All Chapters of My choice please: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
88 Chapters
Chapter 31
Jaden took Jane home. She planned on staying with him. Jaden was happy about this but he was scared too. He didn't want a situation where he would be accused of kidnapping."Grandma! Grandma! where are you? Come see who I brought for you." Jaden called out in a loud and cheerful voice.Grandma Lucy who was in the kitchen ran out to see her grandson to know what the matter was. "This boy Jaden, what is your... oh sorry dear. I didn't Know you came with someone.""Good morning grandma." Jane politely greeted."Good morning. I suppose you are Jane right?""Yes ma'am." Jane answered."You look lovely my dear." Grandma Lucy thought it wise to compliment the beauty standing before her. After all, it's been a long while since she had any visitors or mingled with anyone aside from Jaden especially since she retired from her teaching job."You look extremely beautiful too even at old age." Jane returned the pleasantries. Of a truth, Grandma Lucy was still very much beautiful. One could only wo
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Chapter 32
"Now who the hell is that!? banging on my door in such a mannerless way." Mr Jack shouted angrily."What!! did he just say mannerless? Open your local wooden door this minute before I bring it down myself!!" The visitor seem to be angrier than anyone thought.Mr Jack immediately recognized the voice. No one was expecting the king to come back after his visit earlier in the day. His body shivered and his legs weakened. He feared for what might happen when he opens the door. He sincerely wished he had been more polite.Mrs Rose noticed her husband's legs turning into a jelly because he couldn't move them so she quickly ran to get the door knowing fully well that the king wouldn't want to be kept waiting.Brenda also got scared. She didn't like the tension in the house. All her life since she was born, never for once had she seen her family this divided. She also couldn't help but blame her big sister Jane for it. Infact, every one blamed Jane for the crisis. No one seems to understand h
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Chapter 33
Alpha Leonard had no intentions of separating the two just yet so he thought it wise to talk to Jane first in order to know why she's having issues with George. He also knew George could be the one at fault. Seeing the way George had behaved, he decided not to stress the matter again till Jane is brought to him. "Bring Jane to me." He ordered and left.Everything that happened seemed more like a movie to Mrs Rose. All the while, she stood at the door and dared not contribute to the matter else they would shift the blame to her. Who wouldn't say she was behaving like her mother?"Honey, just relax. We will surely fix this.""Oh spare me that. How do I fix this. She is your daughter. You should talk to her. I should even send you to go look for her cause you made her leave in the first place.""Wait.., is he actually blaming me?"Honey, are you seriously going to blame me for this?"Mr Jack was angry. He hissed and walked out of the house without replying his wife.Meanwhile, Brenda and
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Chapter 34
Jaden had no choice than to share his porridge with Jane.Jane wasn't aware of this. She only thought the porridge was not enough because Grandma Lucy wasn't expecting her. Despite she was still hungry, she decided to wait. Maybe lunch would be more than enough.Originally, from the start Jaden never hid the fact that he was poor from Jane but, she really didn't picture him to be this poor. She had seen people who are poor but certainly not to this extent and it troubled her. Elsa wasn't really bothered about the situation. She just kept quiet pending when Jane was free to talk about it.After the meal, Jaden left the house. He was going to take on a per time cleaning job in one of the restaurants in the human world and he made sure he told Jane about it. He really wanted to be true to her after all, there was really nothing he could gain from being a fake. He walked towards the lake which was not far from his residence. "Jaden?" Larry called."Yes Larry, what is it you want." Jaden
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Chapter 35
After running few miles away from the lake, he got to the main road used by the humans. He had to be careful while crossing the road for fear of being seen mostly because of hunters lurking around the area. Then he needed to be extra careful going over the mountains to enable him get to the human residential areas. From there, he could find his way by boarding busses or motorcycle.He was used to this routine already because this was his every day exercise getting to his school.He looked at the address that was sent to him by Philip, his class rep. Other than Philip, who else could have hint him up on a job. As he studied the address, he hoped their pay would be good.At this stage of his life, he knew his daily three to five dollar would not be enough. He just didn't know how to be contented.He took a cab heading to the famous Above the hills street. It is a very busy commercial street. Above the hills is famously known as a money making machine. Income generated from only the rest
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Chapter 36
Miss Fiona totally ignored the two guards when she recognized Jaden's face."You are Jaden right?" She asked."Yes ma'am." Jaden replied. He wasn't quite sure if he knew her maybe Philip must have told her he was coming for the cleaning job but did he also send her pictures or is his dressing that poor they can easily identify him."Wow! it is you. Philip's classmate. What brings you here cause Philip isn't here. Did you come to drink?" Her tone didn't have any form of sarcasm in it.The guards were stunned. They realized he wasn't lying after all. They felt utmost regret and prayed Jaden would be merciful to them so they don't get punished."Uhm actually, I came to take up the cleaning job. Philip had hinted me on it."She smiled at him before replying him. "Yeah, we do need a cleaner. One of our employees took ill. But it's not a replacement we seek. We just need some one to fill the space at least till he recovers. We pay two dollars per hour if that's okay with you.""Yes it is. I
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Chapter 37
Jane noticed his presence and Immediately ran to hug him. She had missed him all day. Now she understood why her mom always stay up late waiting for her dad. She just needed him to be okay, healthy and not hungry."My love! why do you have to stay so long? She questioned."Hey, you didn't even allow me work till closing hours. Anyways, I'm back now.""You must be tired and hungry. Come sit so I'll serve you your meal." Jane said while literally dragging him to a sit."Huh, food?" Jaden was confused. Grandma Lucy told him there was no other food even hidden in the roof or buried in the ground of the house. How then is it possible they had enough to eat and even left over for him. "Well let me see the food first." He thought to himself.He glanced at Grandma Lucy hoping for a signal or better still an explanation but she fixed her gaze upon the television watching the popular twilight movie.Grandma Lucy didn't mind her grandson's confused behavior at all. She tried as much as possible
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Chapter 38
Mr Jack went back home after deciding to meet with the king the following day. He would just tell him that Jane is missing.After all, he has his own affairs to run and a wife to return back to. As for his plans against the king, Alpha king Leonard will definitely hear from him.There were going to have a meeting the next day where all the leaders of the smaller packs would assemble at the palace to discuss the progress of their packs and problems too. Theses small packs are 9 in number with the the king's palace situated in the middle of them all.In this meeting, Mr Jack hoped to raise a point that would turn the entire council against the king. He knew exactly just where the problems of the entire wolf town was coming from and how to show light on them. He rubbed his palms together in a gentle manner as a wicked smile appeared on his face. He was already feeling successful.He went home to his family and had a wonderful rest since he had already settled his dispute with his wife. "
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Chapter 39
"I would need you to go straight to the point Immediately otherwise you will have to sit and be still. Clearly, you are creating a meaningless confusion.""The question I have asked is not just for my pack! (Chuckles..) it's for all our pack. I mean, take a look at us. We are supposed to be at the top of the food chain. We!! but what kind of life do we live? It's not like we don't have these resources, neither do we not have wealth, enough to make us a country of our own."There was an uproar again as the members of the council began to express their disturbed mind. They were just 8 men talking but one could think there was a huge crowd in the hall and perhaps, not have enough space to contain them. "Enough Alpha Jack, you are talking gibberish. "What are you even saying?" They began to attack him verbally.Once again, the king signaled for silence before speaking."Alpha Jack, you make me laugh with the kind of things you say. I mean, coming from you I never expected this. How can y
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Chapter 40
Prince George who had been sitting quietly at by his father's side couldn't help it when he heard his father insult Jane's father publicly. He burst into an uncontrollable laughter that he almost fell of his seat, making the scene awkward for Mr Jack.He was practically the only one laughing but he did not care at all. It gave him great pleasure seeing the old man being rediculed.He was ordered to keep shut at once by the king who was now angry this time, not with Mr Jack but with George for his unruly behavior.The men in council could sense a dispute between Mr Jack and the royal house. Some could already guess the reason right since the king himself had just openly made request for her. But this meeting was certainly not made to discuss such personal matters.Alpha Leonard went further to explain why he said what seemed to be an insult to Mr Jack."Now, allow me break it down for you. We specialize in producing drugs for the humans. Not drugs like cocaine or weeds but legal drugs
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