All Chapters of The CEO's Deadly Affair : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
Emile Astor feared he was losing his mind. He had barely heard from Iris in a week and a half. Ever since the phone sex call Iris had been cold and distant. She only texted him and they were all very short messages. The latest being ‘maybe we should talk when you’re back’. Maybe? And that meant another week of no communication! He hated this. Sienna was noticing that Emile was only half enjoying their trip. When they were out to dinners and dancing he was present and having a good time. But the moment they came back to the chateau and he would check his phone, sadness set in. Iris must not be texting him back. That meant Donovan was doing his job. She had been bad about communication with Donovan in the last week and a half. She knew that he and Iris had slept together, but didn’t get the full details that she was dying for.Sienna decided that she would call Donovan during her solo shopping trip. Emile clearly wanted to sulk. “Hey boss,” Donovan answered the phone. “You’ve been
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Back Home
“So…I’ve been seeing someone new.” Iris smiled. Dr. Verona perked up. “Have you now?”“Yeah. His name is Donovan and he’s really sweet. He makes me happy and feel light. I think he’s the key to what I’ve been missing.”“And what have you been missing?”“Commitment and happiness. He’ll give me those, I just know it.” Iris said. “And so are things over with Emile?” Dr. Verona questioned. “Well…not exactly. He’s still in Paris with his wife. He still calls and texts. I-I know things will change when he gets back.”“In what way?”“It’s easy to just focus on Donovan when Emile isn’t here. But he’ll come back and completely take over my mind.”“He doesn’t have to if you don’t want him to.” Dr. Verona pointed out. “You don’t get it…Emile has a hold on me like nothing else. It’s not something I can escape.”“You can escape, Iris. You escaped Cal.”She snorted. “Yeah have I?”“What's going on?” Dr. Verona sounded worried. “Donovan has been getting threatening notes. I’m pretty sure they’r
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Emile's Return
Emile spotted Iris the moment he walked in the door. She was holding Donovan’s hand and it bothered him more than anything in the world. Here she was at a party, casually holding another man’s hand like she wasn’t even thinking of Emile anymore. “Emile!” Joi stopped him as he started making his way towards Iris. “I thought you were in Paris.”“Not anymore,” He responded, trying to get past her.“Please…please don’t make a scene.”“I just want to talk to her.”“What if she doesn't want to talk to you, Emile?”“Joi, this is none of your business, just let me talk to her.”“You’re not supposed to be here,” Korah approached them. “Iris is happy, don’t ruin this for her.”“I make her happy,” Emile insisted. “I’m not going to cause a scene, I just want to talk to my girlfriend!”The girls exchanged looks and let him pass. They knew it would cause more of a scene trying to stop him. They watched nervously as he approached Iris and Donovan who still hadn’t seen him. Emile sneered as he wit
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Just as Sienna thought, Iris and Emile were together. It had been Iris that reached out this time. She didn’t like the way they left things. She hated that she was the one chasing him now, but she couldn't help it. She still loved him. “Is your boyfriend here?” Emile asked as he entered the house.“No, he’s not.”“Good. I got you these.” Emile showed her the bouquet of flowers that had been behind his back.Iris smiled happily. “Aw, thank you, Emile. That’s very sweet.”“I’m a sweet guy. Why don’t you put those in a vase and get us something to drink?”Iris was taken aback at Emile’s bold behavior. He was acting extremely confident and completely in control. It reminded her of the night they had met in the bar. How calm and collected he had been. How he knew he had her from the moment their eyes met.“I’ll be right back.” Iris stated. Emile took his suit jacket off before taking a seat. He unbuttoned the first buttons on his shirt to show off his chest. He knew that it would drive
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Donovan's Phone Call
Donovan was displeased to see the mark on Iris’s neck the next day.She had been with Emile and he hated it. He couldn’t figure out what the hell was wrong with Emile and why he couldn’t leave Iris alone. Why wouldn’t he try to make his marriage work instead?“Um, how was your night?” Donovan asked. “Fine,” Iris shrugged like she hadn’t made intense love to Emile multiple times through the night and even that morning.“I missed you.”“I missed you too.” Iris kissed him. “How much did you miss me?” He breathed as he gripped her hips, before lifting her up.He sat on her couch with her wrapped around him. They shared a heated kiss as Iris grinded against Donovan, making his cock twitch.“I missed you so much,” Iris murmured. “Get on your knees and show me.”She slinked to the ground, her eyes not leaving Donovan’s while she unbuttoned his pants. Donovan bit his lip as he watched her pull down his briefs. Slowly her tongue ran over his shaft, still looking at him the entire time. He
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“Um…thank you Iris.” Sienna wanted to slap herself. Literally two seconds in and she already outed herself. This wouldn’t go well. “Do we know each other? You seem a little familiar.” Iris said. “Um, I follow your page on social media. Your wellness one. I see your videos all the time.”“Aw, that’s amazing. Well thanks for following. Have you been to Touch and Glow at all?”“Um…no, not really. I’ve wanted to but I don’t know.”“Well don’t be shy! You should come on in! What’s your name?” Iris questioned. “C…ierra. My name is Cierra.”“With an S or C?”“C.”“My favorite way to spell it,” Iris smiled. “Let me take down your information Cierra. See if I can convince you to come in and do a session with me. I’m really gentle I promise.”Sienna’s mind was racing thinking about Iris’s hands on her. If it was anything like Donovan described she wanted nothing more than to experience that.They exchanged numbers before Iris’s phone rang. “Sorry, it’s my boyfriend, one sec. Hey baby.”Sie
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Sienna thought Touch and Glow was beautiful.It was everything she had imagined it to be. She also thought that it matched Iris’s personality. “Hi, I’m here to see Iris,” Sienna smiled at Korah.“Are you Cierra?”“I am.”“Oh yay! I’ll go get her. Iris has been talking about you all week!” She giggled. Sienna felt special. A woman like Iris was talking about her? How amazing.“Cierra!” Iris hurried over and hugged her. “Loving these leggings!”“Oh thank you. I wasn’t sure what to wear.” Sienna admitted. “You look perfect. Come back to my office.”Sienna followed her to the back and sat down across from her desk. “Okay, let’s get to know you and your body!” Iris smiled. “What’s your last name?”“Smith.”“Okay, Cierra Smith. What do you do for work?”“Um, nothing, actually. Just a lot of hobbies. Cooking, gardening, shopping.”She felt she shouldn’t mention her obscene amounts of stalking.Iris’s eyes landed on Sienna’s ring. “You’re married?”“No. I mean yes, I was. He…died.”“Oh, h
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Sienna’s heart dropped.Neither of the men could see her here. “Um…you know what? Maybe next time? I have another appointment I have to get to.” Sienna stated. “Oh, okay,” Iris hugged her. “See you next week, okay?”“Yeah, enjoy your trip.” Sienna hurried off. She saw Emile entering the front door and she ducked into the women’s bathroom quickly. She stared at herself in the mirror and suddenly realized how much of a lunatic she was. Why was she here?What did she gain from spending time with Iris? It was just going to complicate things even more. But Iris was so fun and sweet. She made her feel good about herself, even if she was sleeping with her husband. When she felt the coast was clear she slipped out of the bathroom and hurried to her car. She sighed heavily, vowing she would end this friendship with Iris. She had to.Sienna glanced in her rearview mirror and saw Emile and Iris hand in hand as they exited the building. She sank in her seat so they wouldn’t see her. Sienna’s
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Emile and Iris
Iris loved going to the lake house.The drive there was her favorite part. She loved the high trees that hid the sun and the winding roads. It made her feel like she was in a whole different world. She also loved how it made Emile. He became relaxed and smiled much more. Emile could be a very serious man and he had been for years. Up until he met Iris, life wasn’t very fun and adventurous for him and now he had a good reason to smile.Emile glanced over at Iris as she looked out of the window happily. He also loved seeing her this way. She was content and so beautiful in nature.“You’re gorgeous,” Emile commented. “So are you.” She whispered. “I’m so glad we got to get away.”“Me too. I need to show you how much you mean to me. I’ve been slacking and I don’t like it.”“You’re only saying that because you have competition.”“Okay, I’m invoking a rule right now. We don’t speak about my wife or your boyfriend for the duration of this trip. This is just about us and should stay that way
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On the Island
Iris was cooking dinner for Emile when she got a phone call.It was from Sienna.“Hi Cierra, what’s up?” Iris answered. Sienna was sobbing. “I-I’m so sorry Iris, I know you’re away on your trip, but I didn’t know who else to call!”“What’s wrong babe?”“I met this really wonderful man tonight. He was attentive and sweet and he really liked me and…he asked me to go to his room with him and I said no!”“Was he mean to you for saying no or something?” Iris asked.“No, he was really nice, but I’m so mad at myself! I’m hung up on someone who doesn’t even really love me! I could have had a good night of sex, but all I’m thinking about is a married man!”“Oh honey. I’m sure your boyfriend does love you.”“He doesn’t! He’s with the woman he loves right now. She’s better than me in every way!” Sienna wailed. “Hey, you listen to me, Cierra! There is not a woman on this planet better than you. You are beautiful and funny and immaculate. If that man doesn’t realize that, then fuck him! You dese
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