All Chapters of AMBIVALENCE: An Interracial Billionaire Love Story: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
77 Chapters
DIONNAH'S POVWhen I woke the next morning I was disoriented. I vaguely remembered Derick leaving my room. But I clearly recalled what transpired between Micheal and me. He needed a damn chill pill. I knew the situation between Derick and I may have been sending him mixed signals but he was being a big hypocrite. He was bringing someone to the wedding and he wanted me to be ok with it. I knew the days ahead were going to be awkward. I was going to do my best to avoid Michael and just focus on my work. So that was what I did. I avoided Mike like the plague and only spoke to him when necessary. I was getting a lot of work done. I didn't need any more distractions and Michael was big for that.I accompanied Dani and my Mom to the venue where the rehearsal dinner was being held. The space was beautiful. It was a small villa overlooking the beach. Danielle was going on and on about how wonderful everything would look. “Dee," she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the patio. The wind was
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THIRD PERSON POV As dawn approached, Dionnah's eyes flipped open. The darkness through the windows told her it was too early for her to be awake. The time on the clock read a minute after five. She huffed and threw her feet off the bed and sat. She ran a hand over her hair and let out a huge breath. Today she planned on telling Dani everything about her and Michael. She got up and slumped in the chair beside her bed, opening the laptop that Michael had given her. She thought about giving him back all that he gave her but she didn't know how without showing him she was hurt. “What the hell happened last night?" She asked herself. “I was never a jealous woman and now all of that was gone all because of him and the way he affected me." She slammed the laptop shut, she wasn't in the state of mind to do any work. She just sat in the dark silent trying to figure out how to fix the mess around her. Her ears perked as strange sounds infiltrated her ears. She tiptoed to her door and placed
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DIONNAH'S POV I held my head high as I strolled out of the hospital even though every cell in my body was screaming at me to hide my head in the dirt like an ostrich. But I rolled out of there faster than a cheetah on steroids like my body was on fire. The nurses snickered and the doctors stared as I power-walked passed them, probably looking down on me for being someone's fuck buddy. What the hell was I thinking? The cool evening air did wonders to calm my nerves, but then I was reminded that my business was out there in the open for everyone to judge. Not only did my sister know, but so did Jonathan who didn't meet my gaze as he pushed the wheelchair with Dani behind me. Michael was walking way behind us, trying to put as much space as he could between the two of us. Jonny paused as he ran a hand through his hair while Michael was leaning up against Jon's car. I didn't know what to say or do, but my sister saved the day when she tried breaking the ice, but her efforts were usel
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MICHAEL'S POVI was pissed at myself for getting so angry at Dee. And I hated myself for what she saw me doing with Cindy. If she only knew I was drunk and I wasn't in my right state of mind. But being wasted was no excuse. I did what I did and I was a scumbag for it. “How was I?" Jonny asked from the driver's seat. We were still driving slowly behind the girls. “What do you mean?"“You know? Me scolding you in front of the girls?" Yeah, right. I told Jonny about Dee and me on our drive over to the hospital, so him pretending to be mad at me for sleeping with his sister-in-law was all a show. I had him promise me not to mention what we talked about to Dani. This was blood brother code. “You didn't have to be so harsh, especially throwing the part about college in there. Now I look like I do these things all the time.""But you do do these things all the time," he stressed.“Well, not with Dionnah. She's different and she makes me different," I paused, listening to myself. I sounded
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DIONNAH'S POV"Michael, What are you doing in my room?" I asked. He was just sitting there on my bed, staring at me with this faraway look in his eyes. "I need to talk to you," he pleaded. His voice was so quiet yet it sounded so desperate. I needed to talk to him too, but I was tired and I needed to get my facts and my speech straight."Look, Michael. I need to talk to you too. But can this wait until tomorrow?" I asked him. "Plus I think we've done enough talking today," I grumbled, remembering our argument earlier."I didn't say all I needed to," he sighed. He was such a stubborn person."Well I've heard all I needed to for now," I admitted. I was just too tired for this right now. When I told Dani I was gonna tell Michael how I felt I didn't mean tonight. I meant when I had enough time to think things through and after I'd gotten a proper night's sleep. I realized I was still standing at my door with my back pressed up against it. I pushed off and made a beeline for my bathroom.
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DIONNAH'S POV A lot had happened over the past week. For one, Derick had gone back home. Too bad none of us saw him off to the airport. With the wedding being pushed back, we were too busy to drive Derick to the airport, so he had to take an Uber Michael was thrilled to see him go and he wasn't afraid to show it. I could also tell that Jon was also relieved to see Derick go. As for Michael, he had been showing quite the restraint. My skin longed for his touch; my lips hungered for his kisses and my honey pot was sweet for his sugar stick. But Michael was being a man of his word. He was taking it slow, too slow for my liking. I appreciated the other things he was doing for me though. He was always so considerate towards my feelings. He didn't speak about certain things around me and he brought lunch for me every day and would sit with me and we'd talk for hours on my days off. I didn't know how much more of this I could take. The sexual tension between us was driving me insane an
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DIONNAH'S POVThe ride home was torture. I couldn't stop thinking about all the things I wanted Michael to do to me. I missed him, all of him. My mind was out of control. I tried my best not to look at him but my peripheral vision kept letting me down. I could see how the muscles in his arm bunch with every gear he changed, causing his tattoos to look more defined.Before you know it we were home. I hopped out of the car and walked around to Michael's side as he came out."Don't you think we should have a story? What if they asked where we were coming from?" I asked him"I already told Jon we were going for an evening stroll." "An evening stroll? Don't you think my parents, especially my Mom are going to question that?""It doesn't matter. Just tell them I took you to buy coffee as a friendly gesture, " he laughed."You don't know my Mom," I told him as we entered the house.To our luck, everyone was downstairs."Where have you two been?" Asked my Mom."Good evening Ma," I said as I
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DIONNAH'S POVThe day of the wedding was here and I was just as exhausted as I was excited. Amelia and I finished dressing my sister while my mom ensured that everything was set outside. I could tell that Danielle was nervous so I comforted and reassured her.The bridal party made their entrance and as I entered my eyes landed on Michael who stood beside Jonathan. My heart began to race as if I was the one getting married. Michael seemed to sense my uneasiness so he smiled and gave me a reassuring nod. My confidence grew as I reached the alter and took my place. I looked at Michael again who then mouthed the words 'breathtaking ' which made me smile.Wagner's 'Here Comes the Bride' chorus began and everyone stood in anticipation.When Danielle entered, an echo of gasps filled the air. She was breathtaking. My eyes turned to Jonathan to see his expression and it was priceless. I could see tears welling up in his eyes as his bride approached him. My dad handed Dani over and the Minister
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DIONNAH'S POVIt was a sad day seeing my parents leave. After my mom and I hysterically held each other and bawled our eyes out, we managed to bid our farewells then. Michael had to literally drag me back to the car because I didn't have the strength to move. I already missed my parents so badly. I wished they didn't live in another state. I slept most of the journey home. Michael shook my shoulder. “Dee, we are home," he whispered. I groggily got out of the car and went inside. The house was quiet and peaceful, then it hit me, we were the only ones there."So what's the plan for this evening babe?" I asked Michael.He grabbed me from behind in a tight embrace. "I've wanted to get you alone for so long." "Well here I am, what you gonna do?" I teased, rubbing his hands that encased me from behind. I threw my head back so that it rested on his chest. His breath trickled down the side of my neck as he inhaled and exhaled my scent. "Well, first I'm gonna take you upstairs," he purred,
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DIONNAH'S POVThe week flew by so fast and Michael and I made love in every room in the house. I barely had time to wash Dani's sheets and clean her room before they were dragging their luggage inside. I barely had time to catch my breath before Dani showed me photos of their honeymoon. I was just so happy they were happy. Our life fell back into routine now that the wedding was over and before you know it Dani and I were back at work. She was nervous since the fashion show was only two weeks away. I had a meeting with the owner of the venue who said that we needed more lighting and to check for fire hazards. The rest of the week was smooth sailing and work as usual. Everything at home was also going great. Michael and I were happy and enjoying every minute together. We would have games night once every week with Dani and Jon. It felt good not to be sneaking around anymore. It was almost a month after the wedding and Danielle and Jonathan were in more bliss than before. I loved se
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