All Chapters of HER ANONOYMOUS LOVER: Taming The Devil CEO: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
117 Chapters
Evans walked to Arianna's room and saw her long hair, roughly trimmed to a neck length.Her mother came along too."Should I be concerned?"He asked with an eyebrow quirked."No you silly!"Arianna laughed."She laughed..!"He gasped in shock."Is she finally going crazy?"Arianna's mom contributed."Come on you guys,I am not a teenager,I can't continue sulking over some jerk right?""Are you sure you are okay?"Evans asked again.Arianna's mom gave them some space and left the room."I am, I just want a new look that's all"she shrugged and smiled then turned to the mirror and started cutting off her hair again fiercely.Evans got to her and took the scissors away."Hey! Give it back,I need a hair trim"."Fine, let's go to a hair salon"Evan replied.Arianna's phone she had placed on the dressing table ranged he glanced at it,it was Tianna.He noticed she purposely ig
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"What are you doing here, didn't I tell you that you are not allowed in the Hitler's mansion"Aliecia snapped furiously.Arianna was smiling broadly without any atom of fear in her eyes, and that particular reaction made Aliecia uncomfortable.She glanced back at Andre in confusion then to Evans back to Arianna.She couldn't control herself and grabbed Arianna by the wrist."You don't belong here"."Yes i do"Arianna snapped and roughly pulled her hand from her and stood up.Andre was watching,not sure if the drinks he had too much last night was playing tricks on him or is that really Arianna with a short hair, butting heads with Aliecia."Is this a joke? You do, I am Andre Hitler's wife,move on!""I don't care witch, the Hitler have two sons, I don't have to be with a sadist who takes pleasure in hurting others to get in here..."she smiled and quirked an eyebrow.Aliecia wanted to interrupt a word but Arianna put up a finger
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"Haven't you done enough! What the hell you want from me, you've got the ring now die peacefully!"Andre stood up tall and yelled back at her with every anger in him controlling himself from turning her into a punching bag.Aliecia swallowed hard, as he stood like a tall hulk infront of her."You wish I died... because of that...that shameless bitch..?"Andre started packing up his clothes and stuffs."She replaced you just in two days, don't you see how desperate she is to be married to a billionaire,why are your family so dumb to see her plan! How can they accept her like that, I know they hate you but come on,that's dumb,Mr Hitler is a fool for that decision".Andre said nothing after packing up, then there was a knock on the door, his stomach did a flip.The two turned to the door hopefully expecting something good.Aliecia hoped for Evans, Andre hoped for Arianna.Evans opened the door and stood there, his eyes
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He walked towards them and Arianna pulled Andre's hands off her wrist, she ran and hugged Evans, sobbing uncontrollably in his bosom.Evans pecked her cheek and ran his fingers gently on her hair to console her.Andre's stood shamefully as his eyes met with Evan's******"Welcome back to the celebrity what's new showroom, I am your host Helen Martins and the two charmers with me are Ferdnard and Sussy".The two others waved at the camera."I love that you called me Sussy instead of Susan".The Blondie by name Susan pointed out, she patted her hair elegantly with a smile in a showoff manner."Well I feel offended, this is biased"Ferdinand protested,they all laughed."Anyway today let's talk about the Hitler's.After the super model's Aliecia's tweet about the golddigger, the Hitler's have been trending for says now, ...3 days ago, a wedding was cancelled in a very unusual way and now another is on the way , and even more interesting
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That night,Evans drove Arianna home,he opened the door for her.She muttered thanks with a faint smile and got down from the car. They both walked towards the door.Arianna stopped at doorpost and turned to him."Thanks for the ride, and everything"."You are my responsibility now,there's no need to thank me over a mere ride and everything"Evans replied softly.Arianna nodded slowly."Don't you want him back, he is being sincere you know, I don't know what you are up to have to make a decision"Evans stated.Arianna looked away from him."I've made a decision and that is I will marry you"."Do you love me?"The question hit her hard."Well I will learn to okay!"she yelled out, then she lowered her voice. "I am sorry for yelling out at you".Evans sighed."I love you Arianna...I am real, it started with my obsession about my brother but's the reverse, maybe this is my fate, I have to ac
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Arianna's mother opened the door of Arianna's room middle of the night to check on her.She was fast asleep, tears still wet on her cheeks, her PC was showing slideshows of her pictures with Andre.Her mother sighed softly.She went to her, pulled the duvet over her post, carried the computer to her desk and shut it down.She got back to Arianna,kissed her forehead , turned the lights off and left the room.******The next morning, she went to check and found her already dressed up and applying her makeup."Honey, going somewhere"."To work, i got a job in Evan's company, I talked with him last night,he agreed to offer me a job"."Evans? The brother of Andre,is there something going on between you two?"her mother asked."Well we are a couple now mother, and... please don't try to talk me out of it".She added quickly before her mother could say another word.Her mother sighed.."As long as you are happy".
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Danielle nodded and walked out of the office, a few minutes later. The woman entered, the first thing Arianna noticed was her smile then her piercing blue ocean eyes gave her the glimpses of Andre. She had to blink and stood up with an awkward smile."Welcome, Mrs Julia"she stretched her hand.The woman accepted warmly and thanked her."It's Ms .. separated"." sorry about that"."It's okay,"she replied."Please do have a seat"Arianna gestured at the office chair in front of her desk as she folded her own length on her seat."So Ms Julia, how can I help you?".She said unable to look up at her, her face made her feel so uncomfortable, she couldn't tell why exactly even though she could point to the exact similar eyes with Andre, she thought maybe it's her overthinking that's making her see those similarities."You have gorgeous hair, I also had short hair during my teen years till I was pregnant as an adult".She said to Arianna, who blushed a little."Thanks but I just had it tr
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"Are you okay,did I say something offensive?"Ms Julia broke into her thoughts.Arianna blinked and shook her head with a forced smile."I..was rejected by my father too, I can relate but I am not offended"."Oh really sorry about that"."Don't be, please,"she replied tartly.Ms Julia smiled back softly, she wanted to speak to her again but Arianna spoke first."The bucket ...."she was looking at a small bucket by the edge of the room."Is the roof leaking?"Ms Julia nodded sadly."Andre helped with patch works yesterday, it was way worse than this,I never raised him to be such a responsible and thoughtful youngman, all thanks to you"."Why me..I never taught him anything either"."Andre loves you...I know you are aware of that too"."If you love someone,you won't hurt them"."His only crime was protecting the woman he loved"."From what? Lies.... treating me like trash on the most important day of my life in front of millions, he could have at least told me... you know what I
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Evans kissed her cheek and leaned closer still, his hands finding comfort in her bosom and caressing her swollen flesh."You are so beautiful Anna"he whispered huskily into her ears and made her feel the thickness of his arousal.Arainna's gut tightened with uncomfortableness, forcing herself to play along but it isn't that easy.Arianna pulled her face away the next minute."Did I do anything wrong?"Evans asked with concern, his breath catching as his limits were fast approaching.Arianna shook her head slowly."Then why?""I.. can't do it...Evan"Arianna sobbed,her tears freely rolling down the sides of her eyes.Evans tried to control his annoyance."Because of him? We are engaged Anna,I am a man who needs his woman at a time like this".", I can't..I just can't,I am so sorry Evans"she covered her face with her palms and cried her heart out loudly."Tianna ...Max...i trusted them....I don't even know what I am doing anymore...,i told Andre I don't want him anymore.....I
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HITLER'S MANSION"Did you come here because she denied you sex?"Aliecia asked, putting on her underwear.Evans was sitting on the bed, a cigar clenched tightly between his teeth,he glanced at her."I came back because I knew you were sex starved,"he replied."Oh really, why didn't you wait for the sex starved bitch to come beg you instead of sneaking into your brother's matrimonial room at night to make out with his wife!"She snapped annoyed."I didn't sneak in, I knocked and you opened the door like you've been expecting me for a long time".Aliecia rolled her eyes."I saw you through the door peep hole, I am sick of you treating me like a mere toy all because I wanted to work with you, till date you haven't said a word about it, I am not your toy"." Toy? You are worse than a toy"he stood up and left the room without uttering another wordAliecia cursed and shut the door after him angrily."Brat is nothing different from his stupid brother, He should be grateful,I haven't found a
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