All Chapters of Second Time Around: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
77 Chapters
Chapter 11
I felt nervous as soon as we entered the building where the Raiden Car Shop was located. And it looks like Mikea noticed that which is why she decided to roam around the building before we went straight to her boss’ office.And to be honest, the amusement that I am feeling while learning about the whole company is overwhelming my nervousness.I just learned that this company is giving full benefits to its employees, especially when it comes to health benefits. They also have entertainment facilities that only the employee can use, but of course, only when they are off duty.Aside from that, they are giving free meals, from breakfast up to midnight snacks to everyone which only a few companies have implemented. And the salary is great.That is why I am not surprised to know that there are a lot of people who want to be part of this great company.Even those people that were assigned to the production area also have the privilege to use the facility in the building.“This place is such
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Chapter 12
After some time explaining everything about me to her boss, Mikea immediately said goodbye because she needs to pick up Millie and go to the hospital before lunchtime.And it has already been two hours since then but until now, we still haven’t said a word to each other.Well, on my side, I don’t know what I am going to say. And I am afraid that if I just say anything, I might spill something that could help him learn about Millie.And I don’t like that thought.It is not that I don’t want him to be part of Millie’s life. He still has that right because he is the father no matter what I do. But I want to make sure that Millie will not get hurt if they learn everything about each other.That is the only thing that I don’t want to happen. Seeing Millie getting hurt will surely shatter every piece of my heart. She is my lovely daughter and the only person that gives meaning to my life when I was being challenged by my fate.To be honest, I wanted to back out of this agreement. I am not s
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Chapter 13
“So, you need some information about Lancelot,” Castiel said while she was searching for something in her things. “I didn’t know that Enver became that greedy. He knows how strict the process is to become one of the dealers who wants to sell Anox’s Car.”“That is also what I know,” I said. “And I don’t know how he managed to get a personal meeting appointment with the owner of the Anox.”“I think Dashiel helped him with that.”I frowned. “Dashiel? Are you talking about Dashiel the Playboy?”She nodded. “When Enver cast aside all of his family’s company and decided to start his own, Dashiel was the only friend that stayed by his side and supported him,” she explained. “He even invested in his company to make sure that it could stand on its own even though his father tried to intercept its growth.”“Really?”She nodded again. “So, you could say that even though Dash is a playboy and a happy-go-lucky bastard, he is still the best friend that Enver could ever ask for.”“Ahm…” I scratched
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Chapter 14
“Milan!” Dashiel came to me and hugged me tight. “I can’t believe that I will be able to see you here!”I smiled slightly but to be honest, I am uncomfortable in this situation.I am not close to any friends of Enver when we are still together. I socialized with them when they visited our house but other than that, we never had a chance to bond.But this man is the kind of person who will act as if we are close even though we are not. And he tends to hug me whenever we meet.“It has been a long time, huh,” He let go of the hug. “The last time I heard about you is that you left Enver.”“Yeah,” I answered. “Have a seat.” It looks like he will be staying here and wants to talk to me about everything so I will just let him ask anything he wants. “Do you have someone with you?”He shook his head and sat in the vacant chair in front of me. “I am alone today.”“Oh, great.” I gave the tablet to him. “It looks like we will be staying here for a long time so order some for you. My treat.”Well,
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Chapter 15
While enjoying the dessert with Dashiel, I decided to order the foods that I will be taking out for Castiel.I am sure that she was just eating a light snack because she doesn’t have time to buy her food since she has a lot of things to do.“You are still not full?” Dashiel asked after I placed some orders again. “You already eat a lot here.”I laughed. “That is not for me,” I said. “It is for Cas. She is the one who pointed this restaurant to me and she gave me the reservation that she has here since she can’t use it herself.”“Oh.” He nodded while staring at me. And that made me frown.The looks that he is giving me feel like it has some meaning. As if he realized something because of what I just said.“Dash?” I called him. “Is there something in my face?”He smiled and shook his head. “Nah. I just realized the real accomplice of fate.”It made me even more confused. “What do you mean?”He shocked his head again. “Nothing. I was just talking to myself.”“O-okay.” He has been weird s
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Chapter 16
Enver Andrius’ Pov“I feel like I was living in the past,” I silently said while staring at Milan who was busy watching the people while tuning up the engine of a sports car. “You didn’t plan this, right?” I turned my head to Dashiel standing beside me who also looking at Milan.“I already told you a couple of times,” he said. “I am not the one who planned this. Why don’t you ask Castiel? She was the one who called the store and get a reservation. And she is also the one who gave that reservation to Milan.”I frowned. “Casty?”He nodded. “Though, I was thinking that she only gave that reservation to Milan in the hope that she would meet Lancelot there and not me.”From what I know, that store is where Lancelot and his partner always eat lunch since it is also a couple of blocks away from their building.Ferry and Castiel are Milan’s friends. And they always do everything for her, ever since her parents died. So, I am not surprised that Castiel did that to help her gain more informatio
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Chapter 17
“Dash!” I grabbed Dashiel’s hand and pull him toward the car booth not too far from where we are. And I smiled when I saw the Anox emblem in its tent. “Let’s go there!” I didn’t bother to grab and pull Enver because he is already following us.And to be honest, I miss the feeling of being in this kind of place.When I was still with Enver, we often held our dates in car racing events, just like this since it is one of the things that we surely get along with.There are times we had before when Dashiel and Ferry love to join the race using their own sports car and Castiel took a photo of us to restore the memories we had with each other.And now that I realized that, everything change between us when Enver decided to stop going out of town. He stayed here and handled their family business that was only stationed here.And after only six months of staying here, I discover his infidelity and that ruined, not only my relationship with him but also our friendship with our friends.I stoppe
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Chapter 18
Enver Andrius’ PovWe don’t have any choice but to follow when Ferry pulled Milan towards the tent that I think was assigned to her.Well, I was already expecting that she is here since I know that she likes to join this kind of event but I didn’t expect that we will bump into her since this place is huge.And when they get inside the tent, Ferry stopped us from entering. She said that they would discuss something important and it has nothing to do with me and Dashiel, so she left us outside the tent.Their conversation is not that long. All I saw are a slight hint of frustration in Ferry but in the end, she still hugged Milan. And by the way, she hugged her, it looks to me like they didn’t see each other for a very long time.“That is my fault, right?” I asked Dashiel while pointing to Milan and Ferry showing that they missed each other.Dashiel didn’t hesitate to nod. “If you didn’t monitor Ferry and Castiel’s every move in the hope of finding Milan, they would probably hang out tog
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Chapter 19
Enver Andrius’ Pov We are currently at the restaurant just outside the Arch Fend and Adze chose to reserve the whole place to make sure that no one will get inside as long as we are here. Two years ago, Lancelot's life was put at risk because of one thing that he created. And there are a lot of people who went after it to the point that they are willing to kill him just to get it. And those people hired a lot of assassins just to make sure that he will be gone by the time they get that thing. That is why he has a lot of bodyguards surrounding him whenever he goes to crowded places like this one. And I understand why they are so cautious with the people that they faced. “So?” Adze raised his eyebrows and pointed at Milan. Then he looked at Ferry. “This woman is your friend.” Dashiel and Ferry immediately nodded as we all can see that Adze is not happy with what Milan had done earlier. “And she admires Lance because of the cars that he created?” he confirmed and Ferry nodded agai
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Chapter 20
I do not come from a poor family. Both my parents had their own job and they gave me everything I needed. They never neglected our house bills and we never ran out of food on our table.And whenever they have extra money, they always give it to me just in case I have something that I want to buy for myself.But mostly, they only focus on things that are a necessity for our daily lives. They never bother to think of having their own car so that they don't have to commute to their work.Well, because they think that it is just another liability for them and they will only waste money to keep maintaining it.I grew up with that kind of thinking.That is why when they left the world and I was all alone, with only enough funds for my college and bills, I also thought about what is necessary to spend every money that I have.I never spend my money on things that I know I didn’t need even though I wanted them so badly.And when I started getting interested in cars, I was only content with se
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