All Chapters of AGAINST THE TIDES: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
109 Chapters
Chapter ninety One
HELENA'S POVWe go back into the house. I couldn't stop smiling as Alex and I laced our hands tight and walked back into the sitting room My body ached but I had to manage for the sake of the baby. This was new to me and to think that I didn't enjoy the area of being a mother myself I was caught between the blank of balancing trying to sort out myself and two little humans who depended solely on me to survive. I twisted my shoulders and let out soft painful grunts."Are you okay?""Ya". I lied and yawned. God knows I wasn't okay. I wasn't fine, I wasn't alright, I wasn't myself. Sweet Jesus. I've had little or no time to sleep in the last four weeks. I just couldn't imagine going through this stress for another year. I slouched on the couch holding my head in my hand. Then I decided to finally go into the kitchen to get water. I brought out a glass from the glassware and turned some water into the glass. I gulped it down my throat and turned in another. The feeling was too refres
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Chapter Ninety Two
ALEXANDER'S POVZayn's voice got Helena and me jumping out of bed like two crazy people. She had slept off while trying to seduce me last night and this morning here we are running to carry out babies like the world was crumbling. I don't know how long they've been awake but the last scream was what got me running back to life from the dreamland.Helena quickly grabbed her robe and tied it to her waist. "What's wrong with you buddies, you got us scared to death". I said to both Zayn and Zahir. If this is the stress I have to go through till these babies grow up then I think I would be needing a million more nannies. "That scream was not necessary boys, your mama and I were just sleeping just like you two have been sleeping all night". I peered out the window and it was still dark. I quickly picked up my wristwatch and checked the time. It was 5 am.I scoffed. Holding Zahir in my arms."I think they are hungry"., my wife said"Hungry?". At this time?"Yeah"."Who eats breakfast at 5
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Chapter Ninety-Three
HELENA'S POVHow sweet it is to have a home so peaceful and sweet. Growing up I had always had a dream to be rich and have a husband who would do anything to make me and my kids comfortable. I didn't ever think that the dream would come through in such a quick and disastrous way at the beginning. It's been two weeks since we got a nanny to help out with the babies. I couldn't possibly do everything myself when Alex was away for work. This season was a bit more hectic than before as now has more investors to close deals with at the company and also lots of business trips. He always had a target to hit every single year before it ends and this year has been one hell of a year for him. He once told me that his happiness would be complete if he can hit his target for the year. Solara Helixia is already in existence in just a half part of the region and with this, Alexander plans to expand to the far east of the region. He has his plans and I have mine too. The only time I had woken up
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Chapter Ninety-Four
HELENA'S POV.The mansion has a very nice view. The landscape. To the outside viewer, the mansion would have seemed identical to any other in the prestigious neighborhood. Large curtained windows set in solid concrete walls and burnt red tiles on the roof. Stone statues guarding the entrance, a freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes, and sunlight reflecting off the surface of a pool on a typical warm summer day.The kitchen was equipped with all sorts of unused cooking utensils and the wooden drawers were filled with all the latest gadgets. In the bathroom, every surface was filled with new products ranging from shampoos to creams to toothpaste.In the master bedroom, the bed was covered in fluffy pillows on top of embroidered covers, doughy blankets, and crumpled bedsheets. To the outside viewer, the mansion would have seemed identical to any other in the prestigious neighborhood. Stone statues guarding the entrance, a freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes, and sunlight reflecting
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chapter Ninety-Five
ALEXANDER'S POVThe moment I closed from work I stopped by my mom's house to see her. She was resting in the backyard when I got there. "Hi Mom", I greeted her. She hadn't noticed I had walked up to her so close."Oh! Good Jesus Alex you scared me""I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to startle you"."It's fine""Why are you even startled anyways? You've got guards all over the place" "They can never be enough " she responded and turned a little more wine into her glass. I picked up the glass after she had dropped it and drank the remaining liquid in it."Why are you here son?""Come to see, Mom. Aren't you happy to see me?"."–of course I am". I miss you so much". She said, She brushed her hand across my face. "She has done a good job on you"."Helena, you mean?". I inquired. She furrowed her brows at me like I had asked her to go on a French kiss with a snake."Come off it, Alex, you know she's who I am talking about. I mean who else could have done this to you". She pointed out. I was
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Chapter Ninety-Six
ALEXANDER'S POVI was too excited to go home. I couldn't just wait for them to say their first words. I wanted those words to be daddy even though I wasn't home with them as often as I used to. They understand I have to work. I rushed into my house excited to let the cat out of the bag. "You're welcome sir, " Maggie greeted."Yes, Maggie. Thank you."How are you?" I went further to ask."Fine sir" she responded. I nodded and walked upstairs. Taking it one step at a time. I knew my wife was because her cars were parked outside. I was happy and hungry to hug my wife and sons in my arms."Hey beautiful" I leaned over and kissed her the moment I got into her room. She has to use this room because of the new nanny Bella. She is just as amazing as her mother. "You're welcome sir"Bella greeted, her eyes stuck on the baby mat she was lying on."Bella, how are you?" I asked."I'm fine"Bella was nineteen years old and innocent and always reminded me of Helena. A pretty much younger and mor
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Chapter Ninety-Seven
HELENA'S POVWe got out of the bathtub after about thirty minutes. I was happy. My entire body felt fresh and neat from the wash. I still had a little pain even though I could walk. It wasn't just the bite to go down with a man and my husband understands thatThe best I can do for him right now is to help him out with work on his shaft and that's it. But not tonight I was exhausted and the moment I fell on the bed Ina little sweet cuddle with him I slept off. It was like a morning with dew drizzling on the mountains. I could see it clearly through the glass. As I sat in the room looking through the e window. I had not realized a man had walked past me. He was staring at my baby and boom he took him up from the rocker and began to run off. I tried to scream but my voice failed. It sank deep into the dew that fell. He kept running into the cold. The atmosphere became suddenly thick with mist that made it so Impossible for me to see where I was headed. Soon I got to a crcrossroadand a
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Chapter Ninety-Eight
HELENA'S POV It was in the early hours of the evening at six thirty pm. Exactly one month after I had put to bed. I was strong enough and it came as a surprise to me. My father had told me that I took after my mom. He explains that she doesn't experience much pain after she gives birth and in only a few weeks she's back to doing what she usually does. Doing her stuff all by herself. The evening was cool and sweet. I was in the living room with Bella feeding the babies when we heard the constant chime from the doorbell outside. "Go get the door". I ordered Bella. She got up immediately and sprang to the door. A baby spoon stuck in her hand. Zayn and Zahir made creaky noises beckoning her to continue feeding them. In no time, shoot back into the house. A confused look ran across her "Who was it?"."A delivery man" she responded "What does he have?" "A package for you ma'am"."Oh! It had better be good"I got up and darted towards the door.The rays from the sun hit my eyes as I ca
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Chapter Ninety-Nine
HELENA'S POVThe thought of officially being called his wife was the most important event of my life at the moment. Since the night he gave me the engagement ring I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was a beautiful piece. It's been a week. The diamond ring rests so beautiful on my finger. I had pleaded with Alex to postpone the wedding till our kids were at least five months but he has bluntly refused. Claiming that he wanted to tie the nut the right way. In a church with him in a suit and me in a white dress. I closed my eyes fantasizing how glamorous wedding was going to be. A walk down the aisle with the most influential young man in the whole region. A man every girl would kill to have. I was conscious of the fact that Alex was handsome and that so many girls might want to push their way again through him. Fighting and pulling over aan is not what I am known for doing but this one was mine. I sat there lost in my thoughts. Zayn and Zahir were asleep at least it would give me a
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Chapter One Hundred
HELENA'S POVI've always been told that babies have an uncontrollable habit of crying. As I ran up the stairs to meet my boys. I could hear their voices from the hallway."What's wrong I asked Bella?" As we approached the room."I don't know ma'am. They woke up and I gave them their food as usual but Zayn hasn't stopped crying since then so I thought to call you"."This is unusual. I said and pushed the door knob. I rushed over to the cot and carried Zayn in my arms. The moment Zahir saw me his cry quickly disappeared into a smile. I smiled back and touched him on the cheek. He smiled broadly. Exposing his toothless gum. I held Zayn, strapping him to my chest with one arm. "I think he has a temperature". I informed Bella."But that's impossible. I can't check him before rushing down to call you"."They are babies". I responded."He was perfectly fine–she said softly in a sad tone."C'mon don't be like that, it's not your fault".I sat down on the massive bed and laid the baby on my
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