana went to Raziel, and pleaded with him to leave, telling him that he might be keeping the siren from coming to her. He left after much persuasion, and assurance that she would be safe. Besides sirens were known to be peaceful. Luciana tried again. But Lorissa still didn't show up. She called her name, hoping that she could sense her presence. Luciana believed that the siren could sense her presence, because she showed up the first time she came there. Maybe she didn't want to come out now. With a sigh, she went back to Raziel. ******** Elric gave all the servants in his mansion a break, and permitted them to go home to their families. While he decided to stay home for a few days as well.
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Dahlia and the soldiers finally got to Woodrow in the late hours that day. It was as if someone already notified the duke and duchess of her arrival, as they both stood outside, waiting for them.The knight came down from his horse, and went to help the others untie the lady. Dahlia locked eyes with her mother, and she saw that she looked worried. Perhaps worried about how she was handled, but of course she would not do or say anything. She didn't even care to spare her father a glance, but it didn't last long as the men soon brought her before him.She felt tired, and her body was sore from all the tying, and the uncomfortable position she had to stay for hours."Why so stubborn, daughter?" The duke asked, after staring at his daughter for a while. "If only you had done as I said, you wouldn't have been treated this way. You are my daughter, not a slave." He said to her in a soft voice. But she feared him most when he was soft. She flinched when he brought his hand to her face to cu
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When Dahlia was tired of standing, she sat down. Alora brought her a chair and a table she could rest her head, even when she had warned her not to. But the maid cared about her too much, that she didn't mind getting in trouble.It was already morning, and the king she was supposed to marry would already be close. Dread filled her heart with each passing moment.Alora busied herself with packing the noble Lady's stuffs, as the duchess had instructed, while she would offer comforting words to Dahlia at intervals. Dahlia found her amusing."Everything is ready my Lady." Alora informed her when she was done packing. "Don't worry my Lady, you will be released soon." She tried to comfort the lady again.Dahlia only smiled. She knew she was soon going to be released, but that was not the freedom she sought. She would be released, just so they could make her presentable to her future husband.Just as the thought that, her room door opened and her mother stepped in. She noticed that there was
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"I am addicted to you Luciana."The words kept reverberating in Luciana's head. It excited her so much that she turned around to kiss him.How come only he could make her feel this way? Little things about him made her heart flutter. In fact, just his mere presence alone... What the hell was wrong with her?She slowly got on her feet, while he placed his hands on her waist to support her. He then pulled her close to him while he deepened the kiss. With one hand, he lifted her up and placed her on the table without breaking the kiss. He really wished to do more to her, but he was sure she would not agree to doing such in the garden, even though he was sure nobody would invade their privacy.He pulled away from the kiss and came to rest his head on her shoulder, his face partly resting on one of her breasts."Sometimes I think I don't deserve you, but I am a selfish man, so I'm keeping you.""You say that like I am something you can just keep. What if I run away?" She whispered to him,
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Out of the dungeon
Freya tried to keep herself busy by tidying the house up. Elric told her that his mother would be coming that day or the next. The house didn't even need much work, as it was already very neat. She observed that the house was always neat. Perhaps the Duke was a clean freak.She wondered why she hadn't seen any of his family before, nor had she heard him mention them. And why did he have such a big house when he lived alone? Perhaps it was because he was a Duke. For a Duke, he usually didn't have much visitors. Why? She expected to be seeing nobilities from far and wide visit him? Even commoners often visited the nobles for help. Something was off with him.The duke stepped out for a bit, and she decided to walk around the house to see parts she had not seen before.She climbed down the stairs, and walked into the hallways. There was another hallway connected at the right side of the main one, but it was dark. She turned curious, and decided to go that way.She did not see any rooms at
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Go on your knees
Evelyn was led to the bathroom to bath. The bathroom was not actually what she expected. It was very tidy, and somewhat luxurious. Why would so much luxury be spent on a house where slaves were kept?She was grateful for it anyway. She could not imagine herself bathing in a dirty place. She had been in dirt for too long. It was already enough that she had no servants to help her. At least she was free already. She couldn't wait to go back to her father's kingdom.When she was almost done, she heard a knock on the door, before the door opened and a young girl stepped in holding clothes."What the hell is wrong with you? Are you stupid? How dare you barge in without waiting for my response? Do you know that your offence could cost you your life?"The girl looked confused, as her gaze darted from the door to the lady bathing."Who are you?" She asked."How dare you ask me that way? I am your queen!" Evelyn's yell echoed all over the bathroom.The girl looked at her like something was wro
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New home
Evelyn followed behind the general who was walking too fast for her. She had to jog along, just to keep up with his pace. She would have yelled at him, but she was afraid he would lock her up in some dungeon again. "What are we doing here?" She asked calmly, but Lorenzo didn't answer her. He just continued walking. He entered the building, and began to climb up the stairs. She noticed how people that they came across greeted him there, and she realized that he was very much respected. She feared more, as she had no one on her side.Lorenzo finally stopped when he got to an office room door, with three guards on either side, located in the top floor. He knocked once, before he gently pushed it open. Evelyn's fear magnified with each passing moment. Her hands grew cold, and they were trembling slightly."Come with me." He told her, and she reluctantly walked in with him. "This is the head council's office." He informed her in a hushed tone.Evelyn then noticed a man sitting on a chair
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The siren tale
Luciana was dumbstruck as she stared at the siren who was brave enough to enter a vampire's castle. And how did she get legs? Now she understood why Rebecca looked so confused. She indeed was. The siren had compelled her.Lorissa swung her legs childishly where she sat, staring at them with admiration."You were looking for me your majesty. Here I am.""So you heard?" Luciana asked in disbelief."Yes. But it wasn't convenient for me.""Now it is convenient for you?" She asked, and the siren nodded. "What if it is not convenient for me?"Lorissa gave her one of those her charming smiles that revealed her beautiful dimples. Luciana thought she was a little annoying."How did you get past the guards? And how come you have legs?" Luciana asked curiously. She had an idea of how she got past the guards though. She could compel, but she could only compel one person at a time, so Luciana was curious."The guards? It was truly easy and fun to get past them. They couldn't get their eyes off of
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Luciana was calm even after she listened to Lorissa's story. What she heard was unbelievable, and she didn't exactly know what to feel or how to react. She needed to talk to Raziel about it first."You are going to let me teach you right?" Lorissa asked hopefully."Teach me what exactly?""How to grow into your powers, and fulfill Lycerys' wish.""Like I said before, I want no part in fulfilling Lycerys' wish."Lorissa then stood up and walked to Luciana. She removed the necklace that hung on her neck and gave it to Luciana."Touch it and call my name when you need me, it will draw my attention to you."Luciana took the necklace. It had a glittering shell-like object attached to it."I should leave now." Lorissa said, before stepping out of the door.When she went out of the door, she was surprised to see a guard standing there as he wasn't there when she entered. Perhaps he was the queen's guard. She noticed him staring at her, and she wondered if she needed to compel him. What if he
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