All Chapters of Pregnant For The Mistaken Alpha : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
156 Chapters
Chapter 31
Rose's POVThe moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the forest as I ventured deeper into the wilderness from the residential area of the pack. Every step I took felt heavy, laden with uncertainty and fear. The familiar sounds of nature surrounded me, the rustling leaves, the hooting of owls, and the distant howls of wolves. They used to offer me comfort and peace but they no longer offered me any. They served as a reminder of the life I had left behind, the life I had chosen to abandon.To conceal my identity, I pulled up the hood of my cloak, its dark fabric blending seamlessly with the shadows. I had to be cautious, aware that anyone I encountered could be a threat. The pack I had grown up with would surely come after me, seeking to bring me back and punish me for my defiance. But I couldn't allow that to happen. My child's safety depended on my ability to remain hidden.The forest grew denser as I continued my solitary trek. My senses sharpened, and my he
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Chapter 32
Rose's POVI took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. I raised my leg, and as I was about to step out of the pack lands and into the outside world, I heard another voice behind me and I froze mid-air, knowing it was my father. "So you plan on leaving your family and the pack? Even after the father decided to beg you?"The voice of my father pierced through the air, sending a chill down my spine. I slowly turned around, my heart pounding in my chest, to face the man who had once been my pillar of strength. His eyes bore into mine, a mix of disappointment and frustration evident in his gaze."Yes, Father," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "I have made my decision. I cannot stay in a place where my worth and the safety of my child are disregarded. I must find a way to protect, nurture, and provide for my child, even if it means leaving the pack."His brows furrowed, and he took a step closer, his voice laced with concern. "Rose, you know the dangers that lie beyond our territory.
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Chapter 33
Rose's POV As the werewolves approached, their muscular bodies moved with eerie grace, their paws silently padding against the forest floor while fear gripped me. Moonlight dappled their fur, casting an ethereal glow upon their savage forms. Their hot breath mingled with the cool night air, creating a fog that swirled around them like a sinister shroud.One of the werewolves, larger and more imposing than the rest, raised its snout to the sky, its nostrils flaring as it caught the scent of the wind. It let out a guttural growl, its amber eyes scanning the area, searching for the source of the disturbance. The other members of the pack followed suit, their heads turning in unison, their sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight.My heart hammered in my chest, threatening to betray my presence with its thunderous beat. I pressed myself closer to the tree, willing my body to meld with the bark, to become one with the forest itself. The tension in the air was palpable as the werewolves close
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Chapter 34
Rose's POV A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, propelling me into action. With a primal roar, I unleashed my strength, fighting tooth and nail to protect my child. The battle raged on, the clash of fangs and claws echoing through. I dodged a ferocious lunge from a massive werewolf, its snarling maw inches from my face. Reacting swiftly, I pivoted on my heels and delivered a swift kick to its midsection, sending it sprawling backward. The moonlight gleamed on its bloodstained fur as it howled in pain."Rose, you can't win," Selene called out, her voice tinged with regret. "Just surrender and spare yourself further suffering. Let us end this easily."I gritted my teeth, refusing to succumb to despair. "I'll never surrender to the likes of you, Selene! You've chosen the wrong side, and you'll pay for your betrayal!"My fists clenched, fueled by a mix of rage and determination. I darted between snapping jaws and slashing claws, using my agility to my advantage. With every str
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Chapter 35
Rose's POV As the panic set in, I desperately searched for an escape route. The waiter, sensing my distress, furrowed his brow in concern. He glanced in the direction of the approaching voices and then back at me, his eyes filled with understanding."Let's go to the room, ma'am. He said and I nodded but he stopped midway and said, "Madam, if you're seeking refuge, I can offer you an alternative solution," he whispered discreetly. "There's a passage that leads to a hidden room for the restaurant. It's seldom used, but it might serve as a temporary sanctuary for you until the coast is clear. For us to figure out what to do."My heart raced with a mix of trepidation and gratitude. I nodded silently, trusting the waiter's instincts and knowledge of the layout of the building. He swiftly led me through a discreet door at the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes and those who barged in.We navigated narrow hallways, passing through dimly lit corridors, until we reached a small woo
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Chapter 36
Rose's POVFear gripped me as the armed men closed in, their eyes filled with suspicion and hostility. The kiosk owner pointed an accusatory finger at me, his voice booming with anger. "This girl has stolen from me! She tried to steal a free meal!"Panic surged through my veins as I desperately tried to defend myself. "No, please, it's not true! I've been through so much, I would never steal! Someone stole from me, I have been robbed."But my pleas fell on deaf ears. The men were already reaching for their weapons, ready to take matters into their own hands. It seemed as if all hope was lost, and I knelt, bracing myself for what was to come.Just as the situation reached its tipping point, a figure emerged from the crowd. It was a young lady, her determined gaze fixed upon the unfolding scene. She pushed her way through the men, her voice cutting through the tension."Stop! What is going on here?" She asked with a soft voice that seemed to calm the rage of the men around me. The kiosk
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Chapter 37
Rose's POV As we continued along the path, the scenery around us transformed. The bustling sounds of the market faded away, replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. The air grew crisp, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and blooming flowers. The landscape unfolded before us like a painting, with vibrant greens and colorful wildflowers decorating the rolling hills.I marveled at the beauty of it all, feeling a sense of liberation as I ventured further away from the stifling constraints of the pack. The weight of my past gradually began to fade, replaced by a growing anticipation for the future that lay ahead."Linda," I spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "Tell me more about this place where we're heading. What is it like?"Linda glanced at me with a twinkle in her eyes, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and caution. "Rose, we're headed to a sanctuary for rogues. It's a place where individuals who don't belo
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Chapter 38
Rose's POVAs they mocked us, Linda seized the opportunity, swiftly launching into action. With grace and precision, she engaged one of the robbers, her daggers flashing in the twilight. Her movements were fluid and calculated, a testament to her years of training.Meanwhile, I tapped into the primal instincts awakened within me. The lines between my human form and wolf blurred as I unleashed my strength and agility, fighting alongside Linda, driven by a determination to protect what I held dear, my child.The battle raged on, a whirlwind of steel, although we were outnumbered. The robbers fought desperately, their once-confident expressions now etched with fear.Amidst the chaos, Linda's voice cut through the tumult. "Retreat now, or face the consequences!"The leader, bloodied and beaten, cast a final desperate glance at his dwindling forces before heeding Linda's warning. With a defeated snarl, he barked an order, and the robbers fled, disappearing into the night like shadows swallo
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Chapter 39
Rose's POVLinda's face remained obscured by the hood, but her voice rang out with an eerie familiarity. "Rose," she whispered, her tone devoid of emotion. "You betrayed us. You left us to die after leaving your father's pack. Why should I not kill you?"Tears streamed down my face as confusion and guilt washed over me. "No, Linda, I would never…" I stammered, struggling to find my voice amid the chaos of my racing thoughts.The figures surrounding me began to take form, their eyes gleaming with accusation. Each one represented a life lost, a friend or family member left behind in the wake of our escape. Their haunting gaze pierced through my soul, demanding an explanation.One by one, they stepped forward, their words a chorus of accusation and despair. "You abandoned us," they murmured, their voices blending into a haunting melody. "We trusted you. You were supposed to rule, be the first female Alpha.""No!" I cried out, desperation consuming me. "You don't understand. I had no choic
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Chapter 40
Rose's POV Moira's eyes widened with alarm, and she rushed to my side, her hands trembling as she reached out to hold mine. "Rose, please try to stay calm. We don't know what's happening yet. Let me fetch the healer," she said urgently, her voice filled with compassion. She quickly disappeared from my side, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the throbbing pain that seemed to consume my entire being. Fear coursed through me like wildfire, threatening to sweep me away. I tried to take deep breaths, focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of my chest, hoping to find some semblance of control amidst the chaos. Minutes felt like hours as I lay there, clutching my abdomen, the pain refusing to relent. Every passing moment seemed to heighten my anxiety, as I imagined the worst possible outcomes. The future I had envisioned with my unborn child seemed to crumble before my eyes, leaving me overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty. Finally, I heard incoming footsteps and Moira came in with a
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