All Chapters of Fake Marriage To The Billionaire Playboy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Chapter 50
...Lorenzo.10: 0'PM.Lorenzo was in his bathroom, showering. He turned off the water and wrapped his waist with a towel. He reappeared in his room, went to his closet and opened it. He selected his black pants and white tee shirt. He took his time while wearing it. He sat down and wore his black shoes. He went and stood before the mirror as he scrutinised himself, styling his shoulder-length hair.He wanted to call Rohan to tell him that he was already on his way but he decided to see Sophie first. He walked out from his room heading straight to hers. He switched on the light as he climbed the stairs, grabbing the doorknob. He twisted but found it unlocked. He thanked the Gods and entered. He could barely see anything in the room cause it was dimly lit. The sun coming out from the shifted cotton made him get a better view of me from where he stood. Switching on the light, he got a perfect view of my lovely figure. He leaned back against the wall, smiling as he crossed his arms wh
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Chapter 51
... Rohan chuckled, grabbing the wine opener as he made good use of it. Setting the glasses aside, he filled them up and picked up one. Raising it in the air. "To an unending night of passion." Lincoln clinked glasses with him, chugging it down. Enzo did the same with the ladies as Pinkerbell began in earnest to please him. She started caressing his body, from his flawless handsome face, down his chest. As if she wasn't feeling it, she slipped her hand inside his body, caressing his nipple, his well-toned abs and his underpants.Lorenzo held her arm, jerking it away from his body. The sudden movement surprised her. No man has ever turned down her advances before. This was new. To hide the embarrassment she was passing through, she grabbed the bottle of whiskey, chugging it straight from the source. She didn't bother pouring it into the glass to show a little drinking decency. She knew the other two would make a big mockery of his charms having gone wrong when this night was over
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Chapter 52
...Sophie.After I had watched him leave, I tried forcing myself to slumber but had woken up two consecutive times within three hours. Now I stood gazing out the window, waiting for his arrival. I knew I shouldn't worry about him but I just couldn't help it.Shortly, the gate was yanked open by the gatekeeper as a familiar car drove in. Having recognized the car as his I hurriedly put on my fluffy slippers, running outside. I almost tripped over on my way as I tried to catch up with him before he would disappear into his private space never to be seen for the night again. I unlocked the front door that leads to the garage and gasped at seeing the condition he was in.What the hell, like he was totally wasted unable to stand on his own two feet if not for his friend who was assisting him. I caught a vague feature of a woman amidst the night view. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was why he was clinging onto her as his life depended on it. Ellabelle's reassuring words flew
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Chapter 53
. . . Morning. Lorenzo felt uncomfortable as if someone was sharing the same bed with him. It was as if someone was drawing him closer but he knew pretty well it was unlikely considering he doesn't like to share his space with anyone. When he couldn't take the uncomfortability anymore, he yanked his eyes open, caressing his forehead. "Fuck! My head's spinning. I'm seeing stars so early in the morning," He exclaimed as his eyes fell on the bed. He saw a woman sleeping next to him. She was so close, her long arm holding onto his broad chest. How possible was that? What are the odds of him bringing in the opposite sex into his comfort zone? A smile crept up his sleep-covered face as he thought it was his sweetheart, Sophie. He had a change of thought as he looked at the colour of the unknown woman's hair. It wasn't red like his wife's. What the fuck was going on? He thought, shoving off her arm. "Hey, get up." He said, shaking her. "Who the heck are you? What's ya doing sleepi
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Chapter 54
...Sophie."No. No. Who are you? Where's this place?" The shadow kept quiet. I knew I was not alone. I knew I was being watched but my company refused to talk. It was dark, chilly and stuffy with only the sounds of the cricket keeping me company. The dimly lit atmosphere felt suffocating. I hyperventilated severally unable to catch my breath. There was no breeze coming in since the windows were locked. I gasped for air. My wrists weren't free, they were cuffed behind my back. My legs were chained to the bed. My neck was strapped with a collar as if I was some caged dog. Was the mysterious stranger who locked me in here planning on mistreating me like a dog that went astray?The situation was above me. It was one I couldn't deal with. My lips were sealed with plastic tape. I couldn't move. I couldn't call out for help with the little breath I had left but I had to try, nevertheless. I found myself screaming but it was muffled. I was slowly losing my mind. Then another shadow appe
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Chapter 55
..."I'm afraid Father but I'll have to decline." He said.Webster took a quick gulp of his drink, polishing it off afterwards. Just as expected, he knew his son was going to shy away from it. His chest rose and fell, his expression prickled with anger.He was the kind that liked obedience. He never liked his authority being questioned. "How can you so adamantly refuse such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Many in your shoes would like nothing but to have such an opportunity thrown their way. The decision has been made and you will not go against it. You will do as I say. I insist. The company won't be passed on to anyone if not you." He said, decisively.Lorenzo shrank back in his seat, adjusting the cufflinks on his sleeves in sudden discomfort as he thought of what to say. "But father... Why me? I don't understand why this sudden responsibility has to fall on my shoulders when my older brother is still alive and kicking. Atkins is the supposed rightful heir, not me. I'm just th
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Chapter 56
...She pulled away, clearing her throat. "Since we're on that topic. Can you accompany me to my friend's night party?" She asked, blinking twice. It was all written on her face how she wanted my response to "I don't think that's...," I was still talking when she cut me off."I mean, he's not really my friend 'cause he once betrayed my trust but I've moved on long ago," she said, taking a sip of her drink. Trying to cover the look of hurt on her face.I sighed, crawling an inch closer to her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.She looked at me and bit her inner lips. "It's all in the past. It's just a guy I was unfortunate enough to cross roads with during my second-year semester. That was two years ago and I'm now in my finals. We fell in love at first sight like all fantasy stories begin. I thought he was my night in shining armour. My prince charming and I was his Cinderella with the missing silver shoe. Little did I know it was my own wild imagination." He huffed, continuin
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Chapter 57
. . . "I have a plan A. We'll escape through the window, then we bolt through the backyard gate. It's already late so it's definitely locked against intruders. Then again... I have a spare. Let's just pray there's no one watching over the gate." She said, exhaling. "Wow! That's a nice plan. But how'd you get your hands on a spare one?" I asked, curiously. "Um. Your husband gave it to me the day he bolted from home. Let me check if I even brought it with me. I always bring it along in case an emergency like this one, occurs." She said, searching through her things. After a few seconds, she found it. "Yepii! it's here!" She shouted, excitedly, locking eyes with me. "Come let's move." She slowly shifted the opening of the window able to slip herself in. I huffed. Not in relief cause it never really mattered if we were able to slip off the night or not. At least not to me, it didn't. I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I thought, inwardly. Once she was out, I sneaked out,
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Chapter 58
...Sophie.I followed Daphne's lead as we entered the night hall. The different fluorescent lights shining all over the place were blinding. The deafening rock music fueled my senses and it was apparent that every person present there with them was in for a long show. The night vibe was killing. The party clubbers were of course, massive.Daphne held my hand like some child whom she wouldn't like to lose amidst all these crowds as we made our way, shoving people aside until we found a joint that was by far less noisy. She pushed back a chair and sat me down on it, going ahead to sit beside me. My eyes took in every little detail as it roamed around the place. We weren't the only people waiting to be attended to. There were many others and they probably had the same reason for finding peace and serenity here instead of the lively dancefloor.Before I knew it, I was already the centre of attention. Hungry men's attention as they undressed me with their lustful gazes. One of them smi
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Chapter 59
Chapter 59Fake marriage with the billionaire playboy..."Fascinating. I can be an exception, then. That ring shouldn't define you. Don't let it cage you in the name of marriage. Not all marriages work. You might think you love him now but you two will grow apart in the end. It's no curse. All marriages, drift apart as time goes on. You can hardly find one that lasts in this century." He said the words like a sane human. Like he was actually making sense when as a matter of fact, he was losing his mind.I scoffed. Dumbfounded. What century did he think he was still living in? God. To think I could even have a proper conversation with such a man was alarming.He continued. "Your husband doesn't need to know. I can replace him. Just say the word." He got off my face. At some point, I was tempted to drag his grey hair and pull it all out but I tried to be a lady. To do as I was taught. Manners and courtesy. If it were my mother."I don't hide anything from my hubby and you can never
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