All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1331 - Chapter 1340
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1331
After all, the CEO was like a god at the company. "Are you upset?" Caroline looked at Stephanie, who was visibly dissatisfied. She said, "Doesn't your office have surveillance? Go, get the footage!"Stephanie said quickly, "Ms. Evans, is this really necessary?"If it turned out to be as Caroline said, wouldn't it make it impossible for her to step down from her position? Stephanie understood that this was something between interpersonal relationships, so she didn't want to escalate further.However, Caroline insisted, "Go and get the footage!"Stephanie was still hesitant. Corinne also found it strange. In theory, Stephanie wouldn't have lied to her. Doing that wouldn't benefit her in any way. Could it be…Had the tea already taken effect? Corinne became excited as she thought of this possibility.After a moment, she calmed down and said, "If Ms. Evans insists on checking the surveillance, then let's check it. If there's a misunderstanding, I'm sure she'll provide you with an
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Chapter 1332
When Corinne saw Caroline's sincere expression, she couldn't help but think about what Sarah had mentioned—that Caroline was actually quite gullible. If she were smart, why would she leave someone of high standing like Eddy for a poor boy? Before this, Corinne would never have believed it. But if Caroline really was that gullible, how did she revive a doomed business and turn it into one of the top four companies in Easton? On top of that, she had achieved it all by herself. As she looked at Caroline now, she couldn't help but think that the latter was just too gullible. It seemed that Caroline had become the company's CEO thanks to a sheer stroke of luck. "Corinne?" Caroline's voice came through again. Corinne finally snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, Ms. Evans?"Caroline muttered anxiously, "What should I do? I forgot what I said today; what if I forget to sign a contract tomorrow? What should I do?"She continued, "Maybe you're right. I should take a break, and everyth
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Chapter 1333
Evans Group's top executives were all against the idea. However, Caroline posted a statement in the group, making it clear that if anyone was dissatisfied, they could submit their resignation letters. Hence, even if the high-ranking executives had something to say, they couldn't voice it. Caroline put her phone away and told Corinne, "It's settled. From today onward, you're the CEO, Ms. Everson."When Corinne heard the title "CEO", she desperately tried to hold back a smile. But she was so overjoyed that the corners of her lips curled up into a faint smile despite her attempts."I'll be going now." Caroline walked out as soon as those words left her lips. As Corinne watched the door close, she was stunned. Five minutes later, she still felt like she was in a dream. She walked to Caroline's desk in disbelief, touching the wooden surface.This was all hers! She walked toward the executive chair and mechanically sat down. The moment she sat down, she felt like she wasn't
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Chapter 1334
"If I chased her off straightaway, it could save me trouble. But part of the Evanses' assets in my hands are still from the previous Evans Group. "If their true colors aren't exposed, I'm afraid that some people in the company will side with Corinne. To avoid that, I must make everyone see how selfish this entire family is!" Kirk replied, "So you're intentionally letting Corinne take the CEO position to expose her?""Exactly."After saying that, Caroline inadvertently glanced at herself in the mirror. She was startled. She had become more and more relaxed in front of Kirk. When the two of them were together, they could talk to each other casually. The most embarrassing part was that she always forgot Kirk's true identity and the fact that he had deceived her. "Did you need me for something?" Caroline only noticed Kirk when she went downstairs."Thomas has been gone for so long. Do you know what happened to him?""Did he conceive a baby?""Yes. He hooked up with many wome
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Chapter 1335
Caroline was speechless. After a few seconds, she asked, "Are we really going to live together?"When Kirk heard her, he knew she had changed her mind. He smiled and acted innocent. "Yeah, there's no other way, unless we can split Nightshade into two."After some thought, Caroline said, "Well, if there's no other choice, then we can stay together for now."The smile on Kirk's face widened, but it wasn't a full smile yet. "When will we deal with Thomas? We're not going to wait until his child is born, are we?"Kirk sighed. "Once we find the top two assassins on the dark web, we can have a direct confrontation with Thomas."Caroline asked, "Does Nightshade not know where they are?""No one but those assassins knows where they are. Although Nightshade is an assassin like them, they're not friends.""We don't have any clues at all?"Kirk looked at her. "You might be disappointed."Caroline couldn't exactly say she was disappointed. She just wanted to get rid of the threat Thomas
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Chapter 1336
Caroline saw Adrian at the entrance of the Hacketts' residence. Meanwhile, the moment Adrian noticed Kirk getting out of the car, he froze.His eyes twitched in annoyance when he saw Caroline link arms with Kirk. "You guys—"Before Adrian could finish speaking, the front door opened, and Cheryl came out. "Caroline, Kirk!" When she saw the couple's intertwined hands, she covered her mouth in shock. "You two made up!" Caroline glanced at Adrian and nodded helplessly. "Yeah." If she wanted to explain, she would have to wait until Adrian left. Without thinking, Cheryl took out her phone. "Gwen doesn't know about this yet, right? I'll tell her about it now!"Caroline quickly grabbed the phone out of Cheryl's hands. "Wait a second. Let's talk about your issue first. Adrian, quickly, give her the investigation results!"Adrian was still shocked, thinking about how Caroline and Kirk had reconciled. He didn't snap out of his thoughts until Caroline called out to him. Then, he gave C
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Chapter 1337
"Well, at least I won't show up around you until I find someone else.""Adrian…""Don't act like this." Adrian tilted his head back. "If you do this, you'll just give me false hope."Caroline pursed her lips and didn't reply. "I'll be going back first later.""Why?" she asked, confused."Just do as I say. Think of it as fulfilling one of my wishes."Caroline looked into his sincere eyes and nodded involuntarily. "Then, I'll be going now." With that, Adrian looked at her longingly, burning every strand of her hair into his mind. Then, he smiled at her faintly and left.At the entrance, Cheryl and Kirk were waiting for them to return. When Kirk saw Adrian coming back alone, his expression changed. He stepped up and grabbed Adrian by the collar."Where's Caroline?"Adrian looked at him indifferently and said, "You're really lucky. Do you know how much I envy you?"Kirk ignored Adrian's words and continued to glare at him. "I asked, where is Caroline?"The next second, Carol
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Chapter 1338
As soon as Caroline heard Kirk's response, she couldn't help but say, "Didn't we agree on this? We were just pretending like we'd made up. It was all acting. "Now that Adrian's gone, we don't have to continue our act."He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Caroline, even if you were going to get rid of someone who helped you, you wouldn't do it right away, right?" She didn't reply. She didn't want to continue talking about their relationship. Instead, she turned to Cheryl and asked, "Is the information accurate? How is it? Are we sure that Joshua was behind this?" "Yes, the document also explains how he fabricated the false evidence. If we give the document to the police, Joshua will definitely be arrested…"When Caroline heard how she trailed off, she knew that Cheryl hadn't finished speaking her thoughts. Caroline asked, "What's wrong? Are you worried that if he gets arrested, no one will be there to care for your adoptive parents?"Cheryl smiled. "Caroline, you think
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Chapter 1339
When Dan heard the commotion downstairs, he rushed down from the second floor. He looked at Corinne worriedly. Corinne, who had a smug look on her face, made space and told their maids behind her, "Bring it all in!"Sarah and Dan saw the branded luxury bags in their hands and became even more confused. "Corinne, where did you get the money to buy so many things?" After the maids left, she replied, "Mom, Dad, I bought things for you. Look at them. Do you like them?"Sarah casually opened one of the bags and found that it had Louis Vuitton clothes. Her eyes widened at the sight. "Corinne, where did you get the money?"Corinne smiled. "Evans Group?""You.. You embezzled the company's money! You must've spent so much on so many things. Caroline will definitely find out when she goes to work tomorrow," Dan said quickly. "Hurry, return all of this. If Caroline finds out, you won't be able to eat or walk tomorrow!"Corinne sat down and said with a smile, "Dad, don't worry. She wo
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Chapter 1340
While the Evanses were dreaming about taking over Evans Group after Caroline's downfall, Caroline herself was troubled because she had to live under the same roof as Kirk.Although they had stayed together back at the hospital before, she couldn't help but feel awkward now that they were living together again. She felt so restless that she wished to hear every single sound outside the door. Yet when she heard some movement, she wished that the sound would go away immediately. Even though she was stuck in this torturous cycle, she miraculously didn't suffer from the lack of sleep the first night at home. However, the next day, Gwen bombarded her over the phone."You and Kirk got back together? And you're living together again? Are you planning to put the past aside and live together? Why didn't you tell me?"If Sean hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have known that you and Kirk were together again. Wow, am I still your best friend?"Caroline was speechless. However, it was Cher
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