All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1398 Chapters
Chapter 161
When Kirk went upstairs, he saw no one in the master bedroom. Pinching his forehead, he realized that making it up to Caroline would be tough this time.The next day, Gwen rushed to the villa during her lunch break."I thought you went home to your family when you shared the address." Gwen stared at the massive villa in disbelief. "Did Kirk buy this place for real?""Why would I lie to you?" Caroline led Gwen upstairs."I was worried that you might have spent a fortune on him because you fell for his body and his looks. But …" Gwen tutted. "Think about it—if a perfect guy like Kirk was willing to trade his body for money, you'd become upper class in no time!"Kirk's perfect body flashed across Caroline's mind, causing her to blush."You talk a lot of nonsense nowadays." She pushed Gwen to the guest room and said, "I'll get you the phone."Gwen noticed that there was only a new pillow on the bed. She gasped, "Do you sleep in separate rooms?"Caroline showed her the phone. "Do
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Chapter 162
The morning sunlight scattered across the land and cast a golden glow on Kirk and Caroline through the door and windows. They looked like they were in a lovely oil painting.After a while, Kirk stopped in his tracks and smiled. Then, he entered his bedroom with her in his arms. She recovered from the shock and kicked hard to protest. "Kirk, stop fooling around! I need to go to work!"He took her into the bathroom. "I know. You probably wouldn't want to go to work looking like this, would you?"As he spoke, they reached the mirror. She saw her blushing face and the sultry look in her eyes. Embarrassed, she wanted to dig a hole to hide.He grinned and placed her in the bathtub. "Take a bath."She was reluctant to listen to him, but she had to take a bath to wash away the desire and lust. When she emerged from the bathroom, she changed into a black suit.He narrowed his eyes at her new look. She stayed a distance from him and announced, "I'm heading to work."Then, she quickly we
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Chapter 163
Vivian clenched her fists. After a moment, she sashayed out of the office.Susan hurriedly followed behind her.Once they left, Cheryl couldn't help but look at Caroline. Her eyes were shining. "Ms. Evans, you're amazing!"Cheryl had only started working here two days ago. Since she was a newbie, Susan had frequently bullied her. Yesterday, Cheryl had heard the older staff say that Caroline was an inexperienced person. They had also said that Caroline had only gotten the position of Design Director due to her connections with the Morrison family. Apparently, Vivian would certainly give Caroline lots of trouble too.Cheryl had felt hopeless thinking about her superior being bullied. When she had come to work today, she'd planned to resign in a few days if things didn't work out.Who would have thought Caroline was so unrelenting?She was also completely different from what the others had said. Caroline didn't seem like someone who didn't have working experience.Caroline smil
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Chapter 164
The person who spoke saw that Vivian had come over and happily walked over to her, acting like a proud puppy. "Viv, Caroline bought us fake Dragons to get on our good side. What a joke!"Vivian had heard about this Dragon thing too. Many people around her wanted to get one, but they weren't available locally. Even overseas, one had to make a pre-order.She huffed softly. "Only those who don't work hard rely on such tricks."After she said that, Caroline's office door slowly swung open.Caroline saw that the phones hadn't been given out and asked Cheryl, "What's wrong? Does nobody want them?"Cheryl was so angry that she started crying. As she sobbed, she said, "Ms. Evans, they all said that these phones are fake!"All of these people were just too mean to Caroline. Caroline frowned. She looked over at Vivian and guessed what had happened. She gave a light laugh. "These are gifts. If they don't want them, I'll take them back."Seeing how calm Caroline was, Cheryl found her own
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Chapter 165
The results loaded quickly, revealing the phone to be genuine.When Vivian saw this, her face turned pale.Everyone else was shocked too. They suddenly felt like they'd suffered a loss.This phone was being sold for three thousand dollars for pre-orders. It would cost more than ten thousand dollars, at least locally. They had lost out on something so valuable just because they didn't dare offend Vivian.When Cheryl saw how everyone was looking at Vivian viciously, she smiled brightly. "Ms. Evans, I'll take all these phones back then.""Sure, alright." Caroline nodded.The others could only watch hatefully as Cheryl took the phones away.When Jules saw this happening, he couldn't help but see Caroline in a new light.It was a decision from higher up to choose Caroline as the Design Director. And this position would be hers for life. Honestly, he had suspected Caroline's capabilities too. Although she was exceedingly skilled in design, she had no other work experience.That
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Chapter 166
Right then, someone spoke up. "I think Vivian has worked with Mr. French before?"Vivian smiled happily. "Yes. Three years ago, when I was still a designer overseas, I was lucky enough to design the packaging for Mr. French's anti-aging face mask.""I remember now. I heard Mr. French couldn't stop praising your design. He even wanted to sign a long-term contract with you. How come that fell through?""I had some family issues then, so I had to come back to the country."Everyone present seemed to find it a shame.Then, someone suggested, "Since Vivian has worked with Mr. French before, she should handle this task. Mr. French will surely be happy with the design she produces."The others nodded in agreement.Jules' gaze fell on Caroline. "What do you think, Ms. Evans?"At that moment, the others finally remembered that Caroline was the Design Director.But it wasn't their fault for forgetting Caroline. After all, Vivian had skills and experience.There had to be something wron
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Chapter 167
Caroline got back to her office and massaged her temples. This was a fight that would allow her to prove herself. She had to do well.She took a deep breath and turned her computer on. She went to the internal records and searched for Corvin's information. Then, she downloaded and printed everything.According to the information, Corvin had unique preferences for the packaging design of his products. He liked bright colors with a bold and avant-garde style.Caroline clicked on the displayed products and frowned.She really … didn't understand his taste.However, this design needed Corvin's approval. Thus, Caroline had to force herself to keep looking.Even when working hours ended, Caroline still hadn't come up with any ideas.She organized her documents and took Eddy's necklace from the drawer. Then, she got up to go downstairs.Downstairs,many other colleagues were getting off work. When they saw Caroline, they couldn't help but give her a few extra looks.Caroline calmly
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Chapter 168
Right then, Eddy's displeased voice came from the door. "Grandpa, I'm home."The next second, he saw Caroline standing next to Jude and froze.Dressed in office clothes, Caroline had lost her cautious persona. She looked like a confident professional. It made it impossible for Eddy to look away from her.Eddy swallowed. He asked, "When did you get back?"Caroline said blandly, "A few days ago."Then, she turned to Jude. "I'm leaving now, Grandpa."Since Jude was there, Caroline could only ask Eddy as she walked past him, "Mr. Eddy, could you step out with me for a second?"Eddy could just about smell her womanly scent. It made his heart skip a beat. He nodded almost instinctively.After he nodded, Eddy regretted it a bit. He quickly said, "Whatever you have to say can be said here."Caroline's eyebrows furrowed. She ignored Eddy and walked out.Eddy thinned his lips. He groaned but followed Caroline anyway.Seeing this, Jude shook his head helplessly. When would his silly gr
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Chapter 169
After taking a few turns, the car finally slowed. Jack looked in the rearview mirror to check for the car he'd been trying to shake off. He said expressionlessly, "It seems like there's a bit of a problem with the car. I'll take it for a check tonight. It shouldn't be anything big. It won't affect your going in and out, Ms. Evans."Caroline frowned. She didn't quite believe Jack when he said it wasn't a big problem.But during the next half of the car ride, the car indeed did not experience any hiccups. Thus, Caroline didn't mention it. She told Jack to drive home carefully and walked into the villa.…At the Collins' residence, Howard Collins yelled, "Useless! You're all just useless trash!" He was so mad that he kicked the bodyguard who'd returned to report. "What's the point of paying you? You couldn't find out who that person was, even though you spent so much time investigating them! I made you wait at the airport, but you still let them go right under your nose! I ask
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Chapter 170
Sean wasn't very excited about it. "I don't feel like going."Kirk didn't say more to Sean. He hung up and sent Sean an address.About an hour later, the two met up at the bar.Sean had reserved a VIP room. When he saw Kirk come in alone, he curled his lip. "Why are you alone?"Kirk took out a cigar from his cigar box and put it between his teeth. He lit it and sunk lazily into the couch. "Did you expect more people?""Caroline didn't come with you? She had nothing to say about you coming to a bar?"Kirk's tone was blank as he smoked and said, "She doesn't know I'm here.""You're fighting again?"Kirk flipped open his lighter with a crack. A bright flame lit up his sharp features. He looked down and hummed. It was impossible to tell how he was feeling."Why are you fighting?" Sean was curious and scooted closer.Kirk let out a mouthful of smoke. He didn't answer Sean and only smiled. "They say men are heartless creatures after getting what they want. I think women are the sam
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