All Chapters of The Alpha's Surrogate Mistress : Chapter 91 - Chapter 99
99 Chapters
Chapter 91: True Happiness
(Sophia's POV) As Luna's first birthday approached, the pack began making preparations for a grand celebration. The occasion would be marked by a sense of togetherness and happiness. Every member of the pack would gather to celebrate the special day of our beloved daughter.As the celebration approached, I found myself unable to resist the urge to spend time reflecting on the journey that had brought us to this moment. From the moment I met Zavier to the day Luna was born, our lives had become intertwined in ways that I could never have imagined. The pack had transformed into something greater than a mere collection of individuals. It had evolved into a family that was deeply cherished by all of us. The bonds that we shared with one another were remarkably strong and meaningful. They reached depths that were truly profound.As I walked through the forest, I could hear the sounds of the woods all around me. The rustling of leaves under my feet, the chirping of birds in the trees, and
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Chapter 92: Trust is Broken
(Sophia's POV) ~Flashback~ As I walked through the woods, the moon shone brightly overhead. My heart was heavy with a burden that had become unbearable. Luna Bella, the daughter of the pack's former Alpha, was incredibly beautiful. She held a special place in my heart, almost like a little sister. I realized that my actions had permanently altered the dynamics within our family. It was now necessary for me to confront and accept the repercussions of the decisions I had made.As I made my way towards the small clearing, the place where Luna Bella enjoyed spending her time, a beautiful sight greeted my eyes. There she was, sitting gracefully by the stream, her flowing silver hair shimmering under the gentle glow of the moon. When she looked up, her bright eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing me."Sophia!" she called out. Her voice was filled with joy.I mustered up a smile, a deliberate attempt to conceal the anguish that relentlessly consumed my heart. "Hey, Luna Bella," I said. M
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Chapter 93: The One Who Loves
(Sophia's POV) ~Flashback~ I was seated in the utmost comfort of my cozy living room. In this serene environment, I found myself tightly grasping a cup of steaming hot tea, ensuring its warmth and comfort by firmly clutching it with both of my hands. I had been burdened with a weighty secret deep within my heart, a secret that had become too overwhelming for me to bear alone. I needed to confide in someone. There was someone in my life whom I trusted implicitly with my most intimate fears and desires. My best friend Elena has always been there for me, no matter what. She has been a constant source of support and comfort, standing by my side during both the good times and the bad. Whether I'm going through a difficult situation or celebrating a joyful moment, Elena is always there, ready to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand. Her presence in my life has made a significant impact, and I am grateful to have her as my best friend. I have always known that I could rely on her
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Chapter 94: Father's Love
(Sophia's POV) ~Flashback~ I always envision myself to be someone that will definitely give my father a good life. I know that he has a lot of dreams for me, I know that there is a lot of things that I need to do as well in order for myself to keep on going with life. As the days went by, I could feel the weight of my secret becoming heavier and heavier. Each passing moment added to the burden I carried. The words spoken by Elena had remained in my mind for quite some time. After taking the time to reflect on her words, I came to the realization that she was, in fact, correct. I felt a strong need to share my thoughts and feelings with someone I trusted and who was in close proximity to me. This was because I was dealing with a challenging situation at the time. However, the mere idea of informing my father filled me with an overwhelming sense of fear and dread. Throughout my life, he had consistently been the one I could rely on. He has always been my unwavering support system.
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Chapter 95: The Other Way Around
(Zavier's POV) ~Flashback: Zavier's Dream~ I stood there, feeling completely awestruck. I was unable to tear my eyes away from the incredible sight that lay before me. The woman, Sophia, whom I had truly loved, was currently in the process of bringing a completely new life into existence. Ever since the very first moment we met, I have been absolutely astounded by her incredible courage and unwavering selflessness. As I cradled the crying baby in my arms, I was filled with an immense feeling of gratitude and love towards her.I shifted my eyes to Luna Bella. The woman wore a radiant smile on her face, a smile that exuded pure happiness. She extended her hand gently towards the baby's delicate cheek. With love, she caressed it tenderly. Finally, after years of hoping and longing, our ultimate dream of starting a family and bringing a child into our lives has become a reality. Sophia's unwavering support and sacrifice made this incredible achievement possible."Thank you, Sophia," I w
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Chapter 96: Regrets From The Past
~Flashback~ Luna Bella was seated all alone in the quiet solitude of her chambers. The soft moonlight streamed in through the window. It created a gentle glow that enveloped the entire room. As she reflected on her emotions, her thoughts became consumed by a profound feeling of sadness, accompanied by an overwhelming yearning. It had been several years since she and Alpha Zavier was on their journey to conceive a child. Despite their unwavering efforts, she had not been blessed with the gift of pregnancy.As the Luna of the Crescent Pack, she felt an immense weight of responsibility. The main goal that she had was to make sure that the future of the pack was secure. The pack was in need of an heir. She had a strong desire to fulfill Alpha Zavier's longing for a child. Despite her best efforts and the assistance of the pack's healers, she was unable to conceive. As a result, she remained infertile.She was haunted by the memory of that fateful day. On that day, she received news that
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Chapter 97: Losing My Beloved Mate
(Zavier's POV)As I stood next to Luna Bella, a feeling of deep sadness washed over me, causing my heart to sink. It was a heartbreaking moment as I witnessed her life gradually slipping away. Bella, my mate, who was once full of life and vitality, now appeared feeble. Her breaths were growing increasingly shallow as time went on. I was experiencing an intense and excruciating pain in my chest that felt unbearable. The mere thought of a life without her was too overwhelming for me to even imagine.I tightly grasped her hand, desperately yearning for my touch to provide solace and reassurance to her. I begged Bella to remain by my side, my voice filled with intense emotion, causing it to crack and break." I am pleading with you not to abandon me or walk away from me. I am expressing my deep desire for you to stay by my side and not leave me alone."Luna Bella mustered a smile, her eyes brimming with a mixture of affection and sorrow, it's the same eyes that I fell in love with a few
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Chapter 98: The Memories of My Luna
(Zavier's POV)The sadness of losing my beloved Luna Bella remained deeply rooted in my heart. It was a sorrow that refused to fade away, persisting with an enduring ache that seemed to linger on indefinitely. The absence of the woman had a profound effect on me, particularly when it came to making decisions as the Alpha. Her presence was so significant that her absence was palpable, and it influenced every choice I had to make in my leadership role. We deeply felt the absence of her presence, and her memory acted as a source of inspiration and guidance for us as we navigated through the tough obstacles that came our way. The pack, referring to a group of individuals, had become an indispensable source of support and resilience in my life. They provided me with the necessary emotional and practical assistance to navigate through challenging times. Our ability to work together in perfect harmony was instrumental in not only ensuring our survival but also enabling us to thrive and pro
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Chapter 99: The Moon Goddess's Command
(Zavier's POV) On a calm and captivating night, the moon radiated with a dazzling brilliance, illuminating the entire world with its otherworldly light. It was a night that seemed to be filled with magic and wonder. In the midst of this enchanting atmosphere, I decided to go on a solitary adventure through the captivating embrace of the moonlit forest.I discovered that my thoughts were consumed by Luna Bella, and I couldn't help but ponder over the series of events that had led me to where I am now. As I take a moment to contemplate and look back on the various experiences I have had in my life, I am overwhelmed by a deep and intense feeling of longing that permeates my heart. This yearning is a powerful and profound emotion that resonates within me, urging me to seek something more, something beyond what I have already encountered. It is a sentiment that goes beyond mere desire or longing for material possessions, but rather a yearning for a deeper meaning, purpose, or connection
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