All Chapters of West Ora Academy: It Starts Here: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
131 Chapters
Ch. 121 Nova
Nova’s P.O.V.“Thanks for coming, Nova,” Ares greeted me with his hand extended.I looked at Andy, as if to ask for permission. She just nodded her head with a big smile. I took his hand a bit wearily, unsure if it was really okay for me to do so. Suddenly, I was pulled into a vision, and I realized how stupid I was. This was a setup, and now here I am being dragged into a vision to watch this whole thing play out again. “I’m here for my last feeding, and I plan to get more than my fill. You shouldn’t have used that stupid potion last time.” Cassie seethed at him as she lunged forward. Auggie did nothing to stop it, as he wasn’t supposed to according to their blood pact, he could not deny her the feed he promised. She sucked at him, moaning as she fed to the point he was paling. When she pulled away, finally releasing her fangs from his skin, she chanted something incomprehensible. Auggie stiffened before her with a glazed look in his eyes. What happened to him?“I am ready for you
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Ch. 122 Jesse
Jesse’s P.O.V.It seemed like everything was finally falling into place, which only worried me. Things don’t go well for us often, so I’m just waiting for shit to hit the fan again. I think the Qilin leaf has kept the bad luck at bay for a while. Well, the exception of what happened to Auggie, but thankfully, that is solved now. I was happy to hear that Nova and he were destined to one. It was just the news we needed. Now we seem to each have found our pair, our destined ones. It feels nice knowing who I’ll be spending the rest of my life with. Liam is absolutely perfect and all mine. “Hello, my badass.” Liam greeted me with a mischievous smile. He was up to something. “What are you doing?” I asked skipping the greeting entirely. “Surprising you.” He winked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, but followed him anyway. He knew me well, taking me to the new training grounds. He had set it so that the golems took the shape and abilities of a ghoul. We trained together, know
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Ch. 123 Augustus
Augustus’ P.O.V. Christmas was approaching us sooner than we would have liked. Instead of enjoying the holiday season we had all been on pins and needles, just waiting for the day we would face that crazy dark witch again. Ares trains every day with Andy by his side. Nova and I have been focusing on our fire training to use during battle, while she and Manny have been training on her control over her sea witch magic. We don’t want her to be overtaken again. She had delved into the darkness the week she had turned away from me. It had almost permanently stained her soul, but with the help of Andy they were able to banish that darkness. Ares has been more on edge than usual. I know that he isn’t the only one. Jesse and I have been talking and practicing. We’ve been trying to figure out what Percy meant when he spoke about us holding one another when things get dark. We aren’t the most poetic bunch, so we didn’t come up with much. It didn’t help that Jesse told me about the prophecy sh
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Ch. 124 Ares
Ares' P.O.V. Andy's idea for her Christmas pity party was brilliant. I could feel the atmosphere changing around us, allowing for some laughter and joy to enter each of us. I know everyone is nervous and worried for me a lot. Hell, I'm scared, but with Andy by my side and Dad's words of encouragement, I think I can do this. I guess we'll see when she calls on me. I wonder though, when she calls me, will she call only me? Last time it was an accident that everyone came with me. I doubt she'd call them again, since they ruined her plans for me. I could see it in her eyes that night. She wasn't done with me. If she would have had her way, she would have raped me all night. She was determined to have a child, and for some reason she was determined to have that child with me. What if when she calls me again, she tries the same thing? The thought made my blood run cold and my body shiver. Andy noticed as she leaned in beside me, providing me with warmth only he touch brings me. She chas
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Ch. 125 Andy
Andy's P.O.V. My worst nightmare played before me. Ares had been wrapped in dark smoke and pulled away from us before my eyes. I tried to reach for him, but found myself grabbing air. He was gone. I spun around seeing the same horrified expression on everyone's face. "We have to go!" I snapped everyone out of their shock. "I can travel us there now. I've been practicing with Umbra and we can use the darkness better," Jesse said, answering the question of how we would get there without anyone having to ask. "Then let's go," Auggie said, looking the most determined I had ever seen him. I felt the beast inside me stir as anger coursed through me. She could be hurting him this very instant. I need to save the love of my life before she does irreversible damage. I felt the familiar cold of shadow traveling wrap itself around me as the settings set around us. Jesse had managed to pull us through Ares' shadow door. There was no stumbling or searching through the woods for him this time.
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Ch. 126 Nova
Nova’s P.O.V. The ghoul lunged, trying to bite a chunk of flesh off. I burned it away before me, turning it into a charred black lump. The smell of charred flesh permeated the air, and I felt my stomach turn in disgust. They already smelled bad, but it seemed burning them only made the stench worse. Auggie clasped my hand tightly as his fire coursed through me and combined with my own. Our fire joined when we became mated. There was no delay, no fight for control. It was natural, like an extension of myself. I blasted the ghouls as they approached, while Auggie tossed them with his shadows. My primary concern was the demon that stood at the edge of the woods. It seemed to watch, waiting for something, but I'm not sure what. I heard the baby cry in the cabin, earning not only the attention of some ghouls, but that of the demon as well. Ares seemed to pale as his eyes flashed and his face contorted with worry. Andy was in danger. I could tell by the change in his demeanor. He told L
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Ch. 127 Jesse
Jesse's P.O.V. With the sword in its hand, the demon lunged forward towards Nova. It clawed at her, piercing her skin right over her thigh as she retreated too slowly. The demon tossed the sword, having it land on the ground, looking like an Excalibur sticking out of the earth. It shined mockingly from 20 feet away. It would have done us well if Nova could have had the chance to use it. "Jesse, can you do it?" Liam asked, already knowing that I couldn't, but desperately wanting me to. I shook my head no, hanging it in disappointment for a brief second. "Then know that I love you, forever into all eternity." He shifted into King before me, biting down onto the demon's head, only to be met with a loud yelp of pain. The demon's blood was burning his mouth as if he had taken a bite of hot magma. Liam let go of the demon instantly, using his paws to slash at it instead. He shook his head, trying to shake off the pain from his mouth. The heat from the demon someone felt to increase. I
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Ch. 128 Augustus
Augustus' P.O.V. Ares traveled us all back to the center of the maze, where just an hour before we had been having fun. That was the longest and most intense hour of my life. I'm not sure what happened those last few minutes of the battle. When things got dark we leaned into each other, and it unlocked something inside of Ares that we were all able to tap into. The feeling still lingered inside me, strengthening me with power and light. I scanned the area for Nova, but couldn't see her anywhere. She must have sensed me as a water portal opened before us, and Nova jumped out with Manny close behind. "I'm sorry I couldn't teleport you all out. I was only able to get Nova because we're mated. The dark forest hates relinquishing its prey," Manny explained with a guilty expression. "Thank you for rescuing her," I said, staring at Nova like she was my salvation. She's the only reason I live and breathe. She ran towards me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She sobbed into my chest, let
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Ch. 129 Percy
Percy’s P.O.V. My dear son, I am so sorry this has happened to you. You finally lifted the curse I could not, yet here you stood with a baby in your arms. Much too young to raise a child, yet alone one with such great responsibility. They granted me one more visit, and I saved it for this day in case this future came to pass. I had hoped not, but he chose correctly, and I couldn’t be more proud. He didn’t think selfishly. He let his child be born, even though it was one he did not consent to. I made Ares much in the same way that he conceived his daughter. I can’t exactly say anything about that. None of it was the baby’s fault, anyway. I watched Ares as he looked on to that child, like she was his everything. It was a sad sight to see, knowing that his future would be just as hard as his past, if not more difficult, despite the curse being lifted. I couldn’t help the sadness that filled my heart. This was not the future I wanted for him, it was not the one I hoped for. I know he wi
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Ch. 130 Ares
Ares’ P.O.V.Elara stirred in my arms as she situated herself. My heart felt full with her in my arms. In a matter of seconds this child had me wrapped around her finger. She is my world, my heart, my everything. She and Andy take priority over everything in my life. I would kill for them. I would die for them. Seeing dad was an unexpected gift that both helped and eased my worries. I guess now it's time to tell mom and my other dad's. I don't know how they'll take it. Mom lost it when she found out what happened to me. I am worried how she'll react to Elara. I better do it now while I have the gale to do it. "I'm going to mom's, come with me?" I turned, asking them all. "You sure?" Auggie stepped forward, seeming concerned. "It's now or never. Besides, the longer I wait the more hurt she'll be." I looked into the future, seeing mom outside training. If I wait too long she'll be hurt that I didn't tell her. "Okay, then. Let's go." Jesse nodded. "This will probably be better if it
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