All Chapters of West Ora Academy: It Starts Here: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
131 Chapters
Ch. 71 Nova
Nova’s P.O.V."No, Dad. We have done nothing. We kissed like once." I rolled my eyes at him. "I had to ask, little moon. You know I wouldn't shame you if you had. Especially since that's the way you'll be able to find your destined one." Dad stared up at the night sky. The stars looked beautiful out there. They were easier to see here than back at the academy. "I know, Dad. I promise when I find out who my destined one is, you'll be one of the first few I tell." "I'll hold you to that." We continued to lie back on the grass and star gaze. Dad had asked me out here to talk, but never expected our conversation to be about this. Sex is always a strange topic to talk about with your parents. "You know your mom was absolutely terrible at recognizing mate bonds. I hope you're not the same way." His elbow nudged me playfully. "Yeah, mom told me about that. Sorry she made you wait so long. I am glad you did." It amazes me how much Dad and Mom love each other. They have a bond that I on
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Ch. 72 Andy
Andy’s P.O.V.“It was amazing!” I finished my story excitedly. “Wish I could take you flying one day. I think you’d really enjoy riding on a Pegasus back, or even a dragon’s‌.”“You’d let me ride you?” He asked, not realizing the lude way he had phrased that. My cheeks flushed a light pink at the thought. “Yeah, if you wanted to.” I couldn’t meet his eyes as I spoke. “That would be really nice, Andy. Thank you for helping me.” He took hold of my hand and pulled me to sit with him on the concrete slab at the top of the steps. His shoulder nudged my own, making me look up at him. He then gave me that beautiful smile of his that made my stomach swarm with the tickle of butterfly wings. “I will always be here to help you. You’re my air.” I gave him a small smile in return. “To be honest, Andy, I’m a little scared.” His voice sounded so sad as he looked up at the sky. “What if I end up just like my dad?” “You won’t!” I almost yelled at him. “I won’t let it happen. We are going to fix
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Ch. 73 Ares
Ares' P.O.V. "Run!" Andy yelled at me before she was swallowed by the earth before me. I raced towards the spot she was just in, clawing at the ground in hopes of somehow reaching her. I could feel the darkness creeping up behind me. The evil was so strong I could feel the cold seep deep into my bones. "We need to go!" Jesse grabbed my arm, pulling me up. "I can't control the shadows. She's got more control over the darkness." She started to drag me as I get trying to reach Andy. "We should have brought mom." She mumbled, almost annoyed with herself. "Andy will be fine. She's Andy, we need to get you out of here." Jesse searched all around, seeing the bright flame of a blue fire. "This way! Hurry!" Auggie yelled out to us in his fully shifted phoenix form. Jesse ran us towards him, the feeling of death lurking closely behind us. It was like the shadow of death was chasing us, closing in around us quickly. Auggie threw fire balls behind us, pushing the darkness back for
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Ch. 74 Jesse
Jesse's P.O.V. "Please, it's not like I'll miss anything important," Liam said. Liam gave me his puppy dog eyes. He had just asked me if I'd rub his back again so he could get a little sleep while Mr. Zaleta gave his lecture. "What kept you up last night?" I asked him before deciding whether to rub his back. “Ares warned me that a couple of girls in their heat were heading my way. I’m ready to claim my mate.” It hurt to hear him tell me that, picturing him claiming someone hurt me more than it should have. I hate I can’t be his mate, that the universe decided Liam wasn’t what was best for me. In what world is someone like Damon a good choice for me? I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Liam leaving me behind once he finds his mate. “Where did you sleep?” I asked, running my fingers lightly across his back, relaxing him further. I swear it looked like he cringed when I asked him. It seemed almost like he didn’t want to tell me where he was. He ducked his head into his a
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Ch. 75 Augustus
Augustus' P.O.V. "What's wrong with her?" I asked Ares as I stared down at Jesse on the clinic bed. There were a total of 4 beds in the school clinic, seeing as many of us have natural healing abilities, not many need to use this place. Ares sighed. I could tell this was killing him, too. It was just us two in here with her, with the nurse not allowing anyone other than family to come in. I think Liam was ready to toss the nurse out the window and come to be at Jesse's side. His wolf was beyond restless, and at first I thought he was acting too insane, but once we entered the room Ares, let me know that Jesse will be his mate in less than 2 months. It explains a lot, and frankly, I'm happy about it. I like the wolf over the vampire. Cassandra has given me a bad taste with vampires. I mean, Cas seems fine, but his sister is too crazy, and they were raised together, so they gotta be similar in some ways, right? "It's the bond. It's starting to weaken her. Damon hasn't accepted the
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Ch. 76 Nova
Nova's P.O.V. I watched as Damon wiggled, trying to free himself from the water. Water is fluid, moving along with him, keeping him shackled. His jaw ticked in anger, as he could not escape. He knew he was in trouble. I could see the concern, deep in his blue eyes. Manny stepped forward, placing his hand on Damon's shoulders. Damon was smart and avoided eye contact with him and me. He knew all we needed was for him to meet our eyes for just a moment, for us to enter his mind. Unbeknownst to him, touching works just as well, if not better. Manny narrowed his eyes in concentration as he began to root around Damon's mind. "How many copies of the video do you have?" I asked, making Damon's thoughts focus on the video. Even if he was trying to hold it back the moment I asked, his brain would immediately think of the answer. I could see Manny's nostrils flair in anger. He had found the answer, but it wasn't one he liked. "There are three copies. Two on campus and one in the shadow
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Ch. 77 Liam
Liam's P.O.V. It wasn't hard to find Damon's computer or log in. The idiot had his password written on his laptop. What kind of moron can't remember their own password for something they use daily? I rolled my eyes at the thought. His friend was a little harder to get to, but with a threat from Auggie, he was more than willing to comply. The only thing left to do is to delete the video from Damon's dad. I can't believe he even has a copy. How could Damon send that to his dad? It's fu.cking sick. As we were trying to come up with a way to get to his house without him noticing, our phones pinged. I saw a video texted from an unknown number with Damon's face on the still image. My face was beaming as Damon told a whopper of a lie. I don't know how Nova pulled it off, but she got Damon to say those moans were him. It was the sweetest revenge for the audio clip he sent out. "Think he has silent alarms?" I asked Auggie as we looked at the large house that belonged to Damon's father.
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Ch. 78 Andy
Andy's P.O.V. Classes had gone and went by quickly today. I sadly had little interaction with Ares, who seemed to be a busy bee today. I saw him buzzing about the campus, but never got to him in time before he traveled out. It seemed almost like he was avoiding me, but I'm sure it's just my overthinking. Ares wouldn't do something like that, right? "Thanks for meeting me here, Andy. I didn't want to give it to you in class, just in case you'd be embarrassed or something." Oz told me as he scratched the back of his head, ruffling his jet black hair that hung just above his ears in layers. "Why would I be embarrassed?" I asked with a smile as I grabbed his royal blue and gold jersey. He wore the number 3 on his jersey. He had recently washed it for me to wear at the game today. It seemed 3 sizes too large, which let me know it would definitely fit even if not correctly. It made sense with King being a larger guy. He had broad shoulders and slenderly toned muscles. His tall figure
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Ch. 79 Jesse
Jesse's P.O.V. I could feel my blood pumping, ready to watch the action. I loved this game so much. You could never tell what was going to happen when someone went through a ring. There were no rules against fighting, just as long as you stayed in your element. You fight to get the ball, using whatever means necessary to do so, and then you get going. You can hit the same ring twice since the same thing never happens twice. The best thing to do is to hit 9 of the rings, leaving the easiest for last. When you're in the lead, you hit the last ring, ending the game with your team winning. It was smart, considering sometimes the rings would be more of a hindrance than an advantage. It allowed you to hit a ring and possibly gain more points. I watched as the cannon sounded and Liam's gigantic wolf emerged. His wolf had copper fur, with patches of white and deep yellow eyes. I used to love to pet him in wolf form when we were younger. I still do. There was something off about Liam today.
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Ch. 80 Ares
Ares’ P.O.V. “Sorry, I froze you for a little while. I thought we could get lucky.” Percy shrugged as he spoke to Nova and Manny. He was sporting a wide grin, recounting stories of the game like we weren’t all there. His laughter was contagious and so was his energy. We were all riled up tonight, filled with excitement and joy. I looked into Andy’s future before she left, feeling a bit worried about her going with Oz. I was worried the excitement in the air would bring them trouble, but that didn’t look to be the case. She seemed like she was going to have a good time with Oz. I was happy for her, but I had this odd feeling in my chest at the thought. I know grandma has been training her, and she says that Andy has been doing great. She’s tough even if she doesn’t show it much. “Eh, it was better than the burning.” Nova laughed, waving her hand off. Auggie was right by her side. They weren’t holding each other, but they were standing close enough that their shoulders kept brushi
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