All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
303 Chapters
#Chapter271Lila's POV - 5 Months Later."You're going to wear yourself out, Lila," Mum sighed. "You know you're supposed to be resting." My mum scolded, trying to usher me back to bed."This is the fourth false alarm," I growled, pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor.She rolled her eyes at me and chuckled. She grabbed my arm gently and stopped in front of me. "It'll happen, Darling. You can't force it.""I had hoped it would only be two months," I grumbled. "It's been fucking five."I sagged against the wardrobe and lolled my head back against the door. "I'm exhausted."Alarix poked his head around the open door and scanned his eyes around until they landed on me. "How are you feeling, beautiful?"I smiled at him and nodded. "Tired."I roamed my eyes over him and sucked in a breath. He was wearing his official royal suit, and he looked absolutely amazing. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing him all dressed up and... royal.It was such a fucking turn on, and
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#Chapter272Alarix's POV - One Year Later.Athan picked up a piece of paper from my desk and sighed. "How many do we have now?" He queried.I looked up from the file I was reading and glanced at another on my desk. "Twenty three packs, sixteen clans and... nine covens," I replied as I set down the file.I groaned, hanging my head against my chair. "Wolves are easy to reach. They listen because Lila is a wolf and Leon is an alpha." I mumbled. "Vampires and witches, not so straightforward." "Everyone has been intimidated by Lilith and our parents so much that they won't speak to us," Athan grunted. "If they listen to what we have to say, they would know we are on their side... We aren't a threat.""Elias and the rest of the warlocks are gathering as many witches and warlocks as possible. It's not easy when everyone is wary of warlocks, "I sighed. "Once more and more vampires learn I am an actual royal and not simply taking over from Darius, they might be a little more indulgent
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#Chapter273Levi's POV"Yes, I will." Elias and I reacted together.My dad laughed and shook his head. "You're supposed to answer separately, but I guess that works." He grinned with a shrug.I smiled lovingly at Elias as we stood on stage in front of the whole pack. I've longed for this day. The day I take my rightful place as their alpha, making my vow and promise to every family member in our pack. And most importantly, Elias stands by my side, my equal partner in everything.To ensure Ryder, Alora and Corbon are safe, the usual extensive celebration isn't happening. We are keeping it private, close-knit; only the pack and members of KS Guidance are here because they are trusted."If you could both turn to me," Dad instructed.The only thing left to do was combine our blood with my dad's. My dad wasn't alpha born, so when he took over from Dominic Knight and Caleb Stone, he had to mix his blood with theirs so that the pack felt my dad's wolf as their alpha.We held our han
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#Chapter274Lila's POV - Seven Years Later.I spun around with a gasp as the kitchen door swung open and hit the wall with a bang. Corbon stormed into the kitchen with a frown."I'm not going back to that school," he grunted, throwing his bag onto the floor.I took two plastic tubs of sandwiches from the fridge and put one in front of him. Alora marched into the kitchen with the same expression Coby had.I put the other tub in front of Alora and sat down in front of them. "Okay, what happened at school?" I asked.Coby finished what he had in his mouth before he groaned and shook his head. "Mrs Greenburg was talking about hybrids today in history class." He groaned."What did she say?" I questioned, my eyes went wide and I sat upright."Hybrids are unnatural and dangerous," Alora whispered."She wanted us to be prepared and ready for when our king and queen have their baby," Corbon added with a sigh."I don't know why she did it, though. Hybrids aren't history." Alora grumbl
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#Chapter275Alora's POV - Seven Years Later.4I scowled as I stared in the mirror, scanning my eyes over the skimpy blood-red dress clinging to my too much-exposed body. I'd take pants or even a full-body suit over this dress any day.′Quit your yapping. It's only for a few hours, so suck it up.′ Allie, my wolf quipped.′You won't be the one wearing this all night.′ I moaned, ′I'll be the one being ogled and attracting all the unwanted attention.′She huffed and rolled her eyes. She retreated to the back of my mind again and left me to suffer alone. When my mum gave me this dress, I couldn't say no to her. I've not worn a dress, probably since my mum and dad dressed me, but she seemed so pleased when I agreed; her reaction makes wearing this damn dress worth it.It's my and Coby's eighteenth birthday today, and my dad thought it would be a brilliant idea to celebrate with our friends this year.I, however, think it's a ridiculous idea.We've never celebrated with our friends.
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#Chapter276ALONE AND EMPTY“It’s time to wake up, Alora.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he pulled the blindfold away from my eyes.I groaned and screwed my eyes shut from the bright light blinding me. I blinked a few times until I was adjusted to the light. I pulled against the restraints, holding me down against the metal pathetic excuse of a bed, attempting to move away from him.Just once I’d like to face someone other than him, I’m always blindfolded, unless he’s here. I never see anyone, but him.“Oh my darling, I have missed you.” He grinned, brushing his thumb against my cheek.“What have you done?” I choked, jerking away from him.My wolf was gone; I couldn’t sense her. All I felt was empty, I didn’t feel whole at all. Usually, I can sense her, it isn’t strong, but she’s there. Now there is nothing, she’s gone. Without her, I’m completely alone.“Your wolf has gone into a deep sleep for a while,” he smiled sweetly at me. “If the mark takes and
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#Chapter277A VAMPIRE, SOME FOOD AND A DRINKI think it’s been ages since Luca has been here. I know I should be relieved, it means he hasn’t sought to seal the bond, but I haven’t any food or water since he’s not been here. Not that I was given a lot, only enough, so I wouldn’t starve, but not enough to actually put me back in full strength. I haven’t been allowed to feed either. I don’t know how long I can go without it. I’m not a full-blooded vampire, so I don’t need much, but right now, my thirst is at an all time high.I’m uncomfortable, my whole body is numb and tingly; it’s actually beginning to hurt. I am wallowing in my own self pity. My own comfort is Corbon, I can still feel him. I hope he can still feel me, then he’ll know I’m still alive. I don’t even know where I am, if I’m close enough for him to track me.“Luca!” I called out.If I can get him to come to me and play nice with him, he might take the restraints off and let me wander around this room. I just n
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#Chapter278BLOODLUSTI sucked the straw until the flask was empty. I breathed exhilarated and wiped my mouth. That definitely helped, I can already feel it. I let my head fall back against the wall and closed my eyes.“I know I said I was going to bring you a vampire, but I hope that did the trick.” Luca chuckled.I hummed and nodded my head.“We don’t have vampires lying around for you to feed on, so don’t get too used to it.” He mentioned as I felt him coming closer to me.I snorted and opened my eyes. I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes and chuckled.“Now you’ve given me blood, I need it regularly.” I took a deep breath and glared at him, “if I don’t, bloodlust will kick in and you’ll all be fucked.”Bloodlust would certainly help in this situation, but without proper anchoring, I would lose myself. It would become about the need to feed, nothing else would matter. There is a chance that I would forget everything, home, everyone, even myself. It is j
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#Chapter279SHATTERED HEARTS“You can sit on the bed, you know.” Brody hummed, turning the page of his book.I knew his voice and his name, but I’d never seen him before. As much as Luca repulses me, I’m not blind, I can see how good looking he is. Brody, though, is something else; he’s fucking hot!The longer I stared at him, some strange feelings were stirring inside of me. It feels like my body is buzzing with the need to feel him against me, to see how his body would feel against mine... It was confusing, to say the least.I shook my head to rid the thoughts and took a deep breath.“You’re the one who looked after me, right?” I questioned as I tiptoed over to the bed.I climbed on the bed and leaned back against the wall. He turned his book upside down and set it down on his outstretched leg. He took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.“Yeah... I was.” He murmured.“Are they forcing you to do this?” I asked, because he looked nervous as hell.
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#Chapter280OUTDATEDIt’s been a few days since Luca brought me to Brody’s room. I haven’t fed on him yet, I’m too nervous. I have a few more days until I would need it, so I’m going to drag it out as much as possible. The reason I’m nervous is because of the tension between us, it’s undeniable... If I’m not watching him, he’s watching me.We are getting closer. My nightmares are slowly dwindling away, but when I do have them, Brody keeps them at bay. Being close to him settles me.Now I’m not constantly strapped to a bed, I’m not sleeping as much, and my strength is getting stronger every day. I’m never bored here, there are so many things I can do. If I’m not with Brody, I’m with Luca, and there are mountains of books and a television to keep me occupied. Plus, I’ve been allowed to shower; there’s an en-suite bathroom off the room.The room is laid out like a hotel room; I guess I’m in an old hotel.I still don’t have my wolf. When I ask Luca when she’s going to ret
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