All Chapters of The CEO's secretary : Chapter 91 - Chapter 96
96 Chapters
You deserve to die
As she spoke, the guests listened with bated breath, their gaze fixed upon the woman who encapsulated both vulnerability and indomitable strength. Her words resonated deep within their hearts, their collective pain merging through her voice.Kaylar's voice grew even softer, and a serene sadness imbued her words. "In this very moment, he exists within me, the flesh and blood of his spirit pulsating through our children. We must mourn the loss of Wayne, but celebrate his lasting legacy—the gift of life that will be born from his love."Gathering her courage, Kaylar steadied herself against the podium as a wave of emotion threatened to overwhelm her. Her heart pounded within her chest, echoing the rhythm of the funeral dirge, a rhythm both mournful and defiant."We gather here today as a testament to the love that bound us, to the strength that emanated from Wayne's very being," she continued, her voice resolute now. "For every tear shed, let there be a whisper of gratitude for the momen
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As Kaylar was pushed away in the stretcher and towards the direction of the ICU, Mia dropped her head in despair. She took in a deep breath, then turned to Emilia. "Auntie, you have to get some rest now. You heard the doctor, Kaylar will be fine," Mia said, hoping to reassure her.Emilia raised her head, her eyes filled with unshed tears. "It's fine, I'll stay and watch her. I won't leave," she replied, determination evident in her voice. She was determined to stay by Kaylar's side until she woke up.In the face of Emilia's stubbornness, Mia didn't know what to do. So she decided to try out her last option. "Auntie, I know you're worried about Kaylar, but you have to think about your health too. Kaylar wouldn't be happy to know that you neglected your well-being for her sake," Mia persuaded, hoping it would make Emilia reconsider.With a look of scepticism in Emilia's eyes, she nodded her head in understanding. "Fine, I'll leave now, but make sure to inform me as soon as she regains c
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Are my babies alright?
Meghan moved to Asherly's side, "Don't take your father's words to heart, he is just worried about you. Give him some time to blow off some steam."Asherly gritted her teeth in displeasure as she pushed Meghan away and ran up the stairs to her room without saying a word.Meghan was left standing alone with a deep sense of unease.…The beeping of the machines was the only sound that filled the sterile ICU room. Kaylar lay there, unmoving, her fragile body trapped between life and death. Tubes and wires connected her to various monitors, measuring her fading heartbeat and shallow breaths. The flickering fluorescent lights cast an ethereal glow upon her tear-stained face.As the night stretched on, Kaylar's consciousness drifted into a world of dreams. Within this realm, she found herself standing in a meadow, where the scent of blooming flowers danced in the air. A gentle breeze travelled through the tall grass, whispering secrets that only those immersed in dreams could hear.A figur
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...Dare To Show Yourself...
"You'll have to leave the mansion by midnight," an eerie voice sounded from the phone, its words sending a chill down Asherly's spine. She tightly clutched the phone in her hand, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. The voice belonged to a mysterious caller, and this was the second time they had reached out to her, filling her with a sense of dread."I can't leave the mansion, I'm under house arrest," Asherly whispered into the phone, her voice barely audible. She knew the consequences of defying the strict orders that confined her within the walls of the grand estate. Panic seeped into her voice, revealing the fear that gripped her tightly."Just get ready by midnight. I'll get someone to take you out of the mansion," the voice responded, its tone both urgent and comforting. Ashley's mind raced with questions, but before she could utter another word, the call abruptly ended, leaving her alone with her thoughts.Standing by the window of her room, Asherly gazed out into the moon
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Prenatal depression
Weeks passed and Kaylar's condition only worsened. She had been discharged from the hospital, and she moved in with her mom, who could better take care of her. Unfortunately, Kaylar fell into prenatal depression, unable to come to terms with Wayne's death and the loss of one of her babies.One day, as Kaylar sat alone in her room, her mom, Emilia, knocked on the door gently. "Kaylar, can I come in?" she asked with concern in her voice.Kaylar sighed and replied, "Sure, Mom. Come in."Emilia entered the room and sat down next to Kaylar on the bed. "Honey, I can see you're really struggling right now. It breaks my heart to see you like this. I know you're blaming yourself for what happened, but it wasn't your fault. None of this is."Tears welled up in Kaylar's eyes as she looked at her mom. "Mom, I can't help but feel responsible. If I hadn't asked Wayne to come to the ultrasound, he would still be alive. And if I had been able to protect my baby, maybe he or she would still be here to
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Bubble of maternal love
"Mrs. Frenado, it seems as if the Aubrey group is hesitant to cooperate with us. Mrs. Aubrey insisted on meeting you before signing the contract with us" Chad said, his voice tinged with concern. He knew the importance of this business deal and the potential it had for their company's success.Kaylar turned her head to face Chad, her eyes slightly narrowing with determination. "Is that so?" she said, a touch of uncertainty in her voice. "We can't afford to let this opportunity slip away. We need to act swiftly. Arrange a meeting with Mrs Aubrey. I'll personally negotiate with her"Chad nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with determination. "I'll arrange a meeting with Mrs. Aubrey immediately," he promised, knowing that Kaylar's personal touch could make a world of difference.With that, Kaylar gracefully slid into her waiting car as the driver closed the door behind her. The engine roared to life, and they began their journey to the Aubrey group.Silence enveloped the car as Kaylar l
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