All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1381 - Chapter 1390
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1381
"Don't worry. I'll take it one step at a time."As Caroline sent that text, she heard footsteps outside. She immediately messaged, "I need to go now. I can't chat anymore."With that said, she deleted the chat history.Meanwhile, Cheryl and Gwen were together. Upon seeing Caroline's message, they couldn't help but worry."Is this really okay?" Cheryl asked with a frown.Gwen shook her head in response. "I'm not sure, either. Why don't we tell Kirk about this?"Since they couldn't help Caroline, Kirk might be able to. Cheryl answered, "That's a good idea."As soon as Cheryl gave the green light, Gwen called Kirk. At that moment, he was dealing with some matters. Seeing that an unknown number was calling him, Kirk hesitated momentarily before answering."Hello."Gwen said, "It's me—"Before she could finish speaking, Kirk's voice came from the other end of the line. "Someone's looking for you."Immediately after, the voice on the phone changed to Sean's. Gwen was rendere
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Chapter 1382
Sean looked at Kirk. He couldn't help but feel as though he was staring at a stranger. He didn't think that was something Kirk would say. But he had seen and heard it with his own eyes and ears. He had no choice but to believe it."Kirk," Sean called out."If there's nothing else, you can leave now."After saying that, Kirk lowered his head and continued working. Sean was momentarily stunned upon seeing Kirk's cold behavior. It had been a long time since he had last seen this side of Kirk.Kirk hadn't acted this way since he had met Caroline. Yet now, the icy, mechanical, and workaholic Kirk had returned.Sean furrowed his brows and hesitated to speak. In the end, he left the room.Suddenly, the room fell into silence. Only then did Kirk stop working.He massaged his temples, then reluctantly picked up his phone to call Charles."Charles, Caroline is going to the hospital tomorrow. Keep a close eye on her. If she needs anything, step in to help her. And if she asks, just
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Chapter 1383
Caroline frowned. "Really? But the feeling is very strong. Can I… not go in?""No, today is your follow-up examination. If you don't go in, how will the doctor do the check-up?" Corinne insisted. Caroline asked again, "But why can't we go to the previous doctor? I didn't feel scared in that hospital."Corinne didn't know how to answer that.After a while, she replied, "Because this hospital has the best medical expertise. Besides, I've booked the best doctor for you. Maybe you'll recover soon under his treatment."Caroline, don't you want to get better and regain your memories?"Caroline remained silent upon hearing that. "Come on." Corinne encouraged her. "You'll be fine. I'm here with you. No one will hurt you."Caroline couldn't help but think, "It's because you're here that there will be problems." However, she couldn't stay in the car any longer, either. If she didn't get out soon, Corinne would start to suspect her. So, Caroline fearfully got out of the car. She tri
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Chapter 1384
Corinne was furious when she learned that Caroline had deceived her.However, in the next second, the doctor added, "She has early-onset dementia. It's different from regular dementia. Though she has forgotten about past events, she doesn't behave in a clueless manner."After hearing the doctor's explanation, Corinne finally understood. At the same time, she was relieved she hadn't lashed out at Caroline earlier. "Thank you, doctor."Corinne then said, "Let's go, Caroline."There was a hint of shock in Caroline's eyes as she looked at the doctor. After a while, she followed Corinne home. Once back, Caroline received a call from the doctor. He reminded her to share Sean's contact information with him.She was somewhat speechless. Caroline hadn't expected Sean's contact to be so useful. Meanwhile, Corinne told Dan and Sarah about Caroline's condition. Dan immediately said, "Then, hurry up! Get Caroline to sign the transfer agreement.""I've asked someone to prepare it. We
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Chapter 1385
After getting the transfer document, Corinne went straight to Evans Group. As soon as she arrived, she told her assistant to set up a meeting. When the executives saw her determined expression, they were completely confused.Nevertheless, they followed her instructions and gathered in the meeting room. Once everyone was present, all eyes were on Corinne. She instructed her assistant to lock the door and took her seat.Instead of starting the meeting immediately, she waited for a moment before slamming Caroline's company transfer agreement on the table. Everyone was still confused.She picked up the transfer agreement and slowly held it up for everyone to see. "Do you see this? This is a transfer agreement for Evans Group from Caroline. In other words, from today on, Evans Group belongs to me!"Upon hearing that, everyone thought she had gone crazy. "How could Evans Group belong to you? No matter how stupid Ms. Evans becomes, she would never give it to you!""That's right!
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Chapter 1386
At first, the executives stood up to Corinne and refused to acknowledge the agreement. However, as time passed, they became restless. The meeting room didn't have a restroom, and the executives were too embarrassed to relieve themselves in front of one another.Gradually, a few of them couldn't stand it any longer. They thought of how most of Evans Group's shares were in Caroline's name, whereas they just had a small share.If Caroline had already signed the transfer agreement, why should they resist it?Besides, if Corinne turned out to be difficult to work with, they could simply choose not to work with her.With those thoughts in mind, more and more of the executives began to begrudgingly accept it. Corinne watched them the entire time. She gauged their intentions from their expressions.However, she wasn't in a hurry. She patiently waited, like a predator stalking its prey. The executives exchanged looks, each of them hesitant to be the first to speak up.Corinne wasn't
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Chapter 1387
The executives' anticipation turned to disappointment when they saw Cheryl walking in. They had been expecting someone else. However, she paid no mind to their disappointment.She walked right up to Corinne and said, "The transfer agreement in your hands isn't valid."When Corinne heard that, she laughed heartily, as if she had just heard a joke. "Who are you? What makes you think you have the authority to say that the agreement in my hands is invalid? Look at this—"She tossed the agreement at Cheryl."Caroline's signature is on it. You're just the Hacketts' daughter. Why do you come and meddle with Evans Group's affairs every day? What exactly do you want? The Evans Group?"Cheryl completely ignored her mocking words. She turned to the executives and said, "Everyone, don't fall for her tricks! The reason Caroline signed this agreement was because she has dementia. "She has completely forgotten who she is and what she has done. She handed the company to Corinne in the first
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Chapter 1388
As Corinne realized this, she knew she couldn't let Cheryl manipulate the situation any longer. She said disdainfully, "Well, yes, I did give Ms. Evans the tea. But I'm not that stupid to hurt her so publicly. Maybe you're trying to frame me because you want the Evans Group!" Even at this point, she was still trying to argue.Cheryl saw through her bluff and understood that she was trying to worm her way out of the issue. "Fine, since you're denying it, let's leave it up to the police."She took out her phone, but Corinne quickly grabbed her hand. Cheryl looked at her and mocked, "What? Are you scared? If you're scared, turn yourself in. Maybe then they'll be lenient with you."Corinne snorted coldly. "Even if the transfer agreement is useless, I'm Dan Evans' daughter! So Evans Group rightfully belongs to me!" As soon as she said those words, everyone in the room became shocked. Except for Cheryl.When Corinne saw that Cheryl wasn't surprised, a flash of panic surged in C
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Chapter 1389
However, Corinne alone was no match for the police officers. She had only managed to take a few steps before she got tackled by one of them. She lay on the ground, protesting loudly. At that moment, a pair of long legs stepped into her line of vision.She looked up and saw Caroline. Corinne realized something and tried to get up, but the police officers pressed her down. "You did that on purpose! You lied to me about your dementia!" she shouted in disbelief.Caroline looked at her coldly without saying a word. The police pulled Corinne up and took her away. The mess was finally over. The executives looked at Caroline, unsure what to say. They had witnessed Corinne's maliciousness, but they had also seen Caroline's ruthless methods. Caroline looked at them, but she was gentle when she spoke. "Alright, don't just stand there. Do whatever you need to do. "You have all suffered a lot in the process of exposing Corinne's true colors. When I return, I'll compensate you well."Th
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Chapter 1390
Sarah was about to tell Caroline, but Dan stopped her."Don't tell her. Let her live in pain without ever knowing who her real parents are. Besides, do you really think she will get us the best lawyer?"Caroline wasn't upset that they hadn't taken the bait. Instead, a small smile appeared on her face. "You still have some sanity left."Upon realizing her trick, Sarah shouted angrily, "You liar!"However, she was taken away before she could shout more. Caroline watched as Sarah and Dan disappeared in the police cars. The feigned strength on her face finally disappeared. She might never find her parents in this life. But she didn't regret it. She tilted her head and glanced at Kirk, Cheryl, and Jack beside her. She had no regrets anymore.Even though she couldn't get her parents back, she was content that she had so many friends."Let's head back." Caroline's voice was weary. She needed a good rest, but there was still a tough battle waiting for her. The news about Caroline n
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