All Chapters of Enemies but lovers1 : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
74 Chapters
chapter 31
Chapter 31Emma froze. Brandon's lips were on hers. It wasn't like she hated it. She craved his touch from time to time but she wasn't expecting him to kiss her this way at least not in the presence of company. Her eyes were wide with shock. The kiss didn't last long. It was hardly even a kiss. Just a touch of lips or so she would like to claim. "Better?" Brandon asked her.Emma gave him an eye roll. She could not let Brandon be aware of what he did to her. Of what his kisses did to her. It made her weak in the knees but there was no way she was going to tell him that nor was she going to tell him that she actually appreciated being kissed by him because it stopped the incoming panic attack."You really couldn't think of another way?" She asked him."Yup, you are okay. Let's get out of this place." Brandon said to her as he stood up."Wh…what?" "I know you don't want to let the police in on this yet but still, we are trespassing in a crime scene. We really shouldn't touch anything a
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chapter 32
Chapter 32Emma woke up and dashed to the toilet to relieve herself. She felt like the baby was sitting on her bladder. She had very little control over it and just taking a small amount of water brought the urge to use the toilet. She moved back to the room after washing her hands and sat on the bed. She was exhausted and hungry which was why she did not notice the phone on the bedside table until it had reached the ground. She was lucky there was a rug on the floor to cushion the fall. She picked the phone up and checked to see if there were any cracks. She had no idea whose phone it was.'Perhaps it belongs to Brandon?' she thought to herself and with that thought in mind, she moved out of the room, downstairs to locate Brandon. Maybe he had forgotten it, she thought to herself as she walked down the stairs. But then, the scent of something delicious wafted through her nose and she traced the aroma to the kitchen where she saw a lady whom she suspected as the cook, placing chicken
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chapter 33
Chapter 33She tossed and turned and turned again. She wasn't hot nor was she uncomfortable but Emma found it hard to sleep. With a sigh, she got up from the bed and moved downstairs. She had a sudden craving for ice cream. Maybe not being able to sleep made her crave it, she had no idea. She moved to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and to her surprise, there was a tub of ice cream. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, the exact one she was craving.Emma wasted no time in taking it out and placing it on the island in the kitchen. Her only issue was finding a spoon. The kitchen was built differently from hers and had every top grade equipment one could ever wish for. Although Emma had no idea how to use most of them. She tried opening the cupboards but there was no handle. "How do they use this thing?" She asked loudly, filled with irritation."Swipe." She heard a voice she clearly knew was Brandon's say from behind her.She had no idea how he had gotten there or when but that was t
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chapter 34
Chapter 34Bang!Godson looked up at the person who just walked into his office like she owned it. She was brimming with anger and he really had no time for her now. Even after the news that had been released, he had still not heard anything from Emma. He wasn't so sure his grandfather's decision this time was right. There was no way Emma would keep silent about the Hugo issue especially with the way she stormed out of his office the last time that had all spoken. Godson planned on giving her one more day before he stormed her home. "What the fuck have you guys been doing?" Lydia gritted out as she approached his desk."What do you mean?" He asked her with a bored gaze.She laughed and then asked him "What do I mean?" "I'm not sure we can have a perfect conversation if you continue behaving like this." He said to her,"Fuck you, Godson. I should never have listened to you. It's because of you I was so lax in keeping track of her. I should have known something happened to her." Lydia
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chapter 35
Chapter 35Emma had a feeling something was wrong. Lydia was acting weird and pressing her for information on where she was currently staying. While Emma knew her friend was worried for her and was just asking after her wellbeing, she could not shake the fact that something was wrong somewhere. And she also knew that it was only a matter of time before her grandfather discovered where she was currently staying. She discovered that the police later showed up at her home to investigate. And that in itself was weird. She knew she had not called the police after what had happened to her but it also wasn't like she was an ordinary citizen. She was related to someone who had much power in their society and quite possibly the country. Now that she thought about it, there were hardly any paparazzi around her whenever she moved around. Apart from her name, she was very much loved like an ordinary citizen. But she had no time to dwell on that at the moment. Because of what had happened, she h
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chapter 36
Chapter 36"I don't want to stay seated anymore. I need air or something." Emma said to Helen."But, Mr Silver did not say anything. Maybe I should ask him?" Helen asked as she moved to pick up her cell phone."What? There is absolutely no need for that. And besides, we are just going to get groceries and nothing else. There is absolutely no need to tell Brandon." Emma said to her."I'm not so sure about this.""Please. I'm tired of staying here and doing nothing except watching television and browsing the internet."Helen knew there was no way she was going to win the argument so she relented. But they had not gotten too far when a very familiar vehicle pulled up in front of Brandon's home.Emma knew who was in the vehicle but she had no idea how the person had found out where she was staying currently. She turned to move back into the building but the person in the vehicle came down and stormed towards her."Don't you fucking dare?" He said to her in anger.Helen frowned. She was su
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chapter 37
Chapter 37"Why exactly did you make me go with Emma to the hospital?" Alec asked Brandon.Brandon groaned when he noticed how all eyes were on him. Benji, Alec and Kevin were all present. They had agreed to meet up for some games in Alec's home although the person who had suggested it, Carson was unavailable because he had not finished his movie."We can't talk about this some other time?" Brandon asked him with a raised eyebrow."We are all gossips, Brandon. One way or another, we'll hear of this." Benji said to him."I'm lost." Kevin said with a frown as he took opened a beer."Long story short, Emma asked for help to get her mother out of a hospital and Brandon said I was more suitable to help her." Alec told him."Why does she want her mother out if the hospital?" Kevin asked with a frown on his face."I don't care. My question now is why Brandon lied." Alec said.Brandon ignored Alec and turned to his brother. " I don't know the full story but I guess she doesn't like the hospit
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chapter 38
Chapter 38Brandon disconnected the call and gave Emma his full attention. "Emma." He started but she interrupted him."Was that about my mother?" She asked him."Emma..""Answer the question, Brandon. Was that about my mother?" She asked him in a stern voice.She held unto the hope that the conversation she had just heard was not about her mother. The mother who was dead wasn't hers. She wanted to believe it so badly but her gut was saying something else.Brandon swallowed and avoided her gaze. He did not have the heart to tell her that her mother was dead. This wasn't how he planned on her finding out about her mother even if he had no idea how was going to go about telling her."No…no. That's not possible. I visited the hospital. I spoke with her. I…""When was the last time you spoke with her?" Brandon asked her."I told you, it was before I found out someone had sent people to kill me. There is no way my mother would be dead in just a few weeks." She said to him,Emma was sure h
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chapter 39
Chapter 39"What is going on here?" Emma heard a voice ask.She turned to give the person who had just arrived her full attention and saw that it was the director of the hospital."Who are you?" Brandon asked him with a bored gaze."Doctor Elijah. The director of this hospital." "Oh, that's nice. Another person to give a lawsuit." Brandon said with a slight smirk on his lips."Lawsuit? What are you talking about?" The director asked with a frown on his face."The lawsuit that will be on your desk soon enough." Brandon replied to him."There will be no lawsuit. I'm sure whatever this is, we can resolve it quietly, in my office." The director said to them."I don't really like closed spaces." Brandon replied to the director."And you are causing a scene here, how about we all act civilized and take this to my office. I'm sure we can resolve whatever is happening." The director said to them.Alec scoffed when he heard that. "Resolve my ass."But Brandon ignored the director and turned
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chapter 40
Chapter 40"I need to see him." Emma said to Brandon as she wiped her tears."What?""I need to see my grandfather.""What? Why? You think anything good will come out of you going to see him?" Brandon asked her with a confused frown.It wasn't even up to an hour since the came back from the hospital and now she says she wants to meet with her grandfather?"Emma, you are not thinking clearly. Just take a deep breath and…""I know exactly what I'm thinking. I'm capable of sound thoughts and I know exactly what is going on. I don't need to rest or take a minute or two. What I need to do is confront my grandfather." She released a sigh and continued. "I'm tired of everything, Brandon. I'm tired of being used like a puppet and I had no idea that my mother had been dead…was dead for over a year. I've been going to the hospital and sitting next to someone I thought was my mother and I…I need answers and I don't want to rest, at least not today until I meet with my grandfather."Brandon stare
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