All Chapters of YOUR LOVE (ROMANTIC SERIES): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
137 Chapters
Alexis snorted angrily. He jumped up from the bed with a Greek oath, and delivered a message that chilled her soul. ‘I will make you eat those words one day my wicked Irish fireball. No one insults a Stephanides!’‘I just have.’ She always pushed him to the limit.He stood there, all muscle and tanned bare flesh but for the briefs. He was magnificent in his anger, and he was very, very angry with her, she had no doubt. For the second time in her life Carrie thought she had pushed him too far.His expression frightened her as his fingers clasped into fists at his side. Instead of reaching for his prey, he had thankfully reached for the telephone, crisply ordering a car to take Carrie home.Alexis turned on her, whispering dangerously soft words. ‘I want you out of my room by the time I finish my shower, or by heaven, girl. I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget!’ He strode into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a definite click.Within minutes a shaking, confused Carr
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Carrie wanted to cry out, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Her muscles were beginning to complain at such a long, fast swim. She hadn’t done this in years, and she knew how foolish she’d been.It was Alexis who eventually broke the damning silence. His voice was rough with emotion. ^Now you’re going to listen to me, and this time you’ll not get away from the awful truth about Petros and his debts. It’s far, far worse than you think.’Carrie bit her lip. She dared not meet his eyes; if it were true about her school fees and monthly allowance, she would never be able to face Petros again.‘Look at me, Carrie,’ Alexis said softly.She did, reluctantly, her tongue gliding across the salty skin of her lips. Swallowing deeply she shrugged and said rudely, ‘So talk, I won’t know if you don’t tell me.’He frowned heavily and his voice became a silky warning that he was losing his patience. ‘Don’t take that tone with me, Carrie.’Carrie sighed heavily and surrendered in a temporary
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Carrie was spared the need to reply when Christos came out to greet them. ‘Carrie, my lovely, lovely girl.’ He kissed her soundly on both cheeks and then turned to Alexis. ‘My friend, I’m so pleased you could grace my taverna.’Alexis bowed his head slightly and smiled. ‘The pleasure is all mine. However I must apologize that Petros cannot be with us this evening. He is feeling a little under the weather.’Pleasantries were exchanged and eventually they were seated near tlie balcony overlooking the beach. Carrie could hear the splashing of the tide, feel the evening breeze around her shoulders and shuddered involuntarily as she looked up at the full yellow moon.‘A penny for your thoughts,’ Alexis asked inquisitively as he poured her a glass of wine.‘Oh, I was just wondering when you’re going to turn into a vampire. You’re the ideal candidate.’ She raised the glass to her lips.‘I am?’‘Yes, of course!’‘And pray tell me why?’ he tatmted silkily.Carrie went on, surveying him openly.
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‘If that’s Jonathan I’d like to speak to him,’ she said hastily, but already Alexis was replacing the receiver.He shook his head. His voice had a warmth about it as if he was speaking to a child, and yet as he swept his glance over her shorts and T-shirt he wasn’t looking at or appreciating a child: ‘I’m sorry, Carrie, Jonathan is too busy, he’s transporting the puppy to the mainland. She’s still in considerable pain.’Carrie opened her eyes wide, her voice husky when she asked, ‘Why? What can be done on the mainland? I don’t imderstand.’Walking across to the old carved sideboard he poured orange juice into two crystal glasses and handed Carrie one as he sat at the table.‘She needs a plate in her back leg. They have far better facilities on the mainland, and at least that will give her a fighting chance. You realize they’re not sure if the operation will be a success? If it’s not - ’ He shrugged his large shoulders and left the words unsaid.Carrie sat down at the table opposite hi
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It was now 7 a.m. Would a cold shower dampen the fire in his loins? Up to now no thin g had dampened his imagination. Yes, it was definitely time for a shower, then straight to the office. Relaxing wasn’t on the menu today; not when Carrie had his deadline looming over her. Petros was convinced she would say yes to his ludicrous suggestion but Alexis had his doubts. What they were doing between them was tantamoimt to blackmail, and Alexis had agreed to it!Petros had pooh-poohed Alexis’s idea about him courting her. Time was of the essence, he’d said. Time was something he didn’t have, which was why Alexis had agreed. He’d been emotionally blackmailed too by the man who’d to all intents and purposes been more of a father to him than his own. His own father had often left his family to their own devices, and when Spiros had been killed Petros had been a rock to all the family.He went upstairs to his ‘en suite’ bedroom. No one really knew about this building, it was his secret, his hid
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Alexis rushed to her, barking out orders for his secretary to get a doctor. Lifting Carrie easily, he carried her to his couch, and laid her softly against the pale cream leather of the settee. He studied her complexion, at the same time noticing just how frail she was. Gently he began brushing her hair back from her hot cheeks. He shook his head, scowling at his own thoughts.Quickly he found a cloth and a bowl of water. If nothing else he could keep her cool. As carefully as he could he wiped her face, her neck.Carrie felt the blessed coolness on her forehead. It pressed gently down her neck into the hollow of her throat, then back once more to her face.‘Carrie. Can you hear me, Carrie?’Weak blue eyes opened to see Alexis wetting the cloth once again.‘How do you feel?’Their eyes met. Carrie had been expecting to see triumph in his gaze, not this soul-searching concern.She swallowed uneasily, unable to cope with the look of compassion in his eyes. It was much easier when he was
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He’d love to trace his tongue over the edges of her low-cut bra and nibble his way to her nipples, each in turn. He was no fool; he knew the sparks of lust had only to be ignited and he’d known that for a long time. Even in her teenage years she’d flirted withhim, her stunning eyes and body telling him one thing, her imruly mouth biting out another.He’d wanted her for a long time too, much too long, he laughed bitterly to himself. Instead of courting her in the proper way, he’d left it all too late. Time was running out. Now he was making all kinds of demands he knew he shouldn’t have to make. Yes, a child was needed, their child, but was forcing her hand like this the only way he could have her and a baby?She stretched her legs in sleep, then dropped her knee crookedly over the edge of the couch. Her position as she lay there, legs apart, made his blood boil. He was like a youngster wanting to rip her clothes off and let his passion awaken her.Alexis tore his gaze away, then pull
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‘That’s not true!’ she defended herself. Whoever said loving someone was easy? Since their disagreement he had been intolerable.‘It’s common knowledge that my dear cousin likes a diversion when on the yacht. Could he have been trying out the merchandise?’ His look showered herwith disgust. ‘Maybe you’d like to try for the biggest fish of all. I doubt even he could resist some the things you have on offer. Horizontal gymnastics have nothing on your moves.’A loud clap echoed arotmd the outer office as Nina’s small hand contacted with Stephan’s face.‘Why you . . .!’‘What in hell’s happening here?’ demanded Alexis as he witnessed Stephan about to grab Nina. ‘I wouldn’t if I were you Stephan. Your private life should be dealt with outside this office.’Stephan reddened. ‘You know then. I suppose she’s told you all the fascinating details.’Nina’s face dropped. The hurt was obvious.‘That you’ve both been using my office as . . .’ He sighed heavily. ‘I think the whole of Athens knows.
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It was cooler now with the evening breeze co min g in from the sea stronger. She threw Alexis a shy look from beneath her lashes, a smile appearing on her full pink lips.‘Why the smile? Are you happy?’Her smile broadened. She was throbbing, her whole body was throbbing, she needed to take part in the act of love once more.‘I didn’t think your performance was entirely up to scratch. I could be happier.’ She heard Alexis’s indrawn breath as she dared herself to raise her cheeky face to his. For there was no mistake what message it would relay to the man at her side.He sat up on the rug, his strong forearms resting on his knees, his chin on his hands. He met that look. ‘Cheeky baggage, the doctor said you should rest.’ His eyes connecting with hers, he whispered, ‘You’re jesting, right?’‘Hell no.’ Carrie held her breath, hoping wildly that he would take the hidden challenge.He frowned, drew his breath slowly in again. Expanding his powerful chest he imfolded his arms, then dropped
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Alexis was still watching her, that strange look on his face. ‘Didn’t I tell you, your clothes arrived about an hour ago. I came up, but you were asleep.’ He didn’t want to say, I couldn’t bear to wake you, you looked so peaceful, so I just watched you, and I imagined . . .She smiled. ‘In that case I’d like to walk around the national gardens, then maybe walk through the fleamarket. We can eat in the plaka. If that’s all to your liking.’Grabbing her chin, he frowned slightly. ‘You’re up to something. I know when you’re up to something, Carrie. You never agree without a fight.’Her smile broadened as she shook her head and locks of white gold hair cascaded around his fingers. ‘I’m just enjoying myself. I have to make the most of a . . .’‘A bad situation,’ he broke in, watching the colour of her eyes change with mood and thought.‘A promise,’ she replied softly. ‘Now if we are to stroll aroimd the gardens, we must go soon. I believe you 11 have to practise the art of wooing me amongs
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