All Chapters of Craving my ex wife after divorce: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
147 Chapters
SISTER TROUBLESMaybe, just maybe if the Molten sisters had grown up in a better home, then they would have turned out as better and stronger women.Nick's lung was burning for air as Katie wrapped her sexy legs around his head, holding it in place. Her smile grew wider as she enjoyed every moment of torturing him.Maybe Katie and Ashley might have found love with eligible bachelor. Maybe they would have been married and happy. Maybe they would not have hated the world so much.Ashley started stroking Nicholas' cock from behind. It was a rather humiliating position but he did not complain, he had mentally prepared himself for this as part of their strange sex play.The sisters were too far gone down the path to be redeemed. They could not be saved by even the likes of Nicholas.Deep down, he knew it was not their fault they turned out this way. It was obviously their father's inability to bring them up in the right way."I am going to see how well you work under pressure Mr. Nicholas,
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REUNION Revenge was on her mind all day long and night, it was compulsively stopping her from sleeping. She couldn't shake the feeling that justice had not been served yet.Maria could not help but replay the situation she had met Chad when she had tried to sneak into Priscilla's mansion. She could still vividly see the humiliation and utter embarrassment on his face, she recalled how he would not make eye contact with her.She had gone looking for answers and she got them but she didn't expect it to hurt this much. Chad had driven away quickly, trying to hold back his tears. Maria had seen it. She called Chad several times but it just went to voice mail.She had cried in the shower when she got home. She was at a loss for what to do and felt utterly helpless.The sound of her phone ringing broke her thoughts. It was her best friend, asking to meet up and talk about something important."Hey baby girl, it's been a while, how have you been?" Maria asked Diana as she answered. "Can we
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TURMOILMatteo struggled to control his breath. He slowed down his walk and rested on a wall situated in a hallway. He had seen too much. There was a fully functional organization going on behind the scenes, and he was just a small piece of the puzzle.His perspective of Priscilla had instantly changed after their conversation, and he realized she was much more complex than he had initially thought."Who are you?" Matteo asked suspiciously as his breathing evened out. He was boiling with anger. His rage was slowly getting out of hand yet he knew that he had to control it sooner or later."Why this company?" He asked again. He was alone and he realized that he had no trust for anyone in this company or any company for that matter.If trust had been something to rely on then he would not be here. Everyone seemed to he playing him these days.The wife he thought he controlled turned out to he the first person to cause him so much trouble in a short period of time. No one else had ever
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Maria tried to hide her shock.Was it possible that the crazy woman after Diana was the same as Priscilla? They did say that the world was a small world. Was it small enough for both their prosecutors to be one?"Wait, so you're telling me all those horrible things he did to you was as a result of his inability to understand affection?" Maria asked her dearest friend, utterly surprised. She found it hard to believe that people like Matteo still existed in this world.Diana nodded as she tried to remain calm. The new piece of information had left her devastated. Why did life have to be so unfair?"My husband is damaged, and he does not even know it," Diana whispered to herself as she took a bite from her ice cream. The cold feel of the snack melted on her tongue, sending chills up to her brain. It was an enjoyable feeling that she wanted to keep living."I still feel it's all bullshit," Maria stated skeptically as she waved her spoon in the air."I wish it was, Maria," Diana said sadly
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Nicholas slowly regained consciousness, his face felt wet and cold. He could still taste Katie's juice in his mouth and smell her fragrance. His eyesight got clearer as he saw the two sisters peering down at him curiously."Welcome back from your beauty sleep, Mr. Nicholas," Ashley said coldly."I hope you had a good rest," Katie said with a warm smile.Nicholas nodded unconsciously, Katie widened her smile."Good, let's get you ready for the next round," Ashley said as she grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up.The pain from Ashley's action jolted him alert and he got up in response to his feet quickly. She led him by his hair toward the pink king-sized bed and pushed him roughly onto his back.The large mirror on the ceiling reflected Nicholas in a way that startled him. He couldn't believe what he was looking at."Yeah, it shocks people when they see themselves at their most vulnerable," said Ashley amused by Nick's reaction,"Don't worry, you will get used to seeing yourself,"
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Priscilla Randall was quiet throughout the helicopter ride to her home. She did not want to freak out the pilot so she curbed her excitement. Things were finally falling into position.She sat back in her seat and relaxed, feeling grateful for this opportunity. It had taken months of hard work, but it was all worth it.She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, savoring the moment.She hoped little Maria did as she was told, she didn't want to hurt anyone who did not deserve it.She looked out of the window and saw the whole city in the landscape. It was beautiful at night.She remembered when she and Matteo would just casually go for night helicopter cruises. It was a moment she was very fond of and it made her smile."We are about to land madam," The pilot turned to address her, and she realized that the flight had been the smoothest she had experienced."No. Take me to the headquarters," Priscilla ordered."Right away ma'am," The pilot responded, deftly turning the helicopter arou
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THE INEVITABLE CONVERSATIONMatteo was lost in a deep thought as he drove home.He could not believe what his eyes had caught a glimpse of. Mostly, he could not believe how blind and stupid he had been.What hurt the most was the fact that his people, his board of directors, and his workers did not even bother to let him know his company was being infiltrated.He decided that people were getting fired the moment he returned from his sordid trip with his crazy ex. He needed to restore order and firing his employees seemed like the only way to do this."Once I'm done with them, they'll know who the true boss is," he promised himselfMatteo had to up his game and work extra hard to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. He could feel that it was going to get ugly soon and if he did not do anything about it then there was no telling what would happen.He needed to get under her skin as hard as he could; so he could gain her trust and hopefully persuade her to reveal her true motives and i
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Every suggestion, omission, or new terms and conditions that Katie whispered into her father's ear was typed into his computer.James still had that far away look in his eyes as he typed at his daughter's command."Is this okay?" James would occasionally ask and his daughter would eagerly nod at him.Nicholas watched the whole thing with fear and surprise. His cock had shrank and his body ached from the posture he was in."This is how we get him to do what we want sometimes, other times we use blackmail," Ashely casually said as Katie told a drugged up James to print out the contract.Nicholas stared in horror as he watched the girls control their father. He had known they were crazy from the start but he was just realizing how crazy they actually were.Nicholas had lost track of time due to the fact that he had been on his knees throughout the time James was being used to typing out whatever twisted clause the girls were thinking of.Katie sauntered over to him slowly so that she co
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It was a morning of uncertainty.Matteo and Diana slept in separate rooms last night. They had both had an uncomfortable discussion.Their talk had led nowhere and they were both at a stalemate. They had both left for work at different times even though neither slept well the previous night.Diana left the home earlier than her husband because she wanted to be out of the house as soon as possible. She still could n Iot trust herself around Matteo yet.She got off the bed at exactly six thirty and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She mentally picked out her outfit for the day as she got into the shower.When she was done having her bath, she dried herself thoroughly with her white towel and wrapped another on her hair so the towel could absorb the water in her hair.She went to her mirror stand and sat down on the stool to apply her light makeup. She thought about Nicholas and why he was suddenly absent from work.She hoped he did not go along with Matteo's ridiculous assignmen
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A TROUBLED MATTEOMatteo did not sleep a wink last night. He had been thinking all through the night. There was too much on his mind and it greatly worried him.This morning, he had heard his wife leave for work and fought the urge to see her. He had noticed even from his room how quietly she had left, he didn't hear her footsteps but he could hear the slight ruffle of her clothes He felt so sad that his own wife had to sneak out of the house just to avoid him. He realized that he may have behaved in a way that pushed her further away from him. He silently scolded himself for being so stupid and letting his emotions get the best of him. He vowed to do better. It had been hours since his wife left for work and he had not gotten out of bed yet. He just lay on his back and looked blankly at the ceiling, lost in thought. He was not going to work today because his destination had not been determined yet. He feared for the future of his company and his thirst for answers only increased.
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