All Chapters of THE POSSESSIVE ALPHA KING AND HIS FATED QUEEN: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
Elijah's footsteps echoed across the room as he carried the tray of tea into Audrey's chambers and as usual he stops att he door, leaving one of the chamber maids to bring it further in. She drops the tray on the table and as she picks up the tea kettle Audrey notices the subtle trembling of her hands as she pours some tea into the two cups. From the corner of her eye she could see the Oracle watching the poor chamber maid with annoyance, as if waiting for her to drop the cup for at the rate at which she was trembling it wouldn't be long before she actually drops it. Without giving it so much as a second thought Audrey reaches forward and takes hold of both cups, the one for herself and the other for the Oracle. With a warm smile Audrey dismisses the maid who looked so relieved she saw her let out a heavy sigh before scurrying off. Audrey gently places one cup into the Oracle's hands and takes her cup. She sips from it, staring at the suddenly very interesting floor design
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Five days later.. •Bludhaven• The palace had been busy, maids swarming the place trying to do their duties and make sure the Royal wedding was not lacking in anyway. High born noble men close to The King began to occupy the guests Wing in the palace, everyone giddy with anticipation and excitement. It was the first Royal wedding ever and it had been be a grand affair, one that would be done a great disservice if squeezed into one day so the event was divided into three occasions taking place on three seperate days. It had been two months since the Royal couple left for Bludhäveb capital, the council of elders immediately taking charge of state affairs along with Ryker. The maids supervised by Ruby and Faye began to prepare the new Express's accommodations, transformi one of the rooms into her personal office on the same floor as the King's, close together. Anaise decided to busy herself as well, taking care of the kitchen duties, making sure all the stocks w
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•BRAILER•!WARNING: CHAPTER CONTAINS SCENES OF MURDER, MENTION OF BLOOD AND MATURE CONTENT! Demeter quietly crept down the hallway, goosebumps rising beneath her skin. She felt hot with both excitement and arousal, she couldn't believe Lord Anthony had invited her to his bed chambers. She could already feel herself dripping with want, her husband had been neglecting her for the new nursing maid. He thought she knew not of it but she found out the first night she saw the maid's cheap hair ornaments on his bed. At least he had the decency to be discreet about it. Upon finding out that her husband had left her, as beautiful and as attractive as she was for a lowly maid she knew it best he did not try to come close to her. It was an insult to her standing as a woman of title, but now she was paying the price. Luckily for her he was not her mate and she did not love him otherwise the heartbreak would have been unbearable. As she knocked softly on the door, looking around to see if
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The once radiant blue firmaments were dimming into darker skies, the day drifting into the horizon as they began their journey back to the palace. They didn't have to wait long, the crownsmith only needed to polish the crown and they were set. Anaise had only caught a glimpse of the crown but it was more than enough to leave her stunned and speechless. It was beautiful, bedazzled with jewels and diamonds of different sizes, the shimmer of the crown was enough to leave Anaise buzzing with want, wanting to touch it, to feel it. Her hands itchen to gently place the delicate diamond on her head and prance around as a queen. But she quickly came down from that high, it was Astrid's dream not hers. A cheeky smile melted against Anaise's face as she recalled their chess game. She had won him easily, maybe he was taking it easy on her. The sight of his plummeted brows and pursed lips as he stared in hard concentration at the board. Every single time Anaise achieved one of his pawns
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•ANAISE•My heart thrashed around in my chest, my lungs rasping and my eyes swollen and red from all the tears spilled. I watched as the knights carried Ryker from the horse into the castle and a maid was sent to call the Physician. I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest as my gaze was fixed on Ryker's pained features, his eyelids screwed shut. I let out another sob, Astrid holding onto me as I cried into her chest. She soothed my hair, whispering sweet word into my ear as I clung to her. I pulled back, sniffling and swiping at my wet cheeks. "Come with me" Astrid led me to the lady's quarters in front of our rooms. She held onto me, checking my hands, face, neck, her eyes roaming my form "Are you hurt anywhere?" I shake my head as she notices the dried blood from when I was pushed down by one of the masked men. "Dried blood?" She asked, her brows squeezed in confusion. "One of the masked men pushed me and I got a few scratches" I pursed my lips, remembering how much p
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•BRAILER•AUDREY♡"I advice you let me accompany you My Lady" Elijah rushes after me as I made my way outside to the coach who was readying the carriage. "There is no need Elijah. I will be going with Maximus and Marchioness Cordelia, I will be very safe and there will be nothing to worry about" I tried to reassure Elijah as I made my way outside where Maximus stood beside the carriage. Cordelia was yet to arrive but I was certain she would, I just needed to stall Elijah long enough. If he insisted to come along then he would follow to where I was meeting Nostradamus and report everything back to Darius. I just needed to meet with him and get all my thoughts straight before I went to Darius with any of this. Marchioness Cordelia had no idea I would be meeting with Nostradamus, she assumed we would be going shopping in town and she was very excited when I invited her. She was my cover, in case anything went wrong or Darius was to enquire on my whereabouts I could simply tell him I wa
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The day had faded into night, the skies dark, the lit candles wearing thin and along with it Audrey's patience. I pushed myself off the bed, pacing up and down the chamber floors as I fiddled with my fingers, my gaze drifting to the door every now and then as I awaited the king. I had practically run into the castle looking for Darius so I could relay Nostradamus' message but disappointment soaked into my skin when I found he had not returned, even now he was yet to come back from wherever he had gone. I had asked around when the hour turned late but no one would answer, they just shook their head and walked off. I did not bother asking Elder Azalia, she would be of no help anyway. I wrapped my hands around myself, feeling anxiety seep into my skin and my heart weigh with worry. I felt like something was really wrong, my heart began to race with fear and my feet took me in circles. Suddenly the door was pushed open and one of my personal maids walk in, her head bowed "
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My chest rose and fell as I tried to catch my breath, "That was not fair" I was spent, my face flushed, my lips parted and swollen. Darius' greedy hands roamed my body, his fingers tracing my naked spine. I shuffled closer, pressing my naked breast to his. His eyes flickered open and he gazed down at me with a wolfish grin, one I knew meant 'I won'.How I wish I could have wiped the grin of his face but I knew I stood no chance the moment his hands touched me, no chance at all. What was I thinking wearing such a tempting night dress, maybe part of me wanted the night to go exactly as it did. Honestly I did not regret a thing. He traced my face with his fingers, light touches caressing my cheeks "I guess now we both need a bath" he chuckles, the rich sound feeling the room and ricocheting off the walls. "You won this time" I admit, narrowing my gaze at his cute, sexy face. "But next time I won't make it so easy, you were lucky I missed you so much"He leans down and nip
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ANAISEI made my way onto the open field, my gaze registering the arrows and the bullseye. True to his words Ryker was going to teach me how to use a bow and an arrow. He was doing a lot better thankfully. I was a bit skeptical at first but the elixir Astrid gave me proved to be really effective. After a few days his wound and system had been drained of all the poison, he had gotten stitches to cover up his cuts. I was concerned if he flexed too hard his stitches would break but he insisted he would be careful. The past few days had been absolute bliss. I spend majority of my day with Ryker, be it accompanying him on his walks or chatting while he ate or reading to him before he slept. It all felt so surreal and sweet. I loved our time together and it only strengthened our bond, or at least the bond I presumed we had. We had become inseparable and it was as if the tension had only gotten worse between us. Most times I found myself at the verge of kissing him and I had to pull
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♡AUDREY♡ I adjusted my dress, brushing it out as I uncomfortably looked around the lavishly decorated drawing room. Everything was either gold, white or a mix of gold and white, and by everything I mean everything. The table covers and seats were also white and gold. I never knew it was possible to get sick of seeing colors. I let out a quiet sigh and fixed up a smile as the Lady's maid walks in with a whole tray of tea, scones, biscuits, pies and little cupcakes. She carefully places them on the table before me and I found myself feeling even more uneasy as she kept stealing glances my way. Some were more subtle than others. She handed me my cup with a little salsa propped under it, and to my dismay the color of the tea set was white with gold rim outlines. I swallowed down my distaste and held onto the cup as she poured in a light brown steaming liquid. She walked off soon after assuring me her Lady was on her way. As I stared at the hot liquid I wondered why I had accepted
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