All Chapters of Can't Win Me Back: Chapter 2051 - Chapter 2060
2099 Chapters
Chapter 2051
Terrified, Aidan felt his hair stand on its ends. He hurriedly covered the woman's corpse with a blanket.Trembling at the foot of the bed, he debated whether to call the police when there was a knock on the door.It was 4:00 am. Who could it be? It was certainly not room service.Aidan walked to the door. "W-Who's there?" His voice quivered uncontrollably."Mr. Aidan," came a calm and steady voice from outside. "I'm here on Mr. Schmidt's orders to help you."Aidan remained stubborn. "I-I don't need any help.""The woman you picked last night should still be in your room, right? How is she doing now?"Aidan's heart pounded in alarm as he rushed to open the door.A man stood outside, dressed in a black sports outfit with a cap pulled low and a black mask obscuring his features. Only his cold and sharp eyes were visible."H-How do you know?" Aidan was shocked.Without a word, the man played a video on his phone right in front of Aidan.The footage showed the entire scene from
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Chapter 2052
Jameson chuckled. "There will be a sum transferred to your offshore account tomorrow. Please make sure to check it.""Mr. Schmidt, I'm not doing this for the money...""I know. But everyone who works for me will be duly compensated. This is your due."Jameson's words were clear, but his tone carried an inherent arrogance. "Besides, your wife's hospital bills must be considerable. Your savings likely aren't enough.""Thank you," Nicholas murmured.He then hesitated before asking, "Mr. Schmidt, several subjects have had severe adverse reactions, and some have even died. The new drug seems highly unstable. Can it really be successfully developed?"A silence followed on the other end.Nicholas, despite his vast experience, felt a surge of anxiety."Chief Novak, have you seen anyone recently?" Jameson's tone remained casual, even slightly amused.Nicholas's heart skipped a beat, but he forced himself to lie. "No. I'm just worried because my wife's condition worsens daily." His voic
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Chapter 2053
Alyssa and Jasper exchanged a look of astonishment.They had always thought Aidan's arrogance and boasting would lead to his downfall eventually, but they hadn't expected it to happen so soon."Cyrus, did your people follow Aidan to find this out?" Alyssa asked curiously."No, we received an anonymous tip that led us to Aidan's stash of illegal drugs in a warehouse. But that's not all. We also found two bodies of the Ivory Gang members on a Lovelace Group's cargo ship near that warehouse."The couple's eyes widened in shock."The bodies were frozen, so they were well-preserved and hadn't decomposed. They were likely trying to use the ship to smuggle the bodies out of the country. After all, Solana City is filled with our surveillance. It's hard to dispose of two bodies here."Cyrus's voice dropped, sounding more serious. "We performed autopsies immediately. As expected, both bodies died from drug overdoses."Jasper frowned. His eyes deepened with thought."Cyrus, your team has
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Chapter 2054
After Aidan's arrest, the Lovelace family plunged into unprecedented chaos.Edgar fainted in a fit of rage and was rushed to the hospital. The police immediately questioned Joseph, who aged a decade during his interrogation at the station.At the same time, he was slapped with a travel ban. He couldn't leave Solana City until the case was resolved.As Joseph prepared to enter his car with his entourage, an egg came flying out of nowhere and smashed on his head."How dare you experiment on live humans? You're insane! Don't call yourself a human!""You killed so many innocent people for drug development! Have you no conscience?""No more Lovelace Pharmaceuticals for me! Boycott Lovelace Group!"Joseph's face flushed red as he hurried into the car, and the luxury vehicle sped away.The smell of rotten eggs filled the car interior, making even the driver feel nauseous."Mr. Joseph, should we head home first to shower and change before visiting Mr. Edgar at the hospital?" Joseph's
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Chapter 2055
"M-Mandy? Why..." Joseph's chest tightened. His expression changed in an instant.Despite their past animosity and Mandy slapping his face, seeing her still stirred something in him. His heated gaze lingered on her captivating face."With everything that's happened, you must be overwhelmed and haven't had time for Dad."Mandy set down the bowl and picked up a napkin to wipe Edgar's mouth. Without glancing at Joseph, she continued, "Even though I've married Winston, and you may not readily accept him, I am still a Lovelace. It would be heartless of me not to return at this time."Joseph frowned, feeling suspicious."Mandy... Thank you for coming to see me..."Edgar's eyes glistened with tears as he tightly squeezed Mandy's hand. "I've been too harsh on you before and caused us to misunderstand each other for so many years. We were at odds for so long. I don't know if I'll ever have a chance to make up for my mistakes...""Dad, it doesn't matter anymore. Everything's in the past,"
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Chapter 2056
"Even if I did consent, so what?" Joseph admitted."Joseph Lovelace! Do you even realize what you did? You're trafficking drugs. You're leading Lovelace Group to doom!" Edgar was so angry that his view darkened, and his body trembled."Wrong! What I did was to save Lovelace Group!"Joseph stood tall. His eyes were devoid of any remorse or guilt. "Do you think the company's doing well now? Our drug sales have been declining year after year, with losses amounting to hundreds of millions annually. What you see is just what I wanted to show you!"Also, the Alzheimer's drug research project ran out of funds long ago! If Aidan hadn't come up with this idea and infused some cash, our company's financial chain would've snapped six months ago! So, in a way, you should thank me. Without me, Lovelace Group wouldn't have made it this far.""You jerk... You're spouting nonsense!"Edgar clutched his chest as he rebuked, "Even if our family falls into bankruptcy… and we have to beg on the stree
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Chapter 2057
Joseph's face turned ghostly pale. His hand shook with rage as he gripped the mouse.With a loud bang, he slammed the laptop shut. His fury reddened his face.Panicked, Ernest asked, "Mr. Joseph, what do we do now?""So... that old man never truly saw me as his son! Even after all these years of loyalty, he only treated me as a tool! All he cares about is Mandy!" Joseph smashed the laptop in his anger.Though he had feelings for Mandy, that laughable affection vanished in the face of his self-interest.Joseph trembled with rage and gritted his teeth. "You brought this on yourself, Dad."…That night, Alyssa hurried back to Heightsnew Villa.She went straight to see Mandy, who had just finished giving Winston his medication and was stepping out of the room."Mandy, did you visit Mr. Edgar? How is he?" Alyssa asked with concern after pulling her into a corner."Not good."As Mandy held Alyssa's hand, her eyes were red-rimmed. "Lyse, there's something I need to tell you. I've a
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Chapter 2058
Aidan's arrest caused an uproar, and Lovelace Group became the target of condemnation.Although no concrete evidence yet linked the human drug experimentation to Lovelace Pharmaceuticals, suspicion was a powerful force. Once doubt crept in, innocence became a distant memory."Mr. Schmidt, you're incredible! It's like you can see the future!"In the chairman's office, Carl excitedly showed Jameson the comments on his iPad. "Aidan has become our scapegoat. The public is now attacking Lovelace Group, thinking they're the culprits behind the human experimentation. Everything is under your control!"Jameson smoothly swung his golf club, making a perfect shot. "Anyone who works for me must be under my control. I won't use those who aren't. I promised Mr. Justin that everything in Solana City would be handled perfectly, and I always keep my word."Carl looked smug. "Aidan is in deep trouble now. If he dares to mention your name to the police, we'll release the video of him drugging the w
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Chapter 2059
"Can I join you?" Jasper asked, his demeanor warm and friendly.Nicholas replied simply, "Sure." Jasper gracefully sat opposite him, arriving alone with no backup.A palpable tension hung in the air even before a word was spoken. "Mr. Beckett," Nicholas began, "a man of your stature wouldn't be drinking coffee in a place like this." Nicholas then took a deep drag of his cigarette. His eyes were grim. "So, this isn't a coincidence. You've been following me.""It's not what you think," Jasper countered. A slight twitch of Jasper's lips accompanied his sincere gaze. "My wife told me everything that happened at the nursing home. She knew you'd be here if I couldn't find you at home. After all, both of us prioritize our wives. We might take detours, but we always end up in the same place, don't we?"An intelligent man would never directly communicate what he meant.Nicholas continued to smoke. "Are you and Ms. Alyssa married?"Jasper blinked and said, "Not yet.""Then, addressi
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Chapter 2060
The corridors along the VIP ward were quiet and deserted. There was no one in sight.A female nurse came to check on Edgar after doing her rounds. As she left, a figure dressed as a nurse silently slipped into the ward.The ward was silent; Edgar was sound asleep.The man quickly took a syringe and plunged it into Edgar's withered arm.Surprisingly a light sleeper, Edgar bolted awake, his eyes wide with alarm. "W-Who are you?" It was the first time the man had done something like this. He panicked and stammered, "I-I am a new nurse. I'm here to do my rounds." "Nonsense! My daughter personally selected a nurse for me. Who the hell are you?"This man set off alarm bells in Edgar's head. He reached for the call button, but the man reacted swiftly, clamping a hand around his neck."I'm sorry, Mr. Edgar. At this point, I have no choice!"A sinister glint flickered in the man's eyes as he tightened his grip. Edgar's mouth gaped open, his pale complexion turning a sickly purple.
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