All Chapters of Forever Us: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Chapter 21
BROOKS It's been 3 weeks since Crystal and I got married and her doctor has given her the okay to get up and move around more with help. We decided not to have a honeymoon until after Marvin is born and is old enough for us to leave him with one of the sets of grandparents. Crystal has been having some pains in her stomach so we have an appointment in an hour with her OBGYN. Once Crystal was ready to go we headed to the doctor's office. There was a little wait but it wasn't too bad. As soon as Crystal was called back the nurse asked me to help her change into a gown so she could be examined. When the doctor came in she started the exam but it didn't take long for her to figure out what was going on. She told Crystal and I that the pains she felt were contractions. She said she was going into early labor and she was 2cm dilated but with how far along Crystal is, that Marvin wouldn't be in any danger of being delivered this early. I asked her what we needed to do and she told me that
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Chapter 22
CRYSTAL The pains are still pretty intense but they are still 4 minutes apart. I don't want to go to the hospital until they are 3 minutes apart like the doctor said. It's 7:30 a.m. and I've been up since 4:45 a.m. I'm starting to get sleepy but I've been trying to stay awake with Brooks. "Hey beautiful, why don't you try to get a nap? I can see your eyes are getting heavy." "I'm okay, Brooks." "Crystal, please try and get a nap in. I want you to get as much rest as you can." "Ok, Brooks. I will try to take a nap." I laid back and closed my eyes. When I woke up, Brooks was sitting next to me. "How was your nap?" "It wasn't long but it was good." "You've been asleep for the past 3 hours, beautiful." "It was not 3 hours." "It's 10:45 beautiful. Are the pains still bad?" "Honestly, no. I don't think I've felt any pain since I fell asleep." "I've been right here since you fell asleep and I haven't heard a peep out of you nor have I seen you hold your stomach." "Why would the
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Chapter 23
BROOKS After I got off the phone with Seth, I checked on Crystal. I told her I was going to make us salads for dinner. I headed into the kitchen and began to make them. I put 2 different kinds of dressing on the tray because I wasn't sure which one Crystal would want to use tonight. I grabbed the tray and headed back into the bedroom. I placed the tray on the bed and sat down. We began eating while watching TV. I noticed Crystal was taking her time eating and I asked if she was ok. "Oh, yeah I'm fine baby." "Crystal, I can tell something is either bothering you or you are hurting and not wanting to tell me." "I'm fine, Brooks. I'm trying to deal with the contractions, that's all." "If you are contracting more, you need to let me know." "I promise I'm fine, Brooks." "Ok, but promise me if it gets any worse you will let me know." "I promise, Brooks." After we finished eating I cleaned the dishes and called my mom to see if Jonah could cover for me at work tomorrow.
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Chapter 24
CRYSTAL I have been here for an hour now and the nurse who just came in to check me said I was only dilated to 4cm. The doctor asked if I wanted something for the pain but I told her no. I decided after our accident that I didn't want anything for the pain. I barely took my medicine when I had the broken wrist and leg and I managed through the pain then so I didn't feel like I would need it for giving birth. After another hour of laying there, the doctor came in and checked me. She told me that I had dilated to 6cm and things would probably progress pretty quickly now. I pray they do because these contractions hurt like hell! I was able to find a comfortable position to lay in for a while before the pain hit again. I looked up at the clock and saw that I had been here for almost 3 hours and still no baby boy. Another nurse came in and said she was going to check my progression and the look on her face as she took her glove off told me I must not have dilated much. She told us that
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Chapter 25
BROOKS The doctor hands me a pair of medical scissors and shows me where to cut. My hands are shaking and I am terrified. I cut the cord and as soon as I did, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. His cries fill the room mixed with the cries from his mother as he is placed on her chest. My whole world is right before my eyes laying on that hospital bed. A world I didn't think I'd ever have. My wife and my son. As soon as the nurses stepped away from Crystal I walked over to the edge of the bed and leaned down. I told her I was so proud of her and I thanked her for giving me this piece of the puzzle to complete my life. I broke down and cried as I stood there staring down at her with our son in her arms. My phone went off and I checked it to see my mom was texting me to see what was going on. I texted her and told her I would be out in the waiting room soon to update them. I asked Crystal if I could get a picture of her and Marvin to show everyone in the waiting room and sh
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Chapter 26
CRYSTAL After our family left, I was able to get about 2 hours of sleep before the nurse brought Marvin back into the room for a feeding. I slowly sat up and the nurse helped me undo my gown. She placed Marvin on my chest and explained how to get him to latch onto my breast. It took a few times but he got the hang of it and I was able to feed him. Brooks slept through the feeding and the diaper change but woke up a few minutes after the nurse left the room. He sat up and asked if I was ok. I told him I was fine and told him about how Marvin's first feeding went. He said he felt bad for sleeping through it and I told him to hush. Marvin was fast asleep in his little bassinet and Brooks asked if he could lay with me for a little while. I slid over and patted the bed. He crawled up next to me and went to put his arm over my stomach but stopped. I asked why he did that and he said he didn't want to hurt me. I grabbed his arm and placed it over my stomach and told him he wasn't going to
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Chapter 27
BROOKS As I lay back on the pull-out couch in the hospital room, I looked around at my world. I have the love of my life and wife. I have a son. I have my family and now Crystal's. I have my store which is still doing good. I have the house. I have everything I truly wanted in life. I am complete. No more missing pieces. Marvin began to cry. I got up and picked him up out of his bassinet. I walked around the room with him and calmed him down. Today is the day we get to take Marvin home and start our journey as parents without having people in and out of the room to help us. I am scared sh*tless but excited at the same time. I know Crystal and I can do this ourselves. My mom offered to come stay a few nights until we get settled but I don't think we are going to need her to. The nurse came in to check on Crystal and to let her know she will have to use the bathroom before they will discharge her. The nurse gave her something to help her go, and then she checked on Marvin. Once the nu
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