All Chapters of Lycan Prince’s Fated Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
160 Chapters
21: Moving
PHOENIX    “Phoenix, I asked if your face hurts.” I blink a few times to clear whatever haze appeared in my eyes. My cheeks instantly flame when I see the look in his eyes. It is like he can see that he can see the dirty thoughts I’m having on my face. He moves back, a deep laugh rumbling in his chest. It makes my insides quiver again and I feel my wolf stir, she is as confused about our reaction to him as I am which makes me feel a little better. I don’t like any funny business, especially when he is involved. 
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22: Terrible At Her Job
EZRA   I can’t explain the anger I felt seeing that mark on my mate’s face, though she gave me an excuse that is somewhat believable, a part of me still thinks there is more to it than her just hitting her face. I mean, I am not dumb and the finger marks are very obvious. Someone hit her and they won’t like what I’ll do to them when I find out. “Hey man,” Nate says, stepping in line beside me. I haven’t seen him since he told me about what he learned from Phoenix’s parents. He even sat out on the meeting earlier, he is that tired.
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23: Starving The Prince
PHOENIXMy sweet sleep is disturbed by the sound of a door opening, even then I reach for the pillow and place it over my head with the hopes of cutting off the sound. It doesn’t work.“What do you think you’re doing?!” something cold splashes on me and I scream before jumping off the bed, my eyes widen in shock as I take in the room, my now wet hair sticking to my forehead. “What is wrong with you?” Lady Gloria yells, coming into view, her usual scowl on her face and that death glare being sent my way.“I…I,” I blink, trying to get my bearings right. I’m still sleepy, my body is more than ready to shut off again due to exhaustion.“Are you going to talk or have you lost that ability too?” my wolf growls angrily, being as annoyed by this intrusion as I am. I block her out and focus on Lady Gloria, my eyes are more than open now. “It is past lunch time, and Prince Ezra has been waiting for you for the past two hours.”My eyes bulge out and I curse, running to the bathroom to fix myself
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24: Coconuts And Breeze
EZRAAfter waiting for Phoenix for more than fifteen minutes, I decided to go and find her myself. I tell myself it is because I’m worried she got lost or maybe someone stopped her, specifically Zanders. I’ve also planned how I was going to break all the bones in his body if that turned out to be the case.I didn’t find her anywhere, I even checked the kitchen. I think the last time I was there was when my mother was alive. She loved cooking and even though she didn’t have to ever touch anything in the name of working, she cooked when she needed to get her mind off something. There were a lot of things she wanted to get her off.Phoenix wasn’t there either, at this point, I started to panic, because where could she be? The palace is big but I don’t think she will go out and get lost on her way back. She doesn’t look like the type that intentionally goes looking for trouble.‘No, she is the type that trouble comes to find. It is an amazing trait.’ I block out my wolf before he has me s
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25: Just Say When
PHOENIX    I walk out of Prince Ezra’s chambers like someone is following me with a bat. The only thing that is following me is the risk of getting fired and that is worse than a bat. My wolf may have bad healing abilities but that didn’t mean she didn’t have any at all. I’ll survive a bat, getting fired? Not so much. I hold down the need to rejoice when I see the kitchen empty, I get to work immediately and prepare the only thing that comes to my mind, and also the fastest thing I can get ready. The time
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26: Too Close
EZRA    A shiver of satisfaction goes through me and I have to go to great lengths, aka steeling my spine, to stop it from being obvious. Phoenix’s face adds more and more color by the second and to say I’m loving it will be an understatement. I ball my hands into fists and keep them by my side to stop from physically reaching for her, even without that, I know I’m leaning forward. It comes too naturally, I’m surprised she doesn’t feel as drawn to me as I am to her. There could be a million people near me but I know my attention will be on her, I know my eyes will find her.
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27: Too Tired
PHOENIXThe frown on Prince Ezra’s face made me want to take what I said back, but I hold my ground and hold my chin up too. He stares at me for a beat, his lips pursed while he looks deep in thought. After more than two minutes in silence, he finally nods and moves back. I immediately turn away though not fast enough since I still catch sight of his naked back, and a hint of black. It takes all my physical strength to stop from turning back to see what the ink says.“You can go, thank you for lunch.” I jump, since I was not expecting him to speak. I quickly nod and dart of the room, like something is following me.I’m not looking at where I’m going, which must be why I miss the large form standing in front of me. I definitely noticed him after I bump into him, hard. I know it is ‘him’ because only a man can have a body that hard.“I’m so sorry,” I mutter, moving back with a hand pressed to my forehead. I look up and see a smiling Nate standing with a bemused expression.“You don’t ha
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28: Siren
EZRAThe number of times I tried to pull my hair during dinner can’t be counted on one finger. Like dealing with Zanders’ presence wasn’t enough torture, my father had to go out of his way to invite that human sized siren.She wore another offensive bright colored gown and was also unfortunately seated beside me, also my father’s doing. He saw the look I sent her the moment I entered the room and he had to remind me of what was at stake. Safe to say, I hated the man a little in the second.Zanders had a smirk on his face throughout dinner and I didn’t know since when he became so close to siren, Sasha, Syra, whatever her name is, but he was making her talk throughout dinner and her annoying voice grated on my nerves. I considered getting up and getting ear plugs.Jax, who is a little traitor, blocked me out and went to have his peace while I suffered through sitting with her for all of dinner.The five course meal could have been fifty courses and dinner has never been longer in my li
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29: Walk-in
PHOENIXWe are woken up by the sound of the obnoxious bell again and for one brief moment, one moment I considered falling off the stairs when I go there today just so I can be allowed to get back into bed. I remember I don’t have fast healing powers like other wolves and that is enough to make me change my mind.That should have told me it wasn’t going to be a good day. Both Tanya and Kiara woke me up in turns, they were warning me about going to bathe else I won’t get hot water but I didn’t care. That was before I got under showers and realized just how cold the water was. I didn’t believe it was the normal temperature. In fact, I am quite sure it was altered to punish people, aka me for not waking up on time.I jumped in and out of the shower, literally, before dressing up in the black and white everyone is wearing. I finally got a uniform. I was a little too excited for that but to me, it just meant I am actually staying and this is not just for the duration of the prince taking f
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30: Princess Wannabe
PHOENIX“Are you okay?” Tanya places a hand on my shoulder, pulling me from my train of thoughts. She looks worried, her lips turned down in a small frown.“Yeah, I’m fine.” I assure her, giving her a fake wide smile. She doesn’t look like she believes me but she nods and lets it go.“I have to take this to Prince Zanders. If you need anyone to talk to, I’m here.” I don’t ask what that means but I nod and thank her all the same.I steady my racing heart and wait until my breathing returns to normal before I even let myself think of what I saw. A shudder runs through me.I don’t know what I’m feeling, what I felt at the sight of that. I mean, why should I even care? Prince Ezra is an adult and he can do whatever the hell he pleases and with whomever he wills. Sibel is also an adult and so what if they do what they did, they are both consenting adults and it is none of my business.Then why does it bother me? Why do I feel like ants are crawling up my skin at the thought of him touching
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