All Chapters of THE LYCAN’S CONTRACT MATE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Chapter 61
Kendrix I had a rough night after what happened between me and Arielyn, I handled everything wrongly, I messed up and had wanted to go tell her I was sorry and that we could talk it out but then Raul refused to let me pass, even though I explained to him that it was grown up stuff and he shouldn’t interfere, he told me to my face that he would fight me before he would let me into his room because whatever grown-up stuff we talked about made her sad to the point of crying, he sounded so mature and protective of Arielyn that I had walked back to my room in shame. I couldn’t believe a teenager was more mature than me. While alone in bed, I went over our conversation from where she asked me what was going on with me. I knew she must have noticed how I was acting recently, when she asked, I wanted to come clean to her but the thought of her leaving me had made me not say a word. I should have just told her. then when I went upstairs, thinking of fixing things, I didn’t find her in our ro
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Chapter 62
Kendrix “So now, you are making up stories just so that he will look good? Father, you will regret doing this, you will regret choosing this bastard over me, I will make you pay,”Jordan roared in anger and stormed out of the place, leaving me and my father. I didn’t have anything else to say to the old man so I stood up to leave. “Your mother will be proud,”This was the first time my father had ever spoken of my mom to me, one thing is, my mom has always been proud of me, so it was no news, she has been my biggest cheerleader all my life and she will remain like that. “She has always been proud of me, I have things to do at the office so I have to leave now, we will talk some other time, right Father?”I asked him and he nodded. I excused myself and walked out of his presence. I was almost in the parking space when Jordan suddenly walked out of nowhere and stood in front of me, blocking my way. “Get out of my way, Jordan, I don’t have time for you right now,” I warned him but h
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Chapter 63
Arielyn Whatever I thought heartbreak and rejection felt like eight years ago didn’t quite compare to what I was feeling right now, nothing prepared me for how sick I felt inside, I woke up early and left Raul’s room because I didn’t want to hijack his room the whole day, I made sure to lock my door because I didn’t want Kendrix to come in and make everything even worse. He already made his stance clear and now it was up to me to get over myself. I had to force myself to smile and look as happy as I could fake when Win-rose called because I didn’t want her to be worried about me when she was supposed to be having fun with her new husband, she did ask about Ken and I just told her he was busy. After the call, I went back to my misery and that’s how I spent my whole morning and afternoon. Raul came to check up on me and I told him I was okay and I just needed some time to myself and he left without questions. My phone started ringing and I stared at it, hating that someone who was not
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Chapter 64
I walked downstairs ready to just take food and water and go back upstairs to my room, I stopped halfway down the stairs when I heard laughter, I listened to make sure my ears were playing tricks on me but they weren’t, I heard female laughter and I knew it wasn’t from the cook or the cleaners because they don’t stay and talk loudly or even laugh so loudly. I knew even before I went down that it was her, He brought her back home, he wasn’t even trying to hide anything anymore. I wanted to just go back to my room but I couldn’t let myself be thirsty and hungry just because of him or her so I summoned up courage and took the remaining steps, I knew when she saw me because she stopped laughing, I didn’t even bother to look her way, I walk towards the kitchen. “Hi, good morning,”She greeted me in a cheery voice, I couldn’t just ignore her so I turned around to greet her back. As far as I know, I didn’t have a problem with her, my issue was with the man who couldn’t be faithful and stick
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Chapter 65
Arielyn “No, don’t you dare lock the door, I don’t want to listen to you, I don’t want to have any kind of conversation with you on any matter, I just want to leave, I have had enough, I don’t want to cause a scene, that should be good news to you,” I yelled at him, the fact that he locked the door didn’t stop me from continuing what I was doing, I wasn’t going to stay or listen to anything he had to say. “No, I am not going to let you leave until you listen to what I have to say, I can’t let you work away having the wrong idea and believing every lie Jordan had told you,”He couldn’t be serious, I have eyes, I saw those photos and video, if he was going to lie and say those were fake, I saw the hug with my eyes too and the said woman was currently downstairs in the same house, I didn’t even need Jordan to figure out what was going on. “I know what you are trying to do, Kendrix, you don’t want to lose what you gain by having me with you and you want your woman close, I get it, don
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Chapter 66
Arielyn“The fact that she is like me is the reason I don’t like her, I can’t learn from her, I don’t want to be near her, she gives off weird energy, can you take me with you, please? I don’t mind wherever you take me, just don’t leave me here,”He begged. “I can’t do that, Raul, you are under Kendrix’s care, I just can’t take you away, I don’t have a right to,”I explained to him but he wasn’t having it. “He isn’t my legal guardian, I just live with him there are no legal bindings, I don’t want to be here if you are not, you are my big sister and the reason I got better so quickly, what will happen if you are not here?He sounded so sad saying it, I didn’t even realize he saw me as his big sister, I never had a younger sibling but the fact that he thought me worthy of being his big sister warmed my heart. I couldn’t say no to him so I agreed. As soon as I nodded, he ran upstairs and came back a couple of minutes later. We carried our stuff outside and got into the ride I had order
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Chapter 67
Kendrix I still couldn’t believe my mom came to O-when without letting me know, imagine my shock when the call came in that she was at the airport and I needed to come to pick her up, I had been having a serious conversation with Arielyn but I couldn’t keep my mom waiting, she would get in trouble, the woman is too nosy to be left on her own. “Why do you look so anxious?”My mom asked, if only she knew the kind of conversation I left hanging when I rushed to go pick her up, the woman I love thinks I want someone else and I had myself to blame, why did I ever think it was a good idea to bring Veronica to the house last night, to be honest, I wasn’t thinking at all, I acted stupidly when I could have just taken her to a hotel, now I have a lot of explaining to do, I can only hope she listen to me and forgive me for what happened in Dilgem. “Darling, you caught me off guard, do you know how shocked I was when I got the call? How could you think of coming without informing me?”I quest
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Chapter 68
“What do I do now, Mom? How do I fix this?”I asked as I didn’t know how to go about anything. “You have to beg and get her back, I want my future daughter-in-law back here, I want to meet her before I leave so you better put your pride aside and go grovel,”Pride? I didn’t even know what that was right now, if I had to kneel in front of her father’s mansion to beg her to forgive me, I would do it without questions. My phone buzzed in my pocket as my mom spoke, I quickly took it out thinking it would be Raul returning my call, but it wasn’t. “What the fuck do you want?”I yelled at the phone, I had to excuse myself when my mom stared at me in shock when I yelled, I walked away from her with the phone in hand, and when I was sure she wouldn’t hear me shouting so loudly I placed the phone on my ear again. “Why are you so mad? I mean you won right? Aren’t you supposed to be happy? Let me guess, you lost something else and realized you won’t win in the long run because if she doesn’t m
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Chapter 69
Kendrix “What did you do? What kind of spell did you cast on me, Veronica? Tell me right now,”I yelled at her. “Well, I made you think we were mates and killed all your ability to find your real mate, made you think you were in love with me,”I couldn’t believe it. “You are lying, right? You are making things up?”I asked, I refused to believe this woman had been up to no good from the moment I met her. “I am not lying, I tried to break the spell but I couldn’t do it, I had to leave because I hated the sight of you and hated having to pretend that I liked you every day, it wouldn’t have been bad if you were in line for the throne but you were just some loser,”I was too dumbfounded by her revelations, I couldn’t speak for a moment, I was lied to for years, bewitched and I didn’t even know it, how did I not see it, how did I fall so easily for her trap, the fact that she had not even been on to me, she made a mistake and ended up with me, it just didn’t make sense that she had suc
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Chapter 70
Arielyn I drove towards my family house a week after I moved out of Kendrix’s house, my dad told me my brothers would be home so I decided to join, I already made up with my dad and it was time to amend my relationship with my brothers, I don’t think we will ever be able to get along like other siblings because we never had such a relationship growing up but I was willing to at least get to know them, I wasn’t just meeting them, I was meeting their wives and kids too, for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect yet but I gave my dad my words already. Dad talked me into agreeing to volunteer at the hospital that he had built for me, since I hadn’t heard from the general hospital yet, I agreed. I only needed to work for three days each week, which wasn’t bad at all. Finding out I had various investments courtesy of my dad was an eye-opener, I didn’t even know I was rich until I went to see my dad because he kept asking me to come see him, he asked about Kendrix and I told him we
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