All Chapters of The Professor : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
82 Chapters
Chapter 10
"Where're you going, baby girl?" His breath was hot on her ear as he leaned down so that his mouth was close to her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "I just wanna keep you company, why are you running?" "Let me go!" She yelled but his nails dug deeper into her skin and she winced in pain. Maya wildly scanned the open area for help but noticed in dismay that the whole area was empty. There were no security guards or bouncers around. "Don't you wanna come with me?" His lips brushed her neck as he spoke, sending another shiver down her spine. "Let go!" She yelled, louder this time and he cackled loudly. He opened his mouth to say something when a deep voice pierced the air, "I believe she just told you to let go." Maya's head snapped up at the sound of his voice. Professor Grey's face was grim and his body was tense, his hands were tucked into the pocket of his suit pants. For a brief moment, Maya wondered if he owned anything that didn't consist of suit pants and a dress sh
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Chapter 11
Maya's smile dropped when she noticed how intently the man in front of her was watching her, his dark eyes were boring holes into her skin and she bristled. Not in discomfort, but instead in apprehension. It's like he was waiting for her to do something.So she drummed her fingers softly on the mahogany table and cleared her throat before speaking, "I wasn't able to thank you for what you did back there, it could've gotten worse..." She let the rest of her words trail off and bit her lip hesitantly as she waited for his reply. She watched as his gaze flickered to her mouth and darkened instantly."I'm glad you're safe, Maya." He replied in a deep rumble.And there it was again. That sensation.It was the same kind of feeling she got every time their eyes locked together and every time he touched her bare skin. The feeling of euphoria whenever their eyes would meet and spark between them. The heat of desire coursing through her veins, making her stomach turn, making her pulse quicken
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Chapter 12
Maya was spent. Her legs were all tired from running around the laboratory all afternoon. Professor Shirley, their anatomy teacher had decided to start a project on a skeleton of a human and had brought one to the lab for them to work on. They were to locate the various arteries and veins in the body and then use those for mapping the skeleton's structure. Maya found the experiment relatively simple, something that she was surprised at mostly because Shirley was known for her hard-ass projects.So they'd all afternoon scurried around the laboratory, Jason had rushed home immediately after the class was over, claiming he'd forgotten his pen nub, whatever that was, but Maya had a stinking feeling that it was just an excuse to run out of school.Unfortunately, she still had things to do, like her review for example. Maya shivered when the thought of meeting the professor again crossed her mind. She shouldn't be this anxious but the thought of being in an enclosed space with a man made he
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Chapter 13
"....the online test will take a minimum of ten minutes and you're required to answer all questions. The school's wifi will be available to you all so long as you check in your EDU first. Let me warn you all that you won't be able to directly access the wifi without checking in because our security measures will prevent it." The bald man paused and took a breath, "Thank you for coming today, enjoy the rest of your day."Maya stood up instantly, her eyes falling to the watch on her wrist, gulping when she saw that she only had three minutes left before she was officially late. She hastily placed her stuff into her small bag and then darted out the door, barely making it to the end of the hallway when she bumped into another student, a tall blonde boy. His arms were filled with books and his lips were pursed tightly shut, he glared at her but Maya couldn't care less, she was already halfway down the hall.She cursed loudly in Spanish, cursing the entire way there for having the worst
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Chapter 14
Maya fiddled with the strap of the leather bag slung over her shoulder, her gaze fixed on the domineering building in front of her. She was having second thoughts about this but knew she had no choice. He had ignored her emails or maybe he hadn't seen them. Either way, she had to go in there, collect her belongings and come back out. That was all.With that final thought in mind, she squared up and stepped forward, and walked up the steps of the building. The main lobby was fairly busy, bustling with activity as people milled around, some rushing into the elevators and stairs, others hanging around talking. Maya looked around, scanning faces and trying not to look too obviously nervous. It seemed pretty quiet for a Monday morning but you never really knew. She walked to the elevator, not at all surprised to see it was occupied.She dreaded using the stairs, and so decided to wait. Maya was glad to see she was not the only one avoiding the staircase, a few people were gathered in fron
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Chapter 15
Maya's gaze skimmed the same paragraph for the umpteenth time and sighed as she placed her hand over her forehead. She closed her eyes in frustration as the words became a jumble on the page before her. She was trying, honestly, she was but it seemed her mind couldn't settle enough to read anything more than a few sentences at a time. Maya knew that reading wasn't a challenge - she could probably recite any of the books in this house from memory by now - but it did take concentration. The fact that Maya needed more of that right now just made her frustrated with her inability to focus.It was all his fault and she was beginning to regret not murdering him in the first place. Whoever had made the notion; easier said than done deserved a pat on the back. She'd sworn two days ago, to herself, that she wouldn't think about him anymore. It's been three days since they last saw each other. And yet, whenever she tried to forget him, some nagging voice inside of her would remind her and the
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Chapter 16
Tap, Tap, Tap.The sound of Derek's fingers hitting against his keyboard was getting to Maya and she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, her eyes slowly opening.The class was rowdy as usual, but today it was more than just noisy, it was a cacophony and she feltlike she couldn't breathe with all the noise. It wasn't their fault though, not that they could be blamed, the annual Umass convention was today and everyone was practically buzzing with excitement, even Jason couldn't stop yapping about it all morning.Maya blamed the school for even coming up with a ridiculous idea, nobody was interested in the actual convention, and what everyone was after was the after-party and of course, the free French cuisine..."I'm thinking of a light blue tux to match my eyes. What do you think, babe?" Jason turned to look at her from his seat, his lips curved into a wide smile.Maya's elbows were propped on top of the desk in front of them, her lips puckered in thought, "I think you shou
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Chapter 17
The silence that came after was unnerving, Maya shifted from one foot to the other, the faux grin that was plastered on her lips was starting to tremble and just as she was about to tell him to continue, he cleared his throat,"I wish to apologize," His jaw was ticking aggressively so she knew he most definitely didn't want to do this.Maya found this interesting."Apologize?" Her tone was mocking and she faked a confused expression, "What for?"His nose flared in irritation and Maya had to bite her lips to stop the chuckle that was threatening to escape, "I called you names and I acted untowardly towards you and for that I am sorry." It was more like he spat them out, but he did seem sincere. He looked down at his polished shoes and Maya found his discomfort endearing.She tilted her head slightly, her smile never fading, "Ohhh, you mean when you called me a booty call? or perhaps was it when you insulted my intelligence?" He winced with each word she spoke and slowly lifted his ga
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Chapter 18
Maya gave the massive building a skeptical look, expensive cars were parked outside and she spotted elegantly dressed people filling the lavish lobby. "This is where we're supposed to be right?" She turned to her companions, Gab had an arm linked with her boyfriend, who was looking like this was the last place he'd rather be.She shared the sentiment.Gab rolled her eyes at Maya's question, "Of course silly, not everyone is required to dress so uptight."Maya glanced at her outfit and pursed her lips. The midnight black dress stopped just short of her knees and the deep V-neck was made up of lace that ended just above her stomach area. Her bronze-colored hair hung in loose curls around her face. A pair of simple gold hoops encircled her earlobes and on her wrists were several golden chains, a matching pendant dangled from one. She chose simple black pumps over heels but still managed to look classy. She thought that if it weren't for the huge sign proclaiming the place as "the New
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Chapter 19
Their mouths moved in perfect synchronization, their breaths mingling, a dance between partners as they kissed.She’d wanted this so badly for too long. Her body craved it and ached with the desire to be wrapped around him. His hands gripped her waist tightly, pressing her flush against his hardening erection. She moaned into his mouth when he pulled away from her lips to trail kisses along her jawline.His hand trailed from her wait to grip her ass possessively, rubbing slow circles over her clothed core. “You taste good.” The words were a low growl of approval, and she knew then that she’d never be able to get enough of him. "Alex," She whispered, her hand squeezing the back of his neck softly, "Someone might see us."He mumbled an incoherent answer, his lips too busy suckling the skin on her neck. His tongue swiped lazily across it before going down again to nip at her collarbone. Her back arched involuntarily under his assault on her throat as he worked at sucking marks into her
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