All Chapters of Kidnapped By The Mafia King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
74 Chapters
Chapter 21
—Ellie— The next morning I took a quick shower, holding my arm out of the stall so it wouldn’t get wet. The painkillers had helped with the sting. I hadn’t expected that kind of consideration from Remo, and I suspected he had ulterior motives for the gesture. The sound of the lock startled me, and I quickly put another one of Kate’s long summer dresses on before I stepped out of the bathroom, my hair still damp and barefoot. Tristan stood with his arms crossed in front of the window, tall and dark and brooding like the love interest in romance movies. He turned and scanned my body. It was unsettling how physical his gaze felt on my skin. “I’m taking you outside for a walk in the gardens.” I raised my eyebrows. “Why?” “Would you prefer to spend your captivity holed up in here?” “No, but I’m wary of your motives.” He smiled darkly. “I want to keep you sound of mind and body. It would be a shame if these four walls bro
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Chapter 22
—Ellie— The lock clicked and I quickly sat up, bracing myself. I wouldn’t allow Tristan to catch me by surprise again. My eyes widened when Fabian stepped inside, carrying a plate. I stood. Why was he here? Would he help me? Fabian regarded my face then shook his head as if he could read my mind. “I’m bringing you dinner.” He came in but left the door ajar, and I wondered why he did it. I doubted it was so I could run. Was he worried of being alone in a room with me? “Here,” he held out the plate with steaming mac and cheese to me. I glared. “Do you remember how you, Mateo and I played together? Do you remember how you and him pretended to be my protectors? Do you remember that?” For a moment we did nothing but stare at each other, but he didn’t allow me to glimpse behind his emotionless mask. With a sigh, he walked past me and put the plate down on my nightstand. “You should eat,” he said firmly. I whirled around to face him
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Chapter 23
—Ellie— I was still in bed when the lock turned and didn’t have time to sit up before Tristan stepped inside the room. Feeling vulnerable lying in the bed, I pushed into a sitting position. He regarded me with an intent expression. I was only in a chemise and shorts and was acutely aware of how little the fabric covered. Swallowing my nerves, I got out of bed, not wanting to show weakness. His eyes followed my every move, lingering on my breasts. My body betrayed me as my nipples hardened in the cool air. “I’m fairly sure God designed your body to drive men into insanity,” Tristan said darkly. Stifling the excited thrill his words sent through me, I retorted, “You believe in God?” “No. I don’t. But looking at you, I could turn into a believer.” I huffed. “There’s a cozy warm place in Hell reserved just for you.” “I’ve burned before.” I slanted him a look. He’d said the same words before, and I wondered what exactly he
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Chapter 24
—Ellie— It was around lunchtime when someone knocked. I hadn’t seen Tristan since he’d brought me back to my room after my call with Mateo yesterday. Savio brought me breakfast in the morning without a word. He was probably still pissed. Kate opened the door with a shy smile and two bags in her hands. “I bought clothes for you. I hope they fit.” She stepped in followed by Damian. I hopped off the windowsill. My limbs were starting to feel sluggish from lack of use. I’d worked out almost daily before my kidnapping, and now all I did was sit around. “I assume that means my stay won’t be ending anytime soon,” I said bitterly. Kate sighed. “I don’t know.” My eyes moved over to Damian, who looked his usual stoic self, not that I had expected an answer from him. Kate held the bags out to me. “I got you sandals and a pair of sneakers. A few pairs of shorts, tops, and dresses. And underwear. I really hope I got the right size
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Chapter 25
—Tristan— As promised, I picked Ellie up at seven so she could run with me. Usually I preferred to do my morning run alone, but I couldn’t resist her presence. Ellie had put on shorts, a T-shirt, and sneakers. She followed me quietly through the house but stopped when I led her toward the driveway. “Where are we going?” “We’re going running, like I said. Did you think I do my laps in the garden?” I opened the door to my Bugatti SUV for her, and she got in without another word. I got behind the wheel and pulled down the driveway, feeling her eyes on me. I enjoyed her confusion. I took us to a trail in a nearby canyon where I’d run before. Soon it would be too warm, but this early in the morning the temperature was perfect for running. Ellie followed me out of the car and looked around the gravel parking lot. We were the only people around. Her eyes were assessing and attentive. She’d try something, and I had to admit I couldn’t wai
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Chapter 26
—Tristan— I called Salvador in the afternoon. He picked up after the second ring, his voice cold and hard but with an underlying tension that gave me a thrill. “Salvador, I wanted to ask when you were going to fulfill my demand.” “I won’t, just as you intended. I don’t have time for your games, Tristan. This is between us, between you and me. Why don’t we meet in person,and settle this like men.” “You want to duel me? How archaic of you, Salvador. You didn’t strike me as the primitive type.” “I’ll gladly convince you of the contrary.” I almost agreed because the idea of shoving my knife over and over into the cold fish was too fucking enticing. Fighting him would have been a highlight. Since cutting Luca into bite-sized pieces was out of the question for now, Salvador was the opponent I longed for. There was only one thing I wanted more than killing him: having Ellie in every way possible and destroying him through her. “We will
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Chapter 27
—Ellie— The moment Tristan picked me up the next morning, I knew it wasn’t for a run. For one, he was too early, and second he was only in his briefs. I tore my gaze away from his body. “We need to record additional motivation for your uncle,” Tristan explained. “Come.” I perched on the bed, not moving an inch. Another recording? When I didn’t follow his command, Tristan raised his eyebrows. “Come,” he said with more force, and it took considerable effort to remain motionless. I stubbornly returned his gaze. He stalked toward me and bent over me. “Maybe I’m being too lenient with you,” he murmured, fingers nudging my chin up. I smiled then gasped when he jerked me to my feet and threw me over his shoulder. His big warm hand rested on my butt as he carried me, and for a few moments I stilled in shock. More because of my body’s reaction to the feel of Tristan’s palm than to my head hanging down over his shoulder. I started wiggling
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Chapter 28
—Ellie— Night had fallen and I was reading in bed, when suddenly the lights went out. I blinked into the unexpected darkness and climbed out of bed, putting the book down on the nightstand. Following the trail of silvery moonlight, I glanced out of the window. The lights in the garden and every other window of the mansion that I could see were out as well. In the distance I could make out lights from other houses. My pulse picked up. What was happening? My eyes searched the shadows of the perimeter, and then I saw two figures running across the lawn toward the house. The Outfit. It had to be. They had come to save me. Euphoria pulsed through me, followed by fear. This was Tristan’s territory. The Russo's knew every inch of their property and the Outfit didn’t. What if Mateo was among the attackers? I clung to the windowsill, immobilized by terror at the thought. Salvador and Dad would have never allowed my cousin to come here. He was
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Chapter 29
—Ellie— The lights came back on. My eyes burned from the onslaught of brightness. I was still kneeling on the bathroom floor when Tristan’s voice rang out. “Go into the basement and help Damian torture the Outfit asshole.” I could feel the color draining from my face. I’d heard the shooting, had prayed that the Outfit would win ... I forced myself to stand when the lock turned. Tristan came in covered in blood, and I started trembling, terrified my greatest horrors had come true. For a couple of heartbeats, Tristan regarded me. “Your cousin tried to save you.” Terror gripped me like a vise. I could not breathe. I didn’t want to believe it. “You’re lying,” I gasped out, voice broken and hollow. A dark smile curled his lips. “He’s a brave one.” I rushed toward Tristan, clutched his bloody shirt. Hiss dark eyes held mine. The predatory gleam in them made my heart thud even faster. “No,” I said again. “Mateo isn’t he
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Chapter 30
—Tristan— Eleanor had offered herself to me, but she’d done it out of despair, out of love for her cousin. Not because she wanted to. She loved her cousin fiercely, wanted to protect him at any cost, like I would my brothers. I could respect that. I’d never admired a woman on her knees more than I did Ellie. She followed me quietly through the mansion. I could have asked anything of her, but that wasn’t how I wanted things to go. Far from it. I opened the door to the cell beside Mateo’s, and Ellie stepped in. The door to the third cell swung open, and Damian stepped out, covered in blood, his brows drawing together when he spotted Ellie. I closed the door and faced him. “What’s going on?” he asked. His eyes scanned my face. “Tristan.” I smirked. “Change of plans.” He moved closer. “We’re not letting him go.” “We will.” Savio joined us in the hallway, clothes drenched in blood as well. He didn’t say anything, only regarded us
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