All Chapters of The billionaire's bodyguard : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
158 Chapters
51 Caught in misery
**Anthony**"Step out of the car with your hands up.”The officer repeated. His men took a firmer stance, more surrounded the cop cars, each of them carrying sofisticated weapons. Something tells me they weren't going to negotiate whether we stay in the car or got down. It was shoot to kill. Afterall we robbed Tracy Carter and they were still under the impression that I raped her. They will kill me on sight before I can say two words."This is your final warning. Step out of the car or we will open fire."He cautioned. I heard multiple riffles cock at the same time. The boys around me were whispering instinctively, either that or I zoned out and couldn't hear them clearly. Must be the latter."Fuck! Daniel! Have you lost your mind? We're in deep shit, yet you're clearly fantasizing about having an orgy or something since you've lost focus!"Jericho shook my shoulders harshly as he ranted. It drawed me back to this reality and I looked around. We were completely surrounded. We couldn't
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52 hour of torture
**Anthony**"Shut up or else I'll come over there and...""Your choice. Honestly, I don't mind either way. I'll make sure to include you dumb asses contributed to my success once this all blows out."I cut in sharply adding emphasis to each word. It came out as a threat. Exactly what I intended it to."This is just an elaborate scheme. You're tripping.""Wanna bet on it?"I retorted laughing out."Let'go. Come on!"He tugged harshly, shoved Jericho back to Yate and pushed me to the other room instead. The plan's back on track with an additional spice. What did I do?The officer or tortue machine pushed me inside and slammed the door. I fell on my knees, since my hands were still cuffed and there was nothing to break my fall with. I feigned a cough then lifted my head. They didn't know about my tolerance to pain."Speak!"He thundred slamming his fist on the desk. I knew this tactic like the back of my palm. It was simply to drive fear in my heart, give me the impression that they had
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53 inconvenience
**Anthony**It was Jericho's idea to dump the car at a drive through in case anyone manages to catch up with us, we all agreed and I parked it somewhere slightly safe before jumping down. The next thing was to find a way and contact the others. They haven't heard from us for hours, I'm sure they'd be searching for clues on our whereabouts. With luck news of our capture might have gotten to them. With that I had a tny hope that their eyes were peeled for any clues. First we needed new clothes, a burner phone, and a means of transport. All with no money.Jericho and Yate agreed on hijacking a car, I couldn't reveal how uncomfortable I felt stealing from a random stranger. Remain in character. For the clothes, they wanted to steal those as well along with the phone. The plan we stealing which I didn't like. Jericho kept the phone but with didn't have our masks and getting caught on camera wasn't on the list of things to do today."I'll go in alone and over my face with this handkerchief.
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54 more inconvenience
**Anthony**The coordinates in the phone states that I arrived at my destination but there was nothing here. There were no trees, no poles, no buildings, this was the middle of no where. I turned the engine off staring forward like a building would erect out of nowhere. Then the phone began ringing. The same number who forwarded the email containing time."Step out of the car. Come forward."The line went dead almost immediately. Why use a voice changer when we're going to meet in the next few minutes. I looked back, the boys were not active. This means I'd have to follow his instructions. I got down and stepped forward scoffing at how silly this seemed. There was really nothing here. It was really late, if he wanted to play games with me then this wasn't the time for any of that. I moved forward and stepped on something. I didn't mean an object but there wasn't something under my feet. Not the usual hard sand, almost like a huge void after this point. I took another step and the grou
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55 more inconvenience 2 
Anthony**The old saying of your problems leave after you wake up, or your problems seize to exist after a deep slumber is highly exaggerated not to mention totally wrong. They don't leave, in fact they sometimes haunt you in your dreams. When you arose, they're staring at you directly in the face. It becomes much worse when you have no idea how to solve it. This was my dilemma. I wasn't at a cross road, that could mean I had options, I had to make a choice, and I had a say. My situation denotes me being caged. I wasn't given the chance to fully explore things, it was poured on me like a bucket of water. I think that was thepoint of this whole "exercise." Jericho and the others were killed in cold blood.He left me on the account of my resourcefulness. If I knew they were going to end up dead, I might as well have pulled the trigger myslef. I could have done that, instead I saved them with high hopes of making them suffer. One more thing he takes away from me. There is progress. I kn
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56 all apart 
**Anthony**While awaiting further instructions, I skipped the stairs hurridely, wishing I could leave this house. Too many memories, plus there was so much to think about. Joel Carter was smart enough to take the files out, his employees were not on his side, was it the money? For Ryder it's a big no. Ryder hated Tracy, the money might simply be added benefits. For others they were mostly paid off to do it's bidding. To think I thought I'd figured this entire thing out. To think I knew how far the infiltration went, I knew nothing. I was Clueless.At the bottom of the stairs, I heaved a large sigh then slipped out. I considered leaving a note for Mr Scott , but what good would that do? The fact remains; they had eyes everywhere. The goal currently is getting to the top, figuring the snake so it's head can come off, I can't do anything to jeopardize that. Speaking of which, I thought paying a visit to Ginny will be included or listed in my activities for the day, that isn't possible a
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57 all apart 2 
** ANTONY SANTOS**The plan I had in mind was a tad sketchy. I was driving to the company for a talk with Tracy's father. If my calculations were right, they'll know when I get there seeing as they were watching his every move. For my plan to work, they must be able to hear what he says in the office. If they don't have audio, I'd have to rely on hand signals.The only problem was getting him in character, so he does not blow my cover. In essence, once they see us together, it should spark their attention. Either Ryder or anyone else should reach out to get me, try to restrain me, put me back in place. In that way, I'm heard, I'm not tossed aside like a servant who just fullfiled his master's wishes and no longer has a place in the house. That's my plan.I took a final turn into the city and stepped on the accelerator, the car rides really smoothly.A small distance away from the company, I pulled over and stepped out, shut the door, then plopped my shirt downwards before striding tow
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58 the tumble
**ANTONY SANTOS**My vision was blurry, but I was definitely in a moving vehicle, the road was rocky since I bumped every few seconds. I looked forward and Tina lowered her head with a sad smile."Sorry about that. Precautions. Once he meets you, they will all be over. We all went through them. Sleep Antony."I shut my eyes after her not so reassuring words and fell into yet another deep slumber.****The next time, I arose to the feeling of water splashed on my face. Shaking my head vigorously, I looked around and tried to plop my weight upwards. I fell back and held my head feeling extremely dizzy."You shouldn't try to jump into things. Slow and steady always wins."A voice echoed from the monitor. I held my ears and tried to place it. It sounded farmilar. Too farmilar."You should rest. Rest Antony."It was changed to the robotic one I was used to. I fell back and closed my eyes, I felt too dizzy, weak, and fricking tired. How much stuff did he put in that handkerchief?I looked o
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59 the tumbles 2 
** ANTONY SANTOS**If this all turns to shit and I actually made a poor choice, I might never forgive myself. If it turns out that their plan is worth it, it'd still hurt. It depends on the level of madness he's on at this moment.The computer was taken its damn time to survey the product, or making me survey it at the very least. More like a 3D view of the entire thing which was somehow creepy and making my curiosity levels to peak."The bottle contains a very rare but potent toxin."It started. I was well acquainted with the voice since almost everyone was keen on using roboticised voices in speaking. It's Go time. Wait a moment, it said toxin. That doesn't sound good at all. I wasn't a science student nor a chemical expect, but most times when the word is mentioned, it denotes something bad and awful. It's taking a lot of time to simply let the cat out of the bag. What does the toxin do?"Bptulinum toxin. It's a very powerful toxin. If used properly, it can cause several paralysis
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60 lies of the heart
** ANTONY SANTOS**I chanted the plan, making use of the GPS system to guide me back to the company whilst trying to recall any other routes they might have taken while I was semi conscious. I don't remember much. Just the excess chloroform used in the handkerchief, then if course Tina's face repeatedly, most times hovering over me then falling asleep, waking up, falling asleep again, then I think I saw some bushes, but those might have just been figments of my imagination. I can't truly be sure.I squeezed my eyes and turned into the road. At the far end the company would reveal itself. After that, it's all dark and blank. There's nothing else to see. I remember waking up on the bed, I recall a farmilar voice in the room with me, my eyes were shut, but there was another figure and I feel as if it wasn't Tina nor Ryder. The odd part is that it's almost as if I knew the figure, we've met at an earlier time, the strained and barely audible nor can I remember, the only thing still there
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16 Protection Status