All Chapters of Rebirth For Him: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
229 Chapters
Chapter 121
"That little girl hasn't been an artist for a long time, right? You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this and seek justice for your artist in front of me." Ricardo Norman was a little unhappy.Arielle bent her lips, "I hope I am also the last one, and I hope that Ricardo Norman can be fair and take every artist seriously in the later stage." Ricardo Norman glanced at Arielle, did not speak, got up directly, and said to the assistant director, "The filming has started." In fact, if it were another director, Arielle would not dare to speak like that. She was also worried that if she was not around, the director would not treat the artist equally, but Ricardo Norman would not, even if he was unhappy, he would not target the artists, he is indeed a principled director.Moreover, he should have listened to her words. When the filming started again, Arielle was watching from the side. The same one just now. This time for another shoot, Taria Rollins was still the same as be
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Chapter 122
"Yeah." Arielle nodded, then asked with a smile, "You don’t look like you like the outcome?" Ricardo Norman swallowed, "How old are you?""Twenty." Arielle smiled."This, so young, this business is huge..." He muttered to himself, every time he used to send a message to Ayah, he will refer to her or him with a higher reference for he was scared of offending the mysterious person from the other end. Who would have imagined it was just some small girl twenty years old? It's a shame. Thinking about it, he also called such a beautiful little girl old. He always imagined the person behind the screen to be someone of age and not a young beautiful damsel."What? Ricardo Norman thinks I'm so young that I can't write such a drama?" Arielle asked with a smile. Ricardo Norman took a deep breath and waved his hand, "No, no, it's just a little slow, Miss Arielle, you didn't lie to me, did you? Can you show me your phone?"Arielle opened WhatsApp and the chat was recorded between himself and her. O
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Chapter 123
Only then did the assistant director notice that Sabrina's hand froze for a moment, and smiled: "Ricardo Norman, it's only stiff for two seconds, so don't worry about it." However, Ricardo Norman came over and said to Sabrina, "Sabrina, you are a little absent-minded this time, so be more serious. This scene has been filmed for the third time, and it's just the simplest one, and if you can’t handle something as such then how will we move ahead with other scenes which are more complex?." After speaking, he patted Taria Rollins's shoulder again and said, "The female No. 3 shot is good, you have to keep it up, it's still the same state it was in the previous two shots, don't change it, you're fine, keep up."Sabrina's face was unsightly. She raised her head and glanced at Arielle. She didn't know what that woman said to Ricardo Norman, all her head could come up with is Arielle asked her own man to caution her like some baby before everyone. In the past, even if she was wrong, Ricardo No
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Chapter 124
Sir Lucas laughed, "This is to make our company more famous, the spokesperson has to be more powerful, I heard that you know Ricardo Norman, it is said that Ricardo Norman can make anyone popular, you and he can hit it off, let him support Clair more. In this drama, Clair is the second female lead. If it is a lower drama, or his next you can let Ricardo Norman try and let her be the female lead. I know that Clair is hardworking. She looks gorgeous, and she is suitable to be the female lead and I sure know she can handle everything."Hearing this, Arielle finally understood. After going around in such a big circle, it turned out that she was making up her mind here. She smiled slightly, "I'm afraid I can't help with this."When Sir Lucas heard that Arielle refused, he was a little annoyed, "This is all for the good of our company." “hahaha,” Arielle suddenly laughed, "For the good of our company? When others hire a spokesperson, it is to hire a celebrity. We are time-consuming and stre
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chapter 125
"Dad, you are really ruthless towards your son." Sir Lucas finally said bitterly, turned around, and left the backyard. After Sir Lucas left, the old man was so angry that he could hardly breathe. Sir Lucas, who came out of the backyard, was surrounded by Claudia and Anabel."Lucas, what did Dad say?" Claudia asked expectantly.Sir Lucas didn't speak, but Anabel said excitedly "Dad, what time did Grandpa tell us to meet Nathaniel? When will we meet Director Norman and Dad, I heard his shows are way too good, I can't wait to walk down the red carpet as a friend and partner to him, and how did you arrange it?" Sir Lucas still didn't speak, but Anabel began to fantasize, " Nathaniel's car that my sister drove last time is really nice, and when Grandpa introduces us to the Franchise family next time, I must ask Nathaniel for that car, I must have to start with the car.""When the time comes, let that Ricardo Norman arrange the seat of the heroine for my cousin, and make my cousin a first-
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Chapter 126
Arielle quickly tapped her fingers on the keyboard and couldn't help hacking into Robert Diaz Business Company's internal system. She retrieved Kendra Colson's information and looked at it carefully. There is absolutely nothing special about her from the information. She looks average, and everything is normal, but she is the wife of the owner of Robert Diaz's company. Arielle originally wanted to dig Kendra Colson over, but this is the boss's wife, how did she dig? However, three years later, Robert Diaz's business suddenly started, but Kendra Colson committed suicide not long after jumping off the building. What would happen in the middle?Something must have happened, otherwise, how could a person who is proud of herself jump off a building to commit suicide? She looked it up some more hoping maybe she will find something. Maybe this is the breakthrough. She also has to learn about Kendra Colson's character. No matter how capable a person is, if the character is not good, it is no
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Chapter 127
Three days later. Arielle came to ask Karen, "Karen, how is Robert Diaz's design?"Karen was doing makeup and said impatiently, "Okay, are you bothered? I do the design myself, and I have been in the company for two years. I have never seen such an annoying marketing employee as you." Arielle nodded, "Okay, then I'll come and pick it up in the afternoon.""No, I'll take it directly to the conference room in the afternoon. When you meet with the client, I have to be there too. When the client doesn't understand, I'll explain it, you've been here for such a short period of time and I dont blame you for not knowing anything" Karen said. As soon as Arielle left, she rolled her eyes, "I really don't understand anything, I really think I'm in charge of a client and I'm responsible for everything, but I don't understand design, so I just want to see the client with the design draft, if told by the client that he didn’t understand, the manuscript could not pass, and I had to repaint it.”Ari
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Chapter 128
After chatting about the dishes here and some of their views on life, the two have a lot in common. "I really didn't expect that Miss Arielle was just over twenty years old, so many thoughts overlapped with me, who is almost forty." Kendra Colson said with a smile. Arielle also knew and smiled bitterly. After all, she is no longer a twenty-year-old person, but a person who has lived two lives. When the two were eating, a waiter walked over to their table, and suddenly stumbled, holding a pot of boiled fish in his hand, and all fell into Kendra Colson's arms. The waiter hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry." The waiter hurriedly squatted down to help her clean up the things on her body, Kendra Colson waved, "It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom to clean up, please get me a towel.""Okay, ma'am." The waiter immediately ran to find a towel, and Kendra Colson said apologetically to Arielle, "I'll go to the bathroom and deal with it." Arielle nodded
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Chapter 129
For people like this who have never experienced any setbacks, suddenly accepting such a big change, no one can stand it. Just like her previous self. Arielle suddenly felt that she and Kendra Colson had the same illness and pity for each other, but she had a chance to be reborn, but Kendra Colson didn't know if there was any. Fortunately, there are still three years left, Robert Diaz has not developed very well yet, and her husband does not dare to blatantly transfer property, so Kendra Colson still has a chance to make a comeback. If she wants to help Kendra Colson, she will be also helping herself. If Kendra Colson can be used by her, she can relax a little when she takes back the company. The company can be completely managed by Kendra Colson.The next day. Anabel was a little excited when she woke up, and today she was waiting to see Arielle's good show. Yesterday, she watched Karen get off work. Arielle couldn't get Karen's design. “I guess Robert Diaz's list was also scrapped, r
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Chapter 130
As long as Arielle is not in the company, what will she use to compete with her in the future?In the future, the company will be hers, the villa at home will also be hers, everything will be hers, and Arielle will have nothing. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and her face flushed with excitement. Looking at the passage of time, it was only fifteen minutes, but she felt like she had waited for a century, and finally it was time for the meeting. Anabel was almost the first in the meeting room the design department went to. After everyone had arrived, Arnold Comfrey came over late.Clovis Wilbert asked "Today is not Monday, Mr. Arnold Comfrey invited everyone to a meeting. Is there anything of importance?" Arnold Comfrey glanced at everyone before saying, "I heard that Mrs. Kendra Colson from Robert Diaz came to our company for an afternoon meeting yesterday, and they came to confirm the design draft, but our company didn't come up with the design draft all a
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